Friday, December 04, 2009

Hey peeps,

today's such a rainy day. Have been raining since morning, till now, which is..........(checking the time) 6.40pm. Well, at least for my side. It's getting really really cold here. Say, 24 degrees, averagely, cold enough for me okay. I'm like getting flu already, 2 days before my marathon.

Saying of marathon. Went to Orchard today. (Again. Pretty much of a Orchard fan recently, cus I'm too bored at home and I don't know anywhere else to go) And guess what, all the advertisements, race marks, distant marks etc are all put up. I saw the 33km mark. ( Please lorh, dont't even know whether I can even reach there.) o.O

Metabolism rate's getting high right now. Get hungry really, and I eat a lot now. I eat ice-cream like almost every night. HAHAHAHA. The point is, I'm not gaining weight. Wow, I like that. LOL. *trying to encourage myself*

Dad asked me to dream more yesterday. Random right, he told he that while he was sending me home from running. I was like ??. Than he said, "dream of what christmas present you want". HELLO, THIS IS THE FIRST TIME HE IS GOING TO BUY A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR ME CAN. FIRST. NEVER BEFORE IN MY 15 YEARS OF LIFE. Quite surprised actually. Not much of a difference luh, I have lots of it throughout the year. Just that it has a name, and specially given on the 25th of december. Makes sense right? Yeah, I know that.

Came across this stupid news. There's this girl in Taiwan, who plays HappyVille(or HappyVale, whatever) on facebook, being afraid that her crops would be stolen, she had insomnia for 2 months. Please lorh, it's just a facebook game can, my goodness.

Kinda pity Tiger Woods. Just because of a stupid car crash, his affairs with SEVERAL other women got digged out. Too bad, who ask him to have affairs with other females. So, huo gai. Lol, just a random topic.

Kay, time for dinner! I'm hungry =p


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