Friday, July 31, 2009

We, the cadets under Si Hui,

pledge to always listen to her.

Regardless of how stupid the request maybe,

we must always oblige.

So as to achive happiness, joy

and promote all the way!

Some pledge that Si Hui came up with during Maths lesson. Yeah, it was too boring, I know that. Ms Chung! Please come back! See this Si Hui? Aren't you proud of yourself? Haha

Haven't been blogging. Busy with schoolwork, tests and everything. Stressed up luh. I'm having lots of grey hair!!!

Nothing interesting have been happening in school except for this pledge thing, which has a long story behind it. -.-" It's kinda retarded luh. But that's the only way to keep ourselves awake during Mr Ang's lesson. Which I don't understand his english at all. This is when ace-learning comes into good use. Like I said. Lol.

Dad's going overseas on Sunday. Awwww, so gonna miss him.

Kay, seriously nothing have been happening. Maybe my class already have too many 'crimes'. So yeah, we stopped. Haha.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Super pissed off today.

School's boring. English, History, Physics, Maths. Was monotonous until the last 10 mins of school during maths lesson. Xin Liang basically went out of class without a pass from Mr Ang and I don't know whether he asked permission. Well, he claimed that he did. Okay, I don't know about that. So Mr Ang asked us to lock the classroom doors so that he wouldn't be able to come in. Than Xin Liang finally came back like 5 mins later and he seemed pissed or whatever. Shouting and ranting to Mr Ang saying he did ask for permission, where not happy etc.

Kay, I don't know what happen but Xin Liang broke one of the glass windows -.-" The funny thing is that he actually went to tell the uncle about it right after he broke the glass. That's weird :/

Went to ws for lunch than T1 to collect Hui Ying's sister's watch with her. Along with weilin, junxian, roy and hao. Talked at mac. Realised guys like to gossip too. Hahahahaha......

Going to watch HP with family later!!!!! 10.45 show. Hahahaha, hope I wouldn't be disappointed like many others was. :D

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I've got a new phone!!! Got it on Monday. Felt like a dumbass when I first got it. Cos I need other people to teach me how to use MY phone. Goodness, I'm like really really lag luh.

3/9's up to lots of pranks lately. Thanks to Ms Chung. Cos Ms Chung is away for some course, Mr Ang had to take us for maths and so, we had the chance to play a prank on him. Haha.

It's not really a prank luh. It's just some stupid stuff that my class did.

You Jun and Jarvis walked out of class during Mr Ang's lesson.(They're too bored I guess, cos it's a 2 hour lesson) So I don't know whether Mr Ang has STM or what, You Jun and Jarvis actually acted as people-not-from-3/9 and knocked on the class' door and asked to see/talk to people. Kay, they asked Yin Ze, Lokess, Wei Jie etc. Almost all the people from the class is gone -.-"

Mr Ang somehow found out about it sometime later and told Mr Tan about it. And SOMEHOW, all the teachers know about it. Okay, so we're the famous class in the school cos of all the pranks we did. First was Miss Lim and now it's Mr Ang. Yeah, the innocent Lokess who got called out by them got it again. I don't know why but he always kena all these kind of things. ALWAYS. Haha.

Than the next day, today, the whole class got it from Mr Amos Koh, at the start of the day. Wth, haven't even started class and yet he spoiled my day. I DON'T LIKE HIM. Finally understand why dad scolded him that time. He's really really really IRRITATING and NAGGY. I was like reading Wei Lin's newspaper right in front of him when he was repremanding the class. Sorry. Lol.

Went to ws BK with Esther, Uben, Wen Xian, Roy, Hui Ying, Hao, Jun Xian, Yeuk Hang, Yi Wei, Wei Lin and Wuan Ling after school. Was crapping about everything there and about which teachers kena from my dad before. AND, I found out that the Prinipal actually cried when my dad scolded her during sports day. Whoo, so am I supposed to apologise or what? Hahahahaha....

Today's slacky. Miss Tham and Mdm Norul wasn't here and all the other teacher were at least late for half an hour. Yeah, didn't really learn anything. Realised the importance of e-learning now. It comes handy when the teacher dosen't understand you and you don't understand the teacher.

YAY!!! Tmr's FRIDAY!!! But there's CCA. Urgh, don't feel like going.

I (L) MY GIRL SPACE FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Urgh, this phone's freaking me out.


Yesterday was a lazy, lazy day. Haha. I don't know, I was lying around at home. On my sofa, on my bed etc etc. Went to dad's office in the afternoon. Saturdays' always a party day. Lol. Fireworks at night again. Videos shall be uploaded soon. My superb and perfect view of fireworks from 44 storeys under my feet. (: Yeah, sneak preview of NDP'09.

Dad actually asked me to watch Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince with him yesterday, midnight!!! Whoo, didn't watch midnight movie before. Was actually really excited, but too bad, no seats. Just not the day for me. Nevermind.

Okay, so we watched the videos taken when all of us were still like 5-6 years old. My god, I can't believe I was actually lamer than my sis luh. Haha. Funney, funney, funney.


Went for a run just now. Training for my marathon. Wish my luck man. Got a feeling that I'm gonna die half way. Lol

Kay, school's tomorrow and I haven't been studying at all. Haha.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Annoyed, Irritated.

Okay, I don't know why I feel this way but yeah, I just feel irritated. Haha, I feel that I'm crazy.

PE was fun today. Volleyball!!!!!! It dosen't really matter with the game, but how we played it. With Ree screaming and dodging the ball when the ball comes to her and how the ball attacked Mr David. Hahahahaha.

Chem, Eng and Maths were monotonous. What to do, who ask us to be in Singapore. Lol

Went to VCH. It ain't as bad as we thought it was going to be. Surely if our school's Drama Club could act this way, it'd be a Gold w/ Honours. Confirm. Walked to dad's office after that. Cos it's like super near, just 10 min walk. Kay, he injured his calf while playing tennis with Uncle Declan in the afternoon. Aww, get well soon, dad. I love you!!!

Whoo, I'm getting really sporty this year! Haha. Mum signed up for like almost all the runs for me this year, including marathon. -.-" Urgh, nervous luh! What if I can't finish?? Yeah, that explains why dad's starting to prepare me for that. But in a way, I'm looking forward to it. (: My first marathon at a age of 15!!

You know what? I can't believe that I'm actually starting to prepare for exams and 'O's next year! I feel so on luh. Lol.

Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Yesterday was E-learning day.

E-learning sucks okay, seriously. BOON AND HAO HATES E-LEARNING!!!!!!!! Haha, see that, I wrote it. Okay, back to the topic. It's more of like the homework day rather than E-learning day can. Wth. Tons and tons of homework to finish luh.

Went to dad's office in the morning to do my E-learning stuff. Cos the internet at home isn't really good. Hmm, I was like falling asleep in the air-con. Haha. But you know, there's this kind of weird peace and atmosphere that made me do my work there. If I were to be at home, I swear I won't be doing anything. Lol.

Lunched with mum at Lua Pa Sat. Same old stuff. Working people 'choping' seats with tissues and umbrellas. Disgrace. Okay, managed to find this seat from this Indian guy who is like standing beside the table and not ordering anything. -.-" He looks kinda weird. Haha. Than we went to Polar to buy my chocolate cake. Whoo-hoo!!! Chocolate cake rocks :D

Went home at 3.30. Than went to NSRCC. Waited for dad, golfing. I was starring and diao-ing this uncle who smoked right in front of the sign that says "No smoking, 5 meters away". Wth. He blind or blind? Hate people like that. Not even guilty of what he is doing. Asshole.


Double science, double maths day. Maths was funny. Hern Hui walked pass with this weird expression, so marco, si hui and me burst out laughing. Felt weird. Cos the class was like quiet and than 3 of us suddenly started laughing. Lol.

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince!!!!!!!!!!!

It's screening today!!!! Okay, I'm crazy about it. I've missed 1 episode and I don't wanna miss another one. Whatever it is, I'm watching it (:

Going to VJC tmr. I was being forced to go, with Si Hui, Yong Hao, Marco, Xin Liang and Jek Ee. Hope it dosen't turn out as bad. Haha.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Something's wrong with the computer and so, I couldn't go onto facebook -.-" Nevermind, I hope dad changes it soon. Haha.


As per normal. My filled-with-sports weekend. Went to dad's office's gym than went trained to Paya Lebar to meet Si Hui and Marco for the class hoodie thing. It was supposed to be a 5 min walk from Paya Lebar MRT but we ended up walking for around half an hour. Cos we walked the wrong way. Haha. Lunched at LJS than trained to Suntec to meet dad, mum, sis and bro. Wanted to get my iPhone there as cousin told me that it's sold there. You know what? There isn't any there. Kay, either he got the wrong info or I didn't manage to find it. Nevermind, forget it.

Had dinner at home than went back to dad's office's sky tower to catch the fireworks!!! My goodness, it's a perfect view. I actually watched fireworks stepping on 44 storeys!!!!!!!! Aren't you jealous? Yes, you are. :D


Sis' training's cancelled in the morning so went to changi point to have breakfast. Homed, than went out again for training, at 11.30 although training's at 2. Cos dad and bro's playing golf and their flight's at 1236. Yeah, so I waited there doing nothing. Lol.

The super long 2 hours.....

Everyone started coming in for training, finally. Haha. Jensen's back!!! It's the holidays in UK, so yeah, he's back. Kay, almost died from the 4 hours of training.

No dinner at home so went out for dinner with dad, mum and grandma while bro and sis went for Macs. AGAIN, no iPhone at parkway!!! ARGH!!! Super disappointed luh. I hate singtel. There's actually an advertisment saying that iPhone is available at all stores. Wdv. The worse thing is that even the Apple shop dosen't have it and I have to wait for 2 weeks. Can you believe it? OMG. Okay, I give up on iPhone.


Dad sent me to school. First period was STARS, than English. Last 2 periods were MT. Weirdo teacher. Test without informing beforehand.

Than when I was doing the test, he put this stack of blank papers on my desk and told me that it's my reward. My goodness, what kind of reward is that? Lol.

Went to dad's office after that. Gymed than homed.

Gosh, I seem crazy about gym.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Haven't been blogging.

To Esther,

Cheer up kay. Don't moan about such stuff. It ain't worth you being sad over. So yeah, don't moan over it okay? Be strong and I'm sure everything's gonna be alright after some time. It'll be painful, definitely. But minimise it alright? Loves.


I don't like Thursdays. It's the double science and double maths day. Urgh. Had health check. It was fun :D Yeah, it was positive again. Shit. Kay, nevermind about that. Than Yong Hao, Hui Ying, Wei Lin and me decided to put up a act to fool the class. So we acted emo for the whole of SS lesson. You know, it's hard cos SS is the funniest lesson of all. I tried so hard not to laugh okay.

I've officially concluded that the funniest person is SI HUI!!!!!!! Haha. She's like totally fooled by us luh. Trying to console me and Yong Hao. I was like totally emo outside and laughing hardcore inside okay! Lol.

Next, I've also officially concluded that the person who backstabs the most is Xin Liang. Wth. He told Jarvis that we were acting just only few minutes we started. My goodness. Hate him for the rest of my life. Swear not to tell him any kind of secret or even plan anything like this with him in future. ANGRY LUH!!!!!!!!!!


Although today's the short day and school ends early, but it's one of the day with the most boring lessons. Mt, Maths, Chemistry and English. Lol.

Had this interview with Miss Sim, from MOE. Kinda redundant cos I only know that it is about some E-learning stuff on maths. I don't know. And she keep asking us to eat her atas chocolate. She's weird. Haha. I guess she asked us at least for 3 or 4 times.

Went for Tranformers with Yong Hao, Esther Yap, Jek Ee, Wei Lin and Jun Xian after that. My crave for so long!!! Next would be Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince. Anybody wants to go with me????? Haha. Okay, Transformers' great anyway. I finished almost all of the large popcorn which I was supposed to share with Esther. But she ate a little of it and I finished the rest. Lol. So I didn't have dinner in the end. Super bloated with popcorn.

Wondering what I'm counting down to in my msn? It's the launching of the new iPhone. (: Haha. I feel dumb doing that. Lol. So I went to Parkway after movie to take a look at it. But you know what? There isn't any there, as in not yet. Came home feeling super disappointed. Than cousin told me that the launching is at Suntec. -.-" I feel even dumber after that.


Si Hui found a supplier for our class jacket!!! Which is cheap. Much cheaper than what I found last week. Kudos to Si Hui!! :D Meeting up with Si Hui and some other people tomorrow to find out more. Haha.

Kay, no school tmr. Yeah, it's a saturday. Enjoy your weekends!!!! :D

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Thanks for 'spamming','keeping my tagboard alive' or whatever, HAO AND REE. Yeah, it's so alive now luh and p/s do your arguments in your msn. Haha. JOKING LUH.


Had physics test and got back maths test. I'm so gonna fail my physics test luh. Unprepared, seriously. Half an hour test. It dosen't seem like a really hard test. But you know, sometimes nothing comes out of your brain when you are seriously in need for that thing. Maybe a brain searcher for information helps. Especially in exams. (:


History lesson's quite slacky, I would say. Cos I was punished for not doing my homework, which I totally forgotten and I didn't know I had to do it. So I sat outside classroom, trying to finish my work with 13 other people. Gosh, first time in my whole entire life. 7th July, first time Ariel was punished by sitting outside the class for not doing work. Remember it, important date. Haha. I feel retarded today. The thing is, sitting outside classroom is much more interesting and fun than in the classroom luh. Cos history lesson's BORING. Hee, no offence to those who LOVE history lessons. Dosen't mean I don't like history. Just that I don't like history lessons.

Hohohoho, I'm watching Transformers this friday with Hao and some other people!! Anybody wanna go?? You know, I like to be with lots of people. :D

Gastric's bothering me today. Pain's going on and off. Urgh, don't like that. Don't like the feeling of it.


Didn't really do anything for PE. Was helping Mr Leong with the 2.4 people with Ree. Crapping and disgusting stuffs. GROSS LUH. Errrrrrr, what's inside remains inside, right Ree? Haha

"A successful man is a man who earns more than what his wife spends. A successful woman is a woman who finds such a man."

Monday, July 06, 2009


It's yesterday, supposedly. Nevermind. Dad claims that it's his day. Know why? Cos he says that the Youth Minister is as of the same age as him. -.-" I don't know what kind of logic is that and I didn't know such minister exist. LOL

Went to KKH in the morning. Was treated like a total kid luh. Had to take height and weight. And all the babies and children around are going to the same place as me. Urgh. Everything seems er... I don't know how to put it. Kay, nevermind. Me, dad and mum were supposed to wear this mask and it seriously sucks. Suddenly felt like this earth is lacking of oxygen and I realised I got bad breath. Hahahah.. Just for today. Forgot to drink water. So I was trying to pull of the mask, but the nurses are watching!! Yeah, I stuck my finger to make a hole. =p


Went to dad's office after that. I was like doing nothing there except for clearing his stocks in the refirgerator. No one eats it anyway. Went for lunch with mum. First time in my life seeing people choping seats with tissues, umbrellas, newspapers etc. Although it's commonly heard, but it's really my first time seeing this. KIASUISM. Gosh, Singaporeans. Feel so ashamed.


Movie at Kallang Leisure Park. Cos there aren't seats in GV Plaza anymore. So the next nearest place is there. Wanted to watch Transformers. My crave for like 1 week plus. But bro insisted on Ice Age 3. Urgh, IRRITATED. Nevermind, Transformers shall be left for friends. Right Esther? (:

Homed and I had durian!!! HAHAHAHA, my hand smells now.

School tomorrow. Rest well peeps (:

p/s, Thanks to all who tagged!!!

Sunday, July 05, 2009


haven't been blogging and my tagboard's dead -.-" Tag please, tag. Gosh. Or maybe removing is a better way. Hmm, shall consider. Totally understand when I privatised my blog cos only certain people can visit.

I DON'T LIKE HOMBOS. HOPE YOU'RE READING THIS. dont like you. dont like you.dont like you. dont like you. dont like you. dont like you.

Back from training. Have been out of form for weeks and it's beginning to come back. Haven't been in the best of mood lately. Don't know why and don't know where to vent my anger. Urgh, I can't stand it anymore. Everything dosen't seem to be turning out like what I'm expecting it to. Everything dosen't seem to be turning out WELL. That's the problem. Don't mind if I suddenly turn a black face or whatever. I can't help it. Apologies first. MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!! I'm boiling inside!!!!!!! Everyone seem to be opposing.

What an emo post -.-

I'm getting irritated about everything!!!!! Annoyed.

Okay, some other stuffs. I don't wanna add on to anything. Hmm, gym trainings have been going on. Only time in which I don't feel annoyed or whatever. Haha, yeah, I'm weird. LOL. Having an appointment at KK tomorrow. Suddenly feel like a kid. Know why they ask me to go there? Cos I haven't collect my IC at that point of time. What kind of stupid reason.


Rainy youth day. Ain't it supposed to be sunny, bright and totally undark? Nah, it's rainy, dark and totally unbright. Nevermind, just enjoy tomorrow. It's our day!!!!!!! :D

Went to Queensway yesterday. Yeah, I found it after walking around there for so long.

Wanna watch movie!!!! Anybody wanna go? I'm feeling random. Kay, whatever.

GtG, TAG!!!!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Mum's first day without work. She's kinda relexed the whole day, I guess, not having to work. She followed dad to work in the morning and have been gyming whole day. Cheer! Gym mum and Gym dad! They're like super crazy about gym nowadays and dad placed a bet with me that he'd slim down 5kg in a month. Lol. But he can you know. He's like a walking balloon. Freaky.


I would be packed up and busy with projects this week, just for this week. (I hope) Gosh, at first there's only Stars. But there is another one, given today and due on Friday!! Mr R Tan says that we have to do the Science Centre project thingy although we were on work attachment. Argh!! People have the whole entire holiday to finish it and us? 2 PATHETIC DAYS!! God damn it. I WILL FINISH IT.


Was having Maths test. The period after recess. And the temperature taking thing interupted. Nah, not about the temperature taking thing. It's Mr Sam's voice. He keep saying that the temperature taking exercise will start in a while when all of us has finished. Yes, he says he'll 'commence' the start of the temperature taking exercise. Cool huh. Haha.

Haven't done chinese compo yet. =p Urgh, I don't like to write chinese words. Takes up lots of time. Wth. Too bad Ariel, he says he'll minus off marks from your CA if you don't hand it up by Friday. TSK!

Kay, compo time.
