Wednesday, December 02, 2009

YAY, I'm going out later. Can't stay at home any longer, I'll seriously go mad, with all the pressure and everything.

Looking forward to next Thursday, cus grandma's going Bangkok :D Sorry, I may sound bad, saying this to my very own grandma, but, I can't help it but to feel relieved that all of us would be NOT under her nose for 4 days. Yes, that's the bad news, only for 4 F-O-U-R days.

Wonder why she'd become like that, getting crazier and crazier everyday. Thinking about things that she shouldn't be thinking about. WEIRD. I think I shall trick her to some psycologist some day. Maybe she's traumatised by some stuff last time. (??)

Jokes aside. As according to dad, she's been like that ever since he was born. So yeah, that's her character. Just that the season has ceased off for 14 years and has come back this year. Also the main reason as to why grandpa ran off with some other woman, until now. Plus, as to information, she would chase grandpa with the chopper around the kampong. WTF, drama queen. YES, I HOLD THIS PARTICULAR HATRED FOR HER NOW, FOR INTERRUPTING MY FAMILY LIFE AND BREAKING UP MY FAMILY. Wonder if she have ever thought that she's been such a failure being a mother and grandma. The point is, she never thinks, for once, that she's in the wrong and should ever apologise. Just because she's the eldest in the family. Hello, even though you're the elderly here, you should also admit to your mistakes. Basic manners, for heaven's sake.

Sometimes I really wanna just live by myself, alone, outside. And just visit my family maybe, say, few times a week for dinner? This may not sound like a good idea to many, but, in my case, this would be a very very nice way out. But than, too bad, I'm only 15. Just hope that the ceasing season would last for another 10 or so years when all of us would already be grown-ups.

Grandma's going over to next door for the night for the next 3 days. Cus Uncle's not gonna be in town and he'll be back for 3 days and not in town for another I-DONT-KNOW-HOW-LONG. Yay-ness, my ears are clean for the next 3 days. Don't have to listen to grandma bad-mouth about dad and mum for the next 3 days. You know, it really aint a nice feeling to hear someone bad-mouth about your parents EVERYDAY at your face. What's more, she's bad-mouthing about her own son luh. Doesn't she feel bad? It's her own son -.-"

Nice stuff now. I'm gonna celebrate Eudora's birthday for her! See, I'm so nice right? Haha. But But, some of the girls can't make it on that day Eud. I'll see how kay? Loves.

And And, I'm going KL for shopping and genting! Don't worry dad, I don't mind if we delay another week. Haha. Already very glad that all of us can go out together. Plus, I need the days to celebrate Eud's birthday! LOL.

Kay, going out soon.


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