Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hey guys, sorry for leaving you all in suspense.

So, in the end, I still went to Malaysia. Haha. It was like really really last minute. We booked the hotel like 2 days before we went for the trip.

Left home at about 11.30 and reached KL at like 4 plus. Shouldn't take such a long time actually, cus we took the wrong way, like thanks to the "nice" signboards luh, super confusing.

We stayed at Cititel Hotel, next to Midvalley Mega Mall. It's really a Mega Mall can. So much bigger than Vivo City. Went to meet Uncle Jack and Auntie Margie there. Cus Auntie Margie is from KL and Uncle Jack just came back from Australia from his Ironman. 3.8km of swimming, 180km of cycling and 42km of running. Cool right, don't know how he finish can. 13hours and 40mins.

So we waited for them at Macs there while they did their shopping. And And, their McSpicy isn't called McSpicy, it's called Mega Spicy Chicken or something like that. Cool right. Plus, their still having their Prosperity Meal while we're having the Avatar thingy. Haha. I feel so bo liao to notice all these stuff. Haha..

Went to Genting the next day. It's COLDDDDDDDDDDD. Not really luh, 15 degrees or so. But it's cold enough to make me freeze. LOL.

Oh yes, and this picture, we took this picture cus of this :

At the exact same spot. Haha. 11 years before and 11 years later. See the contrast? LOL.

Kay, this shall be the last picture since it would take ages for me to upload everything and also, blogger is taking uber long.

Find this picture really cool cus this is like the last random picture the three of us took at Genting, IN THE CARPARK. Mum was like, "Let's take a picture here." Than the 3 of us just randomly pose. LOL.

Random topic. Seriously think that those Uncles who deliver goods to Genting or Highlands need A LOT of patience. Imagine drving up the slopes at 40-60km/h for around 150km or more. Wth, I can never do that lorh. My dad's like driving at thrice its speed. Does it motivate you to study harder and get better jobs? Haha, at least it does, to me. Cus I can never have such patience to drive at walking speed.

Yes, watched The Storm Warriors 2 at Midvalley. Terrible show, no storyline at all. No comments.

Training on Sunday was nice. Catching up with people I haven't seen for qute some time. Samantha, she's studying at Austraia, Physiotherapy. Cool, not for me though. Hee. =p She just have to study college for a year and going on to University next year. Imagine going to University at the age of 18. WOW.

Started to revise my Sec 3 stuff. Can't believe I'm doing that too. I had a really really huge barrier to overcome kay. Y' know, I'm not the studying kind. Haha..


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