Friday, July 10, 2009

Haven't been blogging.

To Esther,

Cheer up kay. Don't moan about such stuff. It ain't worth you being sad over. So yeah, don't moan over it okay? Be strong and I'm sure everything's gonna be alright after some time. It'll be painful, definitely. But minimise it alright? Loves.


I don't like Thursdays. It's the double science and double maths day. Urgh. Had health check. It was fun :D Yeah, it was positive again. Shit. Kay, nevermind about that. Than Yong Hao, Hui Ying, Wei Lin and me decided to put up a act to fool the class. So we acted emo for the whole of SS lesson. You know, it's hard cos SS is the funniest lesson of all. I tried so hard not to laugh okay.

I've officially concluded that the funniest person is SI HUI!!!!!!! Haha. She's like totally fooled by us luh. Trying to console me and Yong Hao. I was like totally emo outside and laughing hardcore inside okay! Lol.

Next, I've also officially concluded that the person who backstabs the most is Xin Liang. Wth. He told Jarvis that we were acting just only few minutes we started. My goodness. Hate him for the rest of my life. Swear not to tell him any kind of secret or even plan anything like this with him in future. ANGRY LUH!!!!!!!!!!


Although today's the short day and school ends early, but it's one of the day with the most boring lessons. Mt, Maths, Chemistry and English. Lol.

Had this interview with Miss Sim, from MOE. Kinda redundant cos I only know that it is about some E-learning stuff on maths. I don't know. And she keep asking us to eat her atas chocolate. She's weird. Haha. I guess she asked us at least for 3 or 4 times.

Went for Tranformers with Yong Hao, Esther Yap, Jek Ee, Wei Lin and Jun Xian after that. My crave for so long!!! Next would be Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince. Anybody wants to go with me????? Haha. Okay, Transformers' great anyway. I finished almost all of the large popcorn which I was supposed to share with Esther. But she ate a little of it and I finished the rest. Lol. So I didn't have dinner in the end. Super bloated with popcorn.

Wondering what I'm counting down to in my msn? It's the launching of the new iPhone. (: Haha. I feel dumb doing that. Lol. So I went to Parkway after movie to take a look at it. But you know what? There isn't any there, as in not yet. Came home feeling super disappointed. Than cousin told me that the launching is at Suntec. -.-" I feel even dumber after that.


Si Hui found a supplier for our class jacket!!! Which is cheap. Much cheaper than what I found last week. Kudos to Si Hui!! :D Meeting up with Si Hui and some other people tomorrow to find out more. Haha.

Kay, no school tmr. Yeah, it's a saturday. Enjoy your weekends!!!! :D


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