Friday, July 24, 2009

Super pissed off today.

School's boring. English, History, Physics, Maths. Was monotonous until the last 10 mins of school during maths lesson. Xin Liang basically went out of class without a pass from Mr Ang and I don't know whether he asked permission. Well, he claimed that he did. Okay, I don't know about that. So Mr Ang asked us to lock the classroom doors so that he wouldn't be able to come in. Than Xin Liang finally came back like 5 mins later and he seemed pissed or whatever. Shouting and ranting to Mr Ang saying he did ask for permission, where not happy etc.

Kay, I don't know what happen but Xin Liang broke one of the glass windows -.-" The funny thing is that he actually went to tell the uncle about it right after he broke the glass. That's weird :/

Went to ws for lunch than T1 to collect Hui Ying's sister's watch with her. Along with weilin, junxian, roy and hao. Talked at mac. Realised guys like to gossip too. Hahahahaha......

Going to watch HP with family later!!!!! 10.45 show. Hahahaha, hope I wouldn't be disappointed like many others was. :D


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