Saturday, December 05, 2009

OMG . OMG . OMG !!!!!!!!!!

I have less than 12 hours before the marathon starts!!!!! GAWD, I'm starting to feel nervous y' know. And today's the carbo loading day. Loaded my stomach with loads and loads of carbs. I swear, never eat this way if you're not gonna burn them off. You'll get freaking fat. Aww, I'm so full. But than, I didn't eat as much as dad and mum did. And what? I'm having dinner soon and I just finished my bowl of cereal. Gosh.

I was too bored just now and so, I went blog hopping. You know, those idiots who think they're so good but they're just a bunch of losers. LOL.

Oh yes, I'm gonna have tuition, for English and Physics, after much consideration for about 2 months. Hahaha.. Cus, I guess it's time for me to put in more, much more effort into my studies now and get my straight As during Os. Please lorh, it isn't so easy to get straight As can, Ariel Tan. -.-"

Kay, it's time for me to eat again!


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