Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Thanks for 'spamming','keeping my tagboard alive' or whatever, HAO AND REE. Yeah, it's so alive now luh and p/s do your arguments in your msn. Haha. JOKING LUH.


Had physics test and got back maths test. I'm so gonna fail my physics test luh. Unprepared, seriously. Half an hour test. It dosen't seem like a really hard test. But you know, sometimes nothing comes out of your brain when you are seriously in need for that thing. Maybe a brain searcher for information helps. Especially in exams. (:


History lesson's quite slacky, I would say. Cos I was punished for not doing my homework, which I totally forgotten and I didn't know I had to do it. So I sat outside classroom, trying to finish my work with 13 other people. Gosh, first time in my whole entire life. 7th July, first time Ariel was punished by sitting outside the class for not doing work. Remember it, important date. Haha. I feel retarded today. The thing is, sitting outside classroom is much more interesting and fun than in the classroom luh. Cos history lesson's BORING. Hee, no offence to those who LOVE history lessons. Dosen't mean I don't like history. Just that I don't like history lessons.

Hohohoho, I'm watching Transformers this friday with Hao and some other people!! Anybody wanna go?? You know, I like to be with lots of people. :D

Gastric's bothering me today. Pain's going on and off. Urgh, don't like that. Don't like the feeling of it.


Didn't really do anything for PE. Was helping Mr Leong with the 2.4 people with Ree. Crapping and disgusting stuffs. GROSS LUH. Errrrrrr, what's inside remains inside, right Ree? Haha

"A successful man is a man who earns more than what his wife spends. A successful woman is a woman who finds such a man."


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