Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'm back.

Got my clothes from lovecloset. And it's nice! I like it, lots and lots. 2nd pre-order's up! Support people! Nice stuffs up :D

Avatar in 3D wasn't much of a difference from the normal one I watched with cousin last Friday, during Christmas :/ The more obvious ones are from the advertisements of other upcoming movies, which are so much more realistic, where you can see the people are like really coming towards your direction. For example, Alice in The Wonderland. Nice 3D effects. But, nevertheless, Avatar's a nice movie, worth spending 7 or 8 bucks watching it in the cinema.


Felt like inviting friends up to my house than we can spend the very first moments of year 2010 together. But than, I doubt anyone would come luh, since it's so last minute. Haha.. Hmm, looks like I have to do it with mummy and daddy this year again! Nvm, 2011 it shall be. Hee..

Kay.. Sakae Sushi with my darlings tomorrow!! Gosh, I don't wanna grow fat!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

HEY HEY!! :D I'm blogging. Sorry for keeping you guys in suspense, cus I see the hits going up day by day. But But, no one tagged. SAD RIGHT!!!!! HAIYO!!!! Anw, I didn't know that my life's such interesting. Either that, or people have nothing better to do, so they have no choice but to browse through everybody's blogs. Well, at least I do that. Quite bo liao actually.

Hmm, I'm blogging right before I go out to meet Esther and Cheryl to get my clothes. YAY!! Super excited luh. So, realising that I have too many clothes in my wardrobe and there aint any hangers to spare at home alrdy, I cleared my wardrobe just now. Guess what, I don't have much clothes left alrdy. Hahaha.. I plan change everything anyway. Plus, not many fit me anymore cus I was really SUPER SIZE during primary school. Don't really wanna go back to that anymore. HEE!! :D

Went jogging in the morning. Great, it was so sunny and I'm like more tanned than before. WOW. Hope I don't look like some super blackie or something. And And, the tan lines are like super obvious luh. Not visible with school uniform though. Speaking of the school uniform, I kinda miss wearing it. Haha.. Yeah, I'm ARIEL the WEIRDO. LOL. Wonder if I still can fit in it :/

Dad says he gonna get me a MacBook!! YAY!! This means that I don't have to share this stupid, laggy laptop with my bro and sis anymore (ever since the desktop crashed)!!! Looking forward to it. Don't even try to bluff me and don't buy it for me, dad.


Although it's like days after christmas, but, there're 25 days of christmas! Remember?

" On the first day of Christmas, my true love said to me........."

Nice, I'm random.

SO SO, my christmas. Spent it with my beloved cousin!! Watched Avatar. Nice Nice movie. Worth sitting there for around 3 hours. Then, we lost our way luh! We didn't know how to get back to Marina Square after getting out of that freaking cinema. Wth, make us walk one big round, then in the end, we don't know where we are. -.-" So, since we've lost our way, we saw this Fish Reflexology thingy. You know, with the fishes eating your dead skin off your feet. It was really really scary and ticklish at first. But after a while, it feels really nice and comfortable. It's like something vibrating at your feet at different places.

Thanks to dad, I'm going to watch Avatar today again, the 3D one. Cus we didn't watch the 3D one last Friday. So yeah, he insisted that I have to watch it with him again since I've promised him long time ago.

Kay, check out my randomness,

Tongue and Naval Piercing, I like!! :D But than, daddy doesn't allow tongue. Hmm, I think I'm seriously crazy about it or something, but, I cried cus he doesn't allow D: About the Naval, I haven't asked yet. Give me 2 more weeks, I'm halfway through my abs. What's the use of Naval piercing if you don't have nice abs? Right? So yeah, 2 weeks is enough (:

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Yay, I'm blogging!

Was supposed to have tennis just now at 11. But than, the freaking rain didn't stop and it was raining since morning luh! So, we're playing later, at 1. Haha. Yes, the rain is finally getting lighter after so long :D ALVIN IS HAPPY!!!! I'm having 3 trainings this week. Plus tomorrow, even though it's Christmas :/

Cuzzies are finally back from China for good! Gonna see them tomorrow. AWWW, the 2 lil' ones.

Gonna get Christmas prezzies for everyone! Be excited kay, cus Ariel the Alvin's presents are gonna be the best! o.O GAWD, I'm like freaking high now luh.

School's starting in like 2 weeks time and I haven't finish doing my homework yet! Especially the History essay. It's freaking me out man, I'm like writing 1 paragraph everyday. Haha. Cus you know, it's really really wordy and my hands get tireddddddddd....... Needa train muscles for my hands so I can write faster for the exams. LOL, random-ness..

Kay, gtg!! :D

Monday, December 21, 2009

I think today's the best day ever with Esther accompanying me. Thanks Esther, for listening to all my problems, loves!!

But But, today's also the most embarrassing day ever luh! How come? Cus I thought my dental appointment was today, but than, it's supposed to be tomorrow. So I went into the dental clinic and the nurse checked my file, and told me "Today meh? No luh, it's tomorrow. Hahaha.." I was like fucking embarrassed and I blushed like hell luh. And I walked out of the dental clinic with this awkward smile. Lucky there wasn't any shuai ge there. Hehehehe!!!!!! =p

Than I came home, had my breakfast, than bused to Pasir Ris to meet up with Esther, to change the size of the shorts I bought last week, too big for me. And the recipt was with her. I was late, again, as per normal. So there wasn't any of my size anymore, of the colour I wanted, than I got another one. Disappointed.....

Esther accompanied me home and I bathed and we went to Queensway. Needa restring me racket cus it snapped yesterday. I wasn't being violent or what okay, just my power. HEE!!!!!!

ESTHER, ESTHER, ESTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Kay, I'm done with this picture cus my laptop finally has Microsoft Office after the stupid desktop crashed -.-" Cool right?!

Went shopping with Mum today to shop for New Year clothes. Got a dress for like $70++ and I super love it luh :D But feel quite guilty though, cus I didn't know about the price o.O

Watched Xiaxue's Guide to Life just now. The acting thingy was funny!(Link) The actor who was supposed to act with her in the psycho part was abit weird luh. Saying 'FUCK' so NOT naturally. LOL.

Kay, I'm getting tired!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Kay, I've decided not to upload the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 cus I think I look seriously funny and weird. So I uploaded this instead. I thought it's really, erm, cool? Cus I'm trying do exactly like the poster at the back, thought I don't look anything like it, at all. The reason is, I can't just close my right eye like I can do so to my left. So I was forcing it and stressing out Dad to hurry up cus it's gonna open soon. Kay, it sounds really weird, right? Haha..
( Looks more like my birthday can. )

So it was bro's birthday yesterday and we bought this DURIAN CAKE. I was seriously disgusted by how it was named: "DURIAN MOUSSE". Nothing luh, with the DURIAN word inside. But than, it's nice you know. Really really nice. And And, we bought relightable candles. Y' know, those that relights itself when you try to blow them out. So, he was trying to blow them out for 10mins. Wow, I think the cake is full of his saliva. But nevermind, we still ate it. :D

Dad received this 1kg log cake from his customer and it's LONGGGGGGGGGGGGG. I don't know how long I'm going to take to finish it. Cus it's meant for me and most importantly, it's nice also!!!!!! Oh gosh, I'm gonna grow fat. Prima Deli one leh. Hahahaha. DARK CHOCOLATEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

Oh yes, Planet 51 yesterday. Nice cartoon with funny parts. Lol. Feel like a kid cus the cinema........mostly kids. Hee.

I think I'm spending too much money. I spent at least $100 already, this week, buying clothes and everything. And everyone's having blogshops! So as a NICE friend, I have to support them right? Lol. Bye money.

K, I'm kinda pissed off by someone now. If you don't want me to care, than I can really not care and just not reply your messages and ignore your phone calls. URGH. Don't mind this, I'm just moaning. LOL.

Was supposed to buy books with Esther today. But when we were having lunch at Subway, we realised that the school bookshop aint open today! Oh, how blur can I get. So we ended up buying them from Popular at White Sands. Thanks Esther, waiting for me while I shop for my stuff. But, have to trouble you again, cus the shorts are too big for me. =p Oh, talking about White Sands, I saw this pushcart at KL that is called White Sand. Cool, felt so homely when I saw it. Lol, I'm weird.

Gonna start studying!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Blogging just before I shower and go out. I'm like going out every single day this week luh! Pictures up when I come back tonight kay.

Aww, TUMMY UPSET!!!!!!!! I'm like detoxing yesterday and today, shitting right after I eat something. Stupid. And And, it's my Bro's birthday today! HAPPY 14TH! Finally turned 14 just before the year ends. Haha.

Dad bought a iPhone. Surprisingly, he didn't take such a long time to figure out how to use it. Thanks to me :D I was there, helping him, connect this connect that. Wow.

KK, till tonight!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Decided to upload some of the other photos since I'm too bored at home. Time check: 10.14pm. Dad, Mum and Grandma are asleep. The 3 of us are watching tv. Hee.

These pictures are taken at Genting when Mum and Dad are ordering KFC for us for our lunch. It was so crowded that we had to wait for so long luh. Here's the 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 would be tmr. PROMISE! Cool pictures right! Haha!

Went for lunch @ Say Cheeze at T1 with Dawn, Esther, Wuan ling and Hui Ying. Nice Nice! But it's fatty fatty. Haha. Only can eat that kind of food once every 2 weeks, or I'll grow fat. Lol. Went to Dawn's house after that, than went back to Tampines for shopping. At least I bought stuff okay. Homed at about 5.30.

Had Dinner, than used com. Visited Esthery's new Blogshop. Support kay!! Nice clothes! Girls' stuff, of course. Bought 2 tops from there, looking forward to it coming to me! :D

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hey guys, sorry for leaving you all in suspense.

So, in the end, I still went to Malaysia. Haha. It was like really really last minute. We booked the hotel like 2 days before we went for the trip.

Left home at about 11.30 and reached KL at like 4 plus. Shouldn't take such a long time actually, cus we took the wrong way, like thanks to the "nice" signboards luh, super confusing.

We stayed at Cititel Hotel, next to Midvalley Mega Mall. It's really a Mega Mall can. So much bigger than Vivo City. Went to meet Uncle Jack and Auntie Margie there. Cus Auntie Margie is from KL and Uncle Jack just came back from Australia from his Ironman. 3.8km of swimming, 180km of cycling and 42km of running. Cool right, don't know how he finish can. 13hours and 40mins.

So we waited for them at Macs there while they did their shopping. And And, their McSpicy isn't called McSpicy, it's called Mega Spicy Chicken or something like that. Cool right. Plus, their still having their Prosperity Meal while we're having the Avatar thingy. Haha. I feel so bo liao to notice all these stuff. Haha..

Went to Genting the next day. It's COLDDDDDDDDDDD. Not really luh, 15 degrees or so. But it's cold enough to make me freeze. LOL.

Oh yes, and this picture, we took this picture cus of this :

At the exact same spot. Haha. 11 years before and 11 years later. See the contrast? LOL.

Kay, this shall be the last picture since it would take ages for me to upload everything and also, blogger is taking uber long.

Find this picture really cool cus this is like the last random picture the three of us took at Genting, IN THE CARPARK. Mum was like, "Let's take a picture here." Than the 3 of us just randomly pose. LOL.

Random topic. Seriously think that those Uncles who deliver goods to Genting or Highlands need A LOT of patience. Imagine drving up the slopes at 40-60km/h for around 150km or more. Wth, I can never do that lorh. My dad's like driving at thrice its speed. Does it motivate you to study harder and get better jobs? Haha, at least it does, to me. Cus I can never have such patience to drive at walking speed.

Yes, watched The Storm Warriors 2 at Midvalley. Terrible show, no storyline at all. No comments.

Training on Sunday was nice. Catching up with people I haven't seen for qute some time. Samantha, she's studying at Austraia, Physiotherapy. Cool, not for me though. Hee. =p She just have to study college for a year and going on to University next year. Imagine going to University at the age of 18. WOW.

Started to revise my Sec 3 stuff. Can't believe I'm doing that too. I had a really really huge barrier to overcome kay. Y' know, I'm not the studying kind. Haha..

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

"Yeah, I know I'm the coolest 15-year-old on Earth (:"

My legs are still feeling really sore from the marathon. AND WHAT? I went roller-blading with Si Hui and Darence yesterday @ ECP! Aww, can't believe I actually did that man. But then again, my legs felt better after that. Yeah, that's why, MUST exercise a day or 2 after you made your muscles ache, really helps. Cus your body releases some acid that build up the muscles that were fats before. *spent a long time thinking about how to phrase that. Haha..*

Guess my Malaysia trip is cancelled D: Cus dad's really busy. Hmm, can't help but feel a lil' disappointed. Trips are always cancelled. Tsk tsk tsk, nvm.

Gawd, I'm getting really really lazy. I haven't even started with any of my homework yet -.-" Urgh, have to start catching up with all my studies or I'll have a hard time next year. Wow, sounds easy saying huh.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

YAY!!!!!! I completed my marathon!!!!! (:

It wasn't easy can, had quite a tough last 12km. But whatever it is, I got my finisher tee c: Not as nice as the past years ones, but I'm still proud of it. Hahaha.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

OMG . OMG . OMG !!!!!!!!!!

I have less than 12 hours before the marathon starts!!!!! GAWD, I'm starting to feel nervous y' know. And today's the carbo loading day. Loaded my stomach with loads and loads of carbs. I swear, never eat this way if you're not gonna burn them off. You'll get freaking fat. Aww, I'm so full. But than, I didn't eat as much as dad and mum did. And what? I'm having dinner soon and I just finished my bowl of cereal. Gosh.

I was too bored just now and so, I went blog hopping. You know, those idiots who think they're so good but they're just a bunch of losers. LOL.

Oh yes, I'm gonna have tuition, for English and Physics, after much consideration for about 2 months. Hahaha.. Cus, I guess it's time for me to put in more, much more effort into my studies now and get my straight As during Os. Please lorh, it isn't so easy to get straight As can, Ariel Tan. -.-"

Kay, it's time for me to eat again!

Friday, December 04, 2009

Hey peeps,

today's such a rainy day. Have been raining since morning, till now, which is..........(checking the time) 6.40pm. Well, at least for my side. It's getting really really cold here. Say, 24 degrees, averagely, cold enough for me okay. I'm like getting flu already, 2 days before my marathon.

Saying of marathon. Went to Orchard today. (Again. Pretty much of a Orchard fan recently, cus I'm too bored at home and I don't know anywhere else to go) And guess what, all the advertisements, race marks, distant marks etc are all put up. I saw the 33km mark. ( Please lorh, dont't even know whether I can even reach there.) o.O

Metabolism rate's getting high right now. Get hungry really, and I eat a lot now. I eat ice-cream like almost every night. HAHAHAHA. The point is, I'm not gaining weight. Wow, I like that. LOL. *trying to encourage myself*

Dad asked me to dream more yesterday. Random right, he told he that while he was sending me home from running. I was like ??. Than he said, "dream of what christmas present you want". HELLO, THIS IS THE FIRST TIME HE IS GOING TO BUY A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR ME CAN. FIRST. NEVER BEFORE IN MY 15 YEARS OF LIFE. Quite surprised actually. Not much of a difference luh, I have lots of it throughout the year. Just that it has a name, and specially given on the 25th of december. Makes sense right? Yeah, I know that.

Came across this stupid news. There's this girl in Taiwan, who plays HappyVille(or HappyVale, whatever) on facebook, being afraid that her crops would be stolen, she had insomnia for 2 months. Please lorh, it's just a facebook game can, my goodness.

Kinda pity Tiger Woods. Just because of a stupid car crash, his affairs with SEVERAL other women got digged out. Too bad, who ask him to have affairs with other females. So, huo gai. Lol, just a random topic.

Kay, time for dinner! I'm hungry =p

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Escaped from home yesterday. Hahaha, yeah, I'm EVIL. Watched A Christmas Carol with sis at Plaza Sing. Not bad not bad. At least it entertained me for 2 hours.

Kay, I'm dying of boredom at home. I needa go out!!!!!!!!!

Yay, I'm going to do medicure tomorrow. My day out. (:

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

YAY, I'm going out later. Can't stay at home any longer, I'll seriously go mad, with all the pressure and everything.

Looking forward to next Thursday, cus grandma's going Bangkok :D Sorry, I may sound bad, saying this to my very own grandma, but, I can't help it but to feel relieved that all of us would be NOT under her nose for 4 days. Yes, that's the bad news, only for 4 F-O-U-R days.

Wonder why she'd become like that, getting crazier and crazier everyday. Thinking about things that she shouldn't be thinking about. WEIRD. I think I shall trick her to some psycologist some day. Maybe she's traumatised by some stuff last time. (??)

Jokes aside. As according to dad, she's been like that ever since he was born. So yeah, that's her character. Just that the season has ceased off for 14 years and has come back this year. Also the main reason as to why grandpa ran off with some other woman, until now. Plus, as to information, she would chase grandpa with the chopper around the kampong. WTF, drama queen. YES, I HOLD THIS PARTICULAR HATRED FOR HER NOW, FOR INTERRUPTING MY FAMILY LIFE AND BREAKING UP MY FAMILY. Wonder if she have ever thought that she's been such a failure being a mother and grandma. The point is, she never thinks, for once, that she's in the wrong and should ever apologise. Just because she's the eldest in the family. Hello, even though you're the elderly here, you should also admit to your mistakes. Basic manners, for heaven's sake.

Sometimes I really wanna just live by myself, alone, outside. And just visit my family maybe, say, few times a week for dinner? This may not sound like a good idea to many, but, in my case, this would be a very very nice way out. But than, too bad, I'm only 15. Just hope that the ceasing season would last for another 10 or so years when all of us would already be grown-ups.

Grandma's going over to next door for the night for the next 3 days. Cus Uncle's not gonna be in town and he'll be back for 3 days and not in town for another I-DONT-KNOW-HOW-LONG. Yay-ness, my ears are clean for the next 3 days. Don't have to listen to grandma bad-mouth about dad and mum for the next 3 days. You know, it really aint a nice feeling to hear someone bad-mouth about your parents EVERYDAY at your face. What's more, she's bad-mouthing about her own son luh. Doesn't she feel bad? It's her own son -.-"

Nice stuff now. I'm gonna celebrate Eudora's birthday for her! See, I'm so nice right? Haha. But But, some of the girls can't make it on that day Eud. I'll see how kay? Loves.

And And, I'm going KL for shopping and genting! Don't worry dad, I don't mind if we delay another week. Haha. Already very glad that all of us can go out together. Plus, I need the days to celebrate Eud's birthday! LOL.

Kay, going out soon.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Yay, I'm so glad that dad says we may be shifting out of this fucking house fucking soon. I really fucking cannot stand her fucking nonsense any fucking more.