Tuesday, September 30, 2008

oh,im a year older.
guess it's time to be more matured.

comments to the following ppl,

in random order,

dewey ;
dawn ;
esther ;
huiying ;
eudora ;
brenda ;
zihui ;
wuan ling ;
hei wo ;
kaster ;
wei lin ;
si hui ;
dream ;
jerome ;
cihui ;
yvonne ;
jeremy ;
amos ;
florance ;
auntie june ;
auntie gloria ;
amanda mummy ;
joee ;
marco ;
nichol ;
crystal ;
joelle ;
god mum ;
jonathan ;
clive ;
moses ;
moses (another moses) ;
clement ;
nicklaus ;
jun hao ;
eunice ;
amanda (another amanda) ;
jek ee ;
justina ;
wynn ;
anita ;
sherri ;
trisha ;
eileen ;
rong fu ;
kai shi ;
agnes ;
ginger ;
jolyn ;
dexter ;

and of course,

thanks for all your presents and birthday wishes (:
all are appreciated.

Monday, September 29, 2008

it's your 14th birthday today yeah.
and you're 1 day older than me -.-"
anw,best wishes to your life ahead and stay happy all the time (:
you're loved by ariel (:

big hellos to all (:

im finally back from the hospital and i guess it aint really auspicious to go there 1 day before my birthday.
tsk,nvm.i shall face reality.

school ;

1st period ;

it's kinda boring today luh.

recess ;

2nd period ;

mrs wong's really angry,i guess.
cos she says that we did worse that NA classes.
thats really NOT NICE to hear luh.

3rd period ;

mr cheang says that he's disappointed with my class.
oh,too bad.
it seems lyk all the teachers are either disappointed or pissed with my class :/

4th period ;

super slack luh.
me,zihui and waiyee were lyk chatting and chatting and chatting.
cos theres seriously nothing to do can..

after school ;

waited outside school for dad to fetch me to hospital.
i dint want to go at first.
but in the end,i had to go. no choice what.
LOL,i dont wanna say what happened there.
very very ma fan can.
need to go back for check up after 6 weeks.
hope it dosent clash with the primary school camp.
told mum about that and she says LEG MORE IMPORTANT !!
i was lyk wdv,i wanna go for the camp hor !!

kay,tmr's my birthday.
i was thinking,
it's gonna be really fast eh.
2 more birthdays and it's gonna be 'O' levels and than jc or poly.
for 2 or 3 birthdays.
for lyk 3 birthdays ??
and it's gonna be working life.
super fast luh.
lyk around 8 more birthdays ??
urgh,i shall not think that far first.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

er,i find this kinda weird luh.
we're back (:

kay,just came home.
so im just blogging cos i got nothing to do and i dont feel lyk sleeping so early.
actually have luh - art,english and literature.
but,saturday's for resting,not studying.

school ystd ;

it's the first ever time in my life that i was late for school -.-"
reached school at 7.35.
nvm,lucky enough that i dont hv to go for DC,or it'll be the end of my life.

1st period ;

super super slack luh.
but theres homework :/
urgh,and it's to be passed up on mon.
the thing is,it's painting.
i hate painting luh.
no choice,im being forced to do it.

2nd period ;

pe was cancelled.
cos of wet weather.
and mr david came into my class.
i think he did that purposely,so he could question me.
evil luh,he told me 'the day you break up,will be the day i celebrate'
i was lyk wdv.


3rd period ;

mr lim was not here and so mdm huda relieved.
i was lyk sleeping and listening to music.
than for lyk the last 5 mins,we asked her chem questions.
lyk abit too late ryte,i know that.

4th period ;

i was lyk talking all the way :D

school's super duper slack and it ended very very quickly (:

after school ;

homed with florance.
than went to see doc.
urgh,i was referred to CGH on mon.
HELLO !!! tuesday's my birthday !!! dont ruin this for me !!!

went to meet boyf,florance,amos,angus,clement,moses,edward,janelle,jeremy and gabriel after that.
at downtown.
went for lyk 1 hr than went home..
ps ps.need to be home =p

i guess i should start tag replies (:

Esther, ♥ - haha,thanks (: love you too laopo.mug hard

Yvonne - LESBO :D love you.

hei wo - yes yes,good girl. u FINALLY updated your blog as
i requested (:

Florance - you can !!! my dad says that he'll subsidise $100
for my friend if i go with my friend.think about it (:

Friday, September 26, 2008

okay,we broke up.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

hello,im blogging once again.

urgh,i got a bad news.
thats is,i have to stay back in school some day next week cos i havent finish my dnt artifact -.-"
there was supposed to be lesn next week.
but it happened to clash with hari raya puasa.
why cant it be on my birthday huh !!!!!!!
urgh !!!!!!
i love that day okay.
it's lyk the most FUN day in school.
as in the lessons.


school ;

1st period ;

it was supposed to be physics,but mr cheang aint gonna be in school in the afternoon.
so he swopped classes with ms ng.
dosent make any difference anw.
i guess i dint do quite well in my test D:

2nd period ;

ms tan is she was in every single lesson
LOL,we dont care anw.
i got 63.3 for my english for CA
and ms tan says that i should aim for A2.
it's lyk hello,i want to get A2 also ryte.but the thing is,whether my english is that good or not.
kay,chill ariel.

recess ;

3rd period ;

mr tan is lyk pissed off with my class.
cos we're lyk talking and talking and talking all the way.
so it's lyk super noisy in my class luh.
and i was super hyper.
me and reynard were lyk singing and singing and singing
and dewey was lyk laughing and laughing and laughing.
cos i sang all the lame songs.
lyk twinkle twinkle little star,mary had a little lamb,london bridge is falling down,school song,majulah singapura etc.

4th period ;

finished transcription and currently in translation.
dont really understand.
nvm,i shall look up the internet myself (:

5th period ;

miss siti was on course.
i was lyk sleeping all the way in class while the others were playing murderer.
super noisy.
so i listened to music. (:
clever uh.

lunch ;

6th period ;

did the test.
quite easy luh.
went through the test and did some revision.
super slack i tell you.

homed with hei wo and florance.

i realised some ppl just read my blog and dint tag -.-"
dont read it if you dont want to tag.

today lao niang very tired.
but i dont feel lyk sleeping.
cos i still wanna sleep tonight.
i dont want a un-sleepable night.
kay,that word is found in 'Ariel's dictionary'

lao niang's having moodswing today.
sorry if i offended you.
but the sorry dosent apply to bitches :D

hey,i dint see the bitch these few days.
oh ya,i asked her to get out of my sight when she sees me.
so,GOOD JOB !!
you managed to NOT let me see you (:

URGH,lao niang's very ANGRYYYYYYYYYYY !!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont know why,dont ask me.
just feel very angry for no reason.
so funny right.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

hey all (:
miss me ryte ??

kay,i've got 3 good news today.
er,but school first.

school ;

1st period ;

kay luh.was supposed to have test.but than ms ng decided to postpone it to tmr.
cos theres no time and many are not prepared.
lyk me. =p
so yeah,physics test tmr..

2nd period ;

carried on with the presentations.
luckily,my group finished ours (:
but all the presentations finished in 40 mins.
so we had 20 mins of free time :D
mrs lim rocks man !!!!!!!!!!


3rd period ;

not as boring as before luh.
yao lao shi told us lots of her 'adventures'
super funny luhh !!!!!!!!!!
haha !!!!!!!!!!!

4th period ;

did comprehension.
tried to do.
but than ms tan kp talking and talking and talking.
so i dint manage to finish. -.-"
actually is nag luh.

5th period ;

had maths test.
gonna fail man !!!!!!
die lorh......


6th period ;

ms kang isn't here !!!!!!!!!
whoo !!!!!!!!!!!
happy luh.
but than theres a super difficult test -.-"
gonna fail it kay.

after school ;

i 'sent' hei wo home.
see,im such a kind soul (:
but hei wo dint post lyk she promised me to.
nvm,i shall forgive her since im such a kind soul :/
than went to meet crazy bestfriend to study.
homed at 7 plus.

kay,time for the 3 good news.

1st ;

actually quite obvious luh.
i got my cross country medal. :D
i got 3rd :/

2nd ;

YAY !!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY LUH !!!!!!!!!!

3rd ;

dad's company's championship's tmr.
too bad i cant go :(
but,good luck :D


Monday, September 22, 2008

EXAM STRESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hate exams luh,make me study study study and thn all the grey hair come out.
nvm,im gonna dye it again anw =p
dad says i can okay !!!!!!!!!!!!!

dad's back at it again.
he asked me whether i wanna give it a try at TKGS.
i was lyk NO deep inside.
but mum told him that theres only 2 years left,so finish it.
im apparently supporting whoever's on my side :D
i dont wanna go tkgs anw.
cos cousin's there and it's lyk exam exam exam.
lyk i said,i hate exams.
so,i'd rather just hv MYEs and EOYs (:

I MISS TRAINING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dint go for trg once again ystd cos dad wants me to go to ikea with him.
good news is,i could DIY my own room (:
although i dont really have any kind of creation =p
another reason is because that injury i had last yr during band camp relapsed.
urgh,i hate it luh..

papers are okay,at least i know what to write.
i just hope that the format for the situational writting is correct ..

wl,bitch luh,dont anyhow talk can.
wth luh !!!!!!!!!!!!!
go die luh.
stupid witch.
dont come and anyhow say lao niang's friend scold you hor,when she didnt.
want tio than tio luh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL LUH,just trying to vent my anger.
florance's super angry during recess,or rather,break.
i also can.
i hope i can kill that bitch man,if i dont have to go to jail or whatever.
nvm,lyk zihui says,it just pollutes my hand and have to waste effort and money disinfecting them.

my birthday's next week !!
i've got a good news and a bad news.
which one first??
good news??
lol,im lyk answering myself,wdv.
good news first,
im gonna receive presents on my birthday !!!!!!!
Bad NEWS ;
im a year older !!!!!!!!!
diao,but i seriously hope i could be a child for life.

im kinda busy for tmr.
so i wont be blogging tmr,most probably.
i've got the re-screening thingy for '10 things i hate about you' and photo taking for choir.
argh,have to wear that gown and the shoes again.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

im back to my mood ..

yeahh,i've forgiven boyf.
see,such good ppl lyk me in the world is in the 'limited edition' category already.
but,im still not forgiving that bitch.
good luck to you anw,i dont know what im gonna do (:

i've just finished reviving the one five blog.
not really revive luh,actually.
cos i've already blogged at the one five blog lyk 2 week ago.

let's talk about school ystd ;

1st period ;
and mr melvin tan is not in school !!!!!!
YES !!
so me,zihui,wuan ling and kaster were lyk chatting throughout the whole lesson.
and we dint do our work.
heh heh =p

2nd period ;
bad news , ms kang's in school -.-"
we did filing for the first half an hour.
than,going through of the test paper for the rest of the lesson.
i dint bring my test paper though.
but i wasnt caught for it.
zihui was.
and she wanted to share with me when she was caught.
than i was lyk ,'I DONT HAVE ALSO !!'
zihui,you must learn acting skills from me.
LOL =p
ms kang was in a good mood though.
and marco told me that theres only 2 reasons to it.
either the netball team won something,or......... something luh. :X


3rd period ;
i was lyk bored to death luh !!!!!!!!!
luckily zihui was there to entertain me.
I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!

last period ;
was supposed to be assembly.
but assembly was cancelled.
so we had homeroom :/
but thn ms ng says that we cannot talk to other ppl.
we have to either study at our own seat or sleep.
of course i sleep luh.
so stupid meh =p
kay,so i had a good sleep for around 45 mins (:

today ;
went shopping with mum at tm.
bought stuffs.
damn happy luhh.
mum was telling me about her 3 weeks experience at OBS.
i also want to go luh !!
it's lyk tough but also fun.
theres 3 days 2 nights of solo night.
cool ryte.
but can be scary too though :/
theres rock climbing.
theres canooing around singapore for 3 days thingy.
theres diving into the sea and many other stuff like that.
COOL LUH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i want to go.
for sure.
oh yes,mum told me that because i told her that i promised hei wo to go for NS with her if she goes.
she said,'are you sure?',in doubt.
i was lyk,'hello,im sure i can survive it'
she was lyk LOL.
wdv,i gonna prove to her someday :D

ps,takecare and dont get sick again kay. (:

happy birthday dad (:
love you,my coolest dad in the world.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


homed freaking early.
and im still freaking pissed.

me and zihui were talking about that bitch in class.
and i was lyk BITCH-ing all the way in class luh.
it's lyk wth luh.
FUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i damn angry with that bitch okay.
stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid.
fuck off from my life man.

IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fuck luh,dont feel lyk blogging alrdy

im blogging cos i got nothing else to do,other than studying and doing hw.
LOL,lyk wdv,i dont give a damn.

im still very pissed today.
the thing is,he dont give a damn,lyk at all.
wdv,i dont give a damn too.
but im still very pissed
who the hell is she luh.
it's her own problem ryte.thn now?it became yours.
if you touch amanda,im gonna kill that bitch before i kill you.
its lyk yes,amanda is wrong,but must you do this?
if you care so much about her,let her be your girlfriend luh !
lyk i said,i dont give a damn.
you know what,
all because of you,i dint know what to say when mr david asked me about the hell can i answer him?i couldn't say a single word you know.
and now,all you care is about that bitch and u dont even tell me anything.thats the thing im pissed about.
go away,you liar

LOL.wdv luh.

i dont wanna care alrdy.

zihui and kaster's not in school today.
nvm,i wasnt in a good mood anw.
fucking pissed for the whole day.
sorry to sihui,yuqian,eudora,wynn and amanda.
i lost my temper during pe today...
cos of him.
i seriously hope i can kill the bitch.
or just disfigure her.
URGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if i was not a rs,i would not put my blog private and SERIOUSLY hope that bitch would see this.

kay,im trying to keep myself from a distance from this pissing mood.
school today ;
special thanks to florance,wuan ling,hei wo and eudora.
from cheering me up.
thanks a dozen.
i love you all.
kay,i guess i should give super special thanks to wuan ling cos shes sitting beside me during class and i vented all my anger on her by hitting her.
very very sorry.
though the hitting dint help,but,still very sorry ehs.
i wasnt paying attention in class today.
i dint learn a thing today. -.-"
cos i shouted at whoever i saw.
oh ya,during mt,i shouted so loud that yao lao shi looked at me lyk o.O
okay,i shouted kaopeh at dewey.
sorry dewey.

LOL,dont wanna blog alrdy luh.
i wanna kill that bitch.
bitch,get out of my sight whenever u see me.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

HI -
today's school is lyk super duper slack luh.....
everyone's funny.
zihui,kaster,wuan ling,hei wo,zhi yu,dawn,huiying,esther yap,eudora,brenda,florance etc etc.
i dont know why..............

went studying with florance after school (:
thn,everyone came. -.-"
lyk wth,
in the end,study for lyk 1 hr lidat only.
so much trouble,lyk LOL.
crazy bestfriend told me that we shouldn't have come out to study in the first place.
i was lyk YAH.

i SO ANGRY,PISSED ; all the words to describe angry.
why must you help her?
why must you hurt my friend?
i asked you not to,but what did you say? SEE FIRST.
what kind of answer is that?
im not jealous or whatever that you helped her.
it's because when i asked you about it,you dont wanna tell me anything.
okay,i may be jealous or what so ever.
than,ask her to be your girlfriend instead.

wdv,im in no mood to post.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

but i swear im not going to use vulgarities here.
as i said i wont once.
im pissed because of 2 things.

1st : everyone knows what's lyk HELLO !!! U R IN THE FAULT OKAY. still dare to scold other ppl. u r the ine who backstab,u r the one who flirt, u r the one who tell stories, and in the end,u r the one who is afraid.wth,lyk wdv luh.who do you think you are?? u r nothing. so,go home,study and be someone who dosent backstab or wdv.if not,i dont give a damn. it dosent really matter if i have you as my friend or not.

2nd : i dont think i wanna talk about this cos it's about boyf. few words would do.
dont lie to me.u seem to be hiding everything from me.

i so disappointed with ppl today.
dont wanna blog alrdy.

Monday, September 15, 2008

YO !!

let's start with a quiz.
have been tagged by huiying to do this quiz (: ;

1) The first person who tag/pass you is?

2) Your relationship with her?

3) Your five impressions of her?
-Funny,kind,nice,cheerful,pretty(?) haha ..

4) The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
-Always cheering me up when im unhappy or emo :D

5) The most memorable thing he/she said to you?
-ALOT !! [wo zhi dao wo hen piao liang ; etc.]

6) If he/she become your lover, you will?
-errr,i dont know leh.wait till 1 day when i become les (:

7) If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be?
-be more gentle (:

8) If he/she become your enemy, you will?
-Oh .. it'll nvr happen

9) If he/she become your enemy, your reason will be?
-There is no reason that she would become my enemy can,dont try to break us up.

10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is?
-Help her become more girly?? no luhh,i love her the way she is (:

11) Your overall impression of him/her is?
-Errrrrr,always hyper.

12) How you think the people around will feel about you?
-i dont know leh,ask them.

13) The characters you love yourself are?
-i dont know ???

14) On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are?
-Too short :/

15) The most ideal person you want to be is?
-ME !! cos everyone is unique,isn't it?

16) For the people who care and like you, say something to them?

17) Pass this quiz to 10 person that you wished to know how they feel about you.

1]Esther yap
6]Hei wo
9]Amanda NG MUMMY !!
10]Wuan Ling

18) Who is no.6 having a relationship with? [Hei wo]
- no1 bahh..

19] Is no.9 a female or male? [Amanda]
-famale luh,DUR

20) If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? [Zihui and Wuan ling]
-i hope not..

21) What is no.2 studying about? [Eudora]
-hmm,let me guess,MATHS?

22) When was the last time you had a chat with no.3? [Genevieve]

23) What kind of music band does no.8 like? [Kaster]
-er..i dont know leh..=p

24) Will you woo no.3? [Genevieve]
-If i were a guy..maybe??

25) How about no.7? [Zihui]
-same answer as 24.

26) Is no.4 single? [Yvonne]
-i think so...

27) What is the surname of no.5? [Dawn]

28) What's the hobby of no.10? [Wuan Ling]

29) Does no.5 and 9 get along well? [Dawn and Amanda]
-yeah,i guess

30) Where is no.2 studying at? [Eudora]
-Coral sec luh,DUR

31) Talk something casually about no.1 . [Esther yap]
-I always wanted her height.

32) Have you ever tried developing feelings for no. 6? [Hei Wo]

33) Where does no.9 live at? [Amanda]
-Pasir Ris

34) What colour does no.4 like? [Yvonne]

35) Are no.5 and 1 best friends? [Dawn and Esther yap]
-DUR ~

36) Does no.1 have any pets? [Esther yap]
-NO,i guess

37) Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world? [Zihui]
-DOTS... -.-" what kinda ques is this ?

38) What is no.6 doing now? [Hei wo]
-How i know? wait,let me teleport there first.LOL

haha ..
actually nth realli happened today luh.
got back my progress report.
got 3 A1s,2 B3s,1 B4,1 C5,1 F9...........
urgh,stupid lit,make me fail..........

after school ;
went to slack with esther yap (:
where we saw to pigeons mating.
urgh,the black pigeon certainly got no taste luh..
chose a white plus black spot-ed pigeon to mate with -.-"

kay,than went to meet boyf.
where clement and bryan came after that.
than went to meet his friends.
LOL,funny ppl.....

to esther yap :
chill,my dear.
it's no use getting angry (: now you know what exactly happened,who's the cause of all these. yes,he is wrong from taking that harmful thingy from her. she's in the biggest wrong of offering it. i dont know what's exactly going on in her mind but yeah,she is the main cause of all these and trying harm people everywhere she,he has to get away from her. she's the 'bad company'.many people knows she aint good at all.she backstabs her friends,she does almost all the bad stuff.
he has to get away from her,definitely. she is in the fault,keep that in mind,my dear.

kay,basically,something happened luh.
dont ask too much.sometimes,it's better not to know so much :D

i SOOOOOOOOOO want the 4GB mickey mouse mp3........
i want it lime green (:
dad asks me whether i want it ystd.
cos liling e-mailed him about the mp3.
i should have said that i want it ystd !!!!!!!!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww ..........
cos he aint talking about it anymore.
nvm,boyf,thats my b'day present..
no luhh,im gonna find some way to get that topic on the whiteboard again (:

er,lazy to type alrdy luh,

Saturday, September 13, 2008

im blogging again.
i know everyone misses me cos i dint blog for one day ryte !!!!!!!
haha !!!!
no luhh,just joking (:

i realised many ppl stopped blogging due to EOYs.
oh,thats so not gonna happen to me yeah,so if you guys got nth to do,can come and read my blog (:
er,i know im weird luh.
maybe u'll be thinking ,"OI ! EXAM ALREADY STILL BLOGGING AR !"
but to me,how long can blogging take?
at the very most,1 hour.
so,what can 1 hr do ?
make you get A1 from F9 ?
i dont know luh,but this is in the 'Book Of Logics In Ariel' (:
so my kid in future would me lucky (:
im just crapping luh.
oh ya,no offence to ppl who stopped blogging due to EOYs :D
im just stating my comment,lyk how katherine does in '10 Things I Hate About You'

school ystd.
pretty short day.
cos school ends at 3.15 on wed and thurs,and ystd,it ended at 12.35.
so yeah,seemed fast.

1st period ; art.
super slack luh,cos i did my work and we did filing.
so the whole class is lyk talking and crapping for the whole lesson.

2nd period ; pe.
played volleyball with wynn,avril,amanda,sihui,yuqian and eudora
fun luh !!!
my best volleyball companions (: love you all [less than three]


3rd period ; music.
i thought i was going to be called up for the test.
but i wasn't -.-"
nvm,i had fun for the whole lesson man.
with zihui,hei wo,wuan ling,weilin and kaster (:
i was super hyper during music luh,i dont know why

last period ; eng
ms tan made us write this 200 word essay on 'Once when you got into trouble at home'
i swear i dint write an essay as emotional as this luh.
my god,i felt so weird when i read my essay after i completed it.
lyk LOL.

than after school ;
changed into redshirt and went for filminhg.
it's to be given to pri schools to lyk 'advertise' redshirts.
found it weird but quite fun also luh (:

theres choir actualli,but we all dint go.
cos we were lyk chatting in the canteen.
than lyk more and more things to talk about so we decided not to go for choir but continue talking instead (:
heh heh =p
kp it a secret alryte !!!!!!
aiya,actualli no big deal luh.
haha ......

couldn't understand why some ppl lyks to leak ppl's secrets out.
and suck up to ppl for the benefits of yourself.
get a life luh.
it dosen't do you any a nice way,you are helping the ppl that you suck up to; but in the bad way,you're just a backstabber.

just came back from grandma's hse.
was lyk crapping with cousin.
fun luhh.

er,study hard ppl (:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

hello to everyone.
had a super duper quiet day today.
cos i lost my voice !!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats the most irritating thing in the world kay.
i swear im gonna talk hell loads when my voice recovers.

and ZIHUI ;
HAHA !!!!!!!

seriously,i wonder how mute ppl survived in this world without talking.
alot of communication problems.
example ; i was 'talking' to wuan ling and she dosen't understand what im 'talking' about.i was so annoyed that i wrote it. -.-"
heh heh =p

school's boring today.lyk ystd.
i cant believe that i actually survived wed and thurs.
WHOO-HOO !!!!!!!!!!!

LOL,wdv,school tdy ;

1st lesn's physics once again.
i was lyk day dreaming luh.

2nd's eng.
TY ZIHUI !!!!!!!!!
for entertaining me (:
love you !!!!!!!!
and also not forgetting,wuan ling !!!!!!!!!!!
LOL,im lyk giving out some noble prize or what-so-ever.


than it's goegraphy.
WL !!!!!!!!!
damn boring hor !!!!!!
luckily zihui's there to entertain me.
or else i'll just kill myself.
mr tan mistook my class for 2/2 -.-"
he was so embarrassed luh !!!!!!!!!!
so he said,"i was just testing u all mah"
we were lyk DONT PAISEH LUH !!!!!!!!!
haha !!!!!!!!!

[ps,this post seems hyper(?)]

next's bio.
bio's okay luh.
at least not as terrible as eng :D

than it's cme.
we watched the republic.
it's about rugby.
than ms siti told me that someone in the show is "ariel look-alike"
i was lyk ?
aft that she told me that i got the cheerleader face.
i was lyk SO RANDOM.
what does she mean by 'cheerleader face'?
wdv,she cute luh.

i had a silent lunch (:

had pythagoras' theorem test.
im so gonna fail it kay.
i dont realli know how to do can.
urgh ~

after school;
bused home with hei wo :D
than went to meet boyf.

ps,to wuan ling and eudora : see,im not bad !!!

hmm,that all luh.
i still got art to do.
need to chiong finish before i can slp.
or else tmr have to stand on the chair again.
lame ryte.

BYE (:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

hello people !!
it's the third day since school reopened and im blogging once again (:

ystd was kinda boring luh.
wanted to blog but ya,lazy to type words since i've just finished doing my stars powerpoint slides.
you see,thats why i say stars is a waste of time -.-"
wdv luh.
first 2 periods are dnt.
we had theory for the whole 2 hrs but it was fun.
cos it aint really theory luh.
mr ng was telling us about his 3 interesting adventures to MOUNT OPHIR in malaysia.
very interesting kay.
and ashley was telling me that he plans to go there when he's 20 but he's kinda scared.cos mr ng got lost for 8 hours in there.
i was lyk 'HAHA'
LOL,so sacarstic ryte.i know that.
than after recess,it's chinese !!!!!!
free period.
surprisingly,there isnt any ws for us to do.
and mr bakar(?) took us.
super slack luh.
so weilin and zihui were lyk forcing me to tell them sth.
so they gave up halfway.
cos zihui kinda saved me from weilin.
thanks zihui !!!!!!!
than it's eng.
miss tan is crapping once again.
and i was starring into blank space.
oh ya,during dnt.
heiwo told me that her parents asked her to go to army.
cos they said she couldn't make it in academics.
and so they said go army can also make money.
i was lyk 'oh okay,than i go with you if you go.'
haha !!!!!!!
i dont know if i would really go luh.
last period's bio.
not that bad.
but still boring luh.

after school ;
many things happened.
i dont wanna say luh.

today's school was so much worse than ystd's okay.
so boring luh.

1st period's physics.
got back my physics test.
i got 11/15
all careless mistakes luh.
urgh,so irritated.
than it's stars.
kay,stars is lyk the best lesson of the day cn.


we got some ws to do.
but still quite fun luh.
we and wuan ling were crapping XD

i was starring into blank space once again.
the worst lesn of the day -.-"
obvious ryte.
she was talking crap.

i still dont understand what mr cheang's talking about.
nvm,i shall just study myself.
lyk LOL.

so happy luh.
ms kang dint arrow me today.
haha !!!!!!!!!!
thats the most happy period today okay.
u know why,COS I TOPED THE LEVEL IN CHEMISTRY !!!!!!!!! YAY !!!!!!!! I GOT 87.
CLAPS !!!!!!!!!!!

my god.cant believe it.
it's lyk the firstever time in my life.

last ;
my mock streaming results.
it MOCK only okay.
i got into express 1 ; combined science.
which is,3/2
please luh,i went to count and 84 ppl got into 3/2
lyk wth ????????
nvm,just study hard for EOYs ppl.
i cant believe that 90% of the sec 2s got into combined science and only 10% got into pure science.
that can NEVER happen.
so yea,study hard ppl..

BYE (:

Monday, September 08, 2008

hello ppl (:
school's reopened.
term 4's gonna be the worst term ever.

we're all another day closer to exams D:

i just revived the one five blog.
i've done a good deed today. (:
no luhh.
i was from one five what.
im super random.

i seriously dont know what to blog about tdy kay.
feel weird when going to school today.
i dont lyk the 'first day of schools'
all of them.
i will lyk NOT feel lyk going to school.
cos it's lyk another suffering period of time has arrived/arriving.
how i wish i could HOME STUDY.
dad was talking about this family with 3 children.
eldest is a daughter,2nd is daughter and the youngest is a son.
and their parents are of master degree.
so these 3 children do not have to go to school AT ALL.
and their teacher are their parents.
yeah,they home study.
they only have to study 4 hours a day and hv no projects especially no STARS.
i hate it man.
kay,back to the subject.
yea,these children only have to study 4 hours a day.
this is not the idea.
the idea is,they took psle at P3,'O' levels at P6,'A' levels at sec 3 and completed university at 18.
cool ryte !!!!!!!
they're not geniuses okay.
this does not mean they're special.
this just means that s'pore education system could be much faster and means they are wasting time on things lyk STARS :/
btw,their parents did this because they thought that completing education with s'pore's education system's speed is way too slow.
think of this,u complete pri school at 12.
complete secondary school at 16.
complete jc at 18 or poly at 19.
than university at 22.
after that u have to look for a job.
than stabilising your job takes about 4 years.
you'll be 26 by then.
than?thats your life kiddo.
why am i talking about this ???????
i dont know ?????
just feel that schooling is just a waste of time.

back to school today :
1st period's maths.
zihui and weilin came to sit beside me.
and they were lyk disturbing me :/
but we got do work hor !!!!!!!!!!
dont play play.


than it's mt.
yao lao shi wont be here for the whole of this week.
lyk yay !!!!
it dosent make a difference whether she comes or not.
so we completed her worksheet and listened to music (:

next was lit.
finished watching '10 things i hate about you'
nice movie (:
i failed my lit for CA D:
but mrs wong was nice enough to give us this last assignment that is going to be counted in CA (:

last period's geog.

after school.
went to tm with eudora,wuan ling and jaqueline [i dont really know how to spell =p]

went to meet boyf.
lidat lorh.
haha ...

BYE (:

Sunday, September 07, 2008

YAY !!!!!!!!!!
but this resulted in me having super lots of blisters in my left hand,excuse me,it's my master hand kay.
i dont know why but my racket grip is full of water and i cant get rid of it cos it's sponge -.-"
so i had no choice but to play on with it.
and,it resulted in blisters.
urgh !!!!!!!!
i hate blisters -.-"
nvm,at least everyone saw my shoe today !!!
hahahahahahahahaha !!!!!!!!!
so proud of you,my beloved shoe (:

kay,i've been tagged by girlf to do this quiz on her blog :

1)When was the last time you cried?
-er,NDP.thats the saddest time in the world.cos 3 months of hardwork just ended like that :(

2)What thing do you wanna do now?
-hmm,travel time till exams are over.

3)What's your life about?

4)Talk about what you need.
-LOL,i told you,1000 wishes from genie !!!!

5)What do you regret in life?
-i dont regret.once you've done it,you've done it.theres no turning back (: face the reality.

6)Do you enjoy your life now?
-DUR.u get to choose whether you enjoy yourself or choose to enjoy life.dont live with such sad optimistic ppl (:

7)If you had one wish,what would you wish for?
-hello,the answer is of course,1000 wishes from genie !!!

8)Which country do you want to migrate to if you have to?
-er,NAOBU !!!!!!!!!!! i dont know luh,s'pore has been the most peaceful country so far :/ [Naobu is a country btw.]

9)Who was the last person who sms you?
-boyf (:

10)How do you think you fared in the quiz?
-huh??i dont understand.chimology

11)Choose three person to do this quiz and tag them on their tagboard.
-huiying,dawn,wuan ling's reopening tmr.
thats the saddest thing ever.

i've created the MULTIPLY thingy alrdy.
mr david asked all the redshirts to make one.
has everyone done it??
er,i got a problem here.
i gt an account but aint sure how to use it.
nvm,i shall figure it out myself.

i've nt done chinese yt.
urgh,shall chiong it sometime.
i seriously dont feel lyk doing anything that has to do with school at this very point of time. :/

shall talk about trg today.
yeah,i wore my chioest shoe in the world for trg tdy,as i said.
i got second.
minyi was first. [i won everyone except for her. 6-5. that why i gt second.she won ryte !!]
nvm,shall win her sometime.
tdy was super duper hot kay.
well,at least it's so much better than raining.
and i want to tan myself more.
got fairer after the rain.cos theres no sun lyk AT ALL.

BYE (:
see you guys in school tmr !!!!!!
all the best in your exams alryte.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

hello (:

tdy's fun,no,it's happy !!
cos i bought things,finally

this is the second time im posting tdy.
cos i posted just now but some stupid problem cropped up and i had to blog all over again -.-"

went to meet mum and sis at bugis at 12.
than bused to queenstown shopping centre.
know what that means ??
means NEW TENNIS SHOE TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!
but mum alrdy bought a belt for me at bugis.
nice can.
LOVE YOU !!!!!!!

at queenstown shopping centre :
this place is so gonna be that nicest shopping centre on earth cos i bought things from there today (:
not me luh,it's mum !
bought me sports b and sis bought her yellow nike waterbottle.
copycat !!
kay,the sports b is super nice can.
colour ??
dont tell you.
it's supposed to be private.
than went shoe hunting for sis's running shoe.
nice shoe.
it's blue,it's nice cos i chose it for her (:

than it's mum's turn.
went shoe hunting again for her running shoe.
funny hor,short distance got 1 shoe,long distance got another 1

than it's my turn !!!
a design of barricade.
barricade is a design for tennis shoes,for your information.
i bought it from a shop,an indian shop -.-"
im not being racist okay.
cool huh.
i shall name my shop in future ARIEL AND DAUGHTERS.
nice ryte !!
haha !!
no luh,joking.
ARIEL AND DAUGHTERS sounds seriously weird.
at least SALAM AND SONS rhymes.
back to my shoe,
it's red and white.
not singapore flag okay.
it's maroon.
and it has shiny silver strips at the sides
kay,i found a picture of it,

CHIO RYTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my god,it's gonna be the nicest shoe on earth man.
JEALOUS ?????????
DONT BE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
COS IT'S MINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha !!!
joking luh.
im so gonna wear it for trg tmr man.
heh heh =p
pls luh,who dont show off ??
get prepared to see my new shoe ching thong,minyi,chloe,huiling,douglas,yiming,bryan and jing kang !!!!!!!
dont blind your eyes !!!!!!!
haha !!!!!!
kay,i know im crazy.
but im seriously super in love with it kay !!!!!!!!!!
nvm,i will get sick of sick through time.

urgh,school's gona reopen soon.
sad cn.
cos this means exams are coming !!
and im seriously scared of exams.
cos once the results are out,means the end of world for me.
not so serious luh.
just exaggerating.
nvm,i shall enjoy my december holidays in my new house !!!!!!!!!!
super excited kay.
but it's far from school.
means i have to wake up extra early.
can i just stay in pasir ris till sec 4 ??
it'll be so much easier cn.
so i dont have to wake up any earlier.
that the only solution i guess
but still,im excited to my new house
nicely renovated room
big bed
big table
new laptop
EVERYTHING !!!!!!!!!
LOL !!!!!!!!!!

kay,i dont know what to post alrdy,
LOL,i sound so random !!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 05, 2008

hello (:

i havent started doing my homework yet.
argh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe yes,i did the olympic package thingy :D
all answers could be found in the powerpoint slides.
im trying to get a life at home.
to prevent myself from rotting,decomposing,dying etc etc.

went for choir tdy morning.
not that bad afterall :D
but im cold.
cos it's in the music room.
btw,CREDITS TO DAWN !!!!!!!!!!!!
she woke me up by calling me at 8.30 (:
though it's late luh,but better than calling me at 11 ryte.
whr choir starts at 8.30 and ends at 11.30
i was sleeping in the bus when i was on my way there.

oh ya,sorry boyf,couldn't go out today cos i got to finish my work.(:

er,i've got tons of homework left :
-maths (but i couldn't find it in MLG.)
-geography (gonna do it after this)
-chemistry (urgh,i hate e-learning)
-physics (i hate physics -.-")
-chinese (someone help me do can ?? =p)

i dont wanna do chinese !!!!!!!!!!
im growing to hate chinese cos of yao lao shi can.
my results dropped jumping down from a building ??
sorry,i cant find another thing to describe it.
she made us do this book about this japanese animation.
i dont really understand luh.
LOL,wdv,im just going to do it for the sake of doing it.

EOY schedule's up on MLG.
22nd september.
it's gonna start again on 3 oct,i guess.
nvm,shall look forward to marking day.which huiying says she alrdy booked me.
haha ..
as well as december holidays.
it's more of october,november and december holiday.
holidays starts at 23rd october,if u guys dont know.

cousins are at my house now,kinda noisy.
nvm,gives me mood to do my work.
i know im weird :/

er,got to do my work.
bye (:

Thursday, September 04, 2008

hi ppl.
my 4th day of holidays.
sounds lyk it's the starting of the holidays huh.
but it's the 4th last day of the holidays D:
sad ehs.

ystd,wednesday,the 3rd day of holidays,the 5th last day of holidays.
im just being random luh.
went to bugis with grandma and sis.
on the train,some indian pregnant woman almost vomitted on me.
urgh,disgusting man.
thn in the afternoon,
went to ehub to meet boyf,jeremy and amos.
LOL,i done the craziest thing in my life ystd kay.
my god.

today,thursday,the 4th day of holidays,the 4th last day of holidays,and i havent done my homework yet -.-"
went for piano lesson in the morning.
teacher was late once again.
did theory,urgh,i hate it man.
than chatted with cousin and rachael.
funny kay.
haha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
than went to downtown to mt boyf,jeremy,amos,angus,bryan,gordon,aron and emmy.
LOL.i was bored.

kay,short post luh.
need to finish my hw.
havent even started yt.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

i just realised my previous post look seriously weird.
wdv,as long as it's visible for ppl to see ryte.
and there isnt many ppl who can view my blog (:

im SERIOUSLY BORED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cant go to sentosa with 2/1 cos i hv to finish my hw.
urgh,so irritating ...

cant understand why some guys are so seriously despo.
hate them man.
stupid hongsters.

im so RANDOM.

chatted with many ppl on msn ystd.
dawn,yvonne,florance,jun hao,jerome.
was talking to dawn about choir ystd.
yvonne about redshirts
florance says she misses me,oh,so touched.
jun hao,kay,no comments.
jerome about lots of crap. -.-"

URGH,im bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored

maybe i should start doing my hw ??
but im lazy to do so.
i might start with geography later.
cos it's computer work.

so now i know how school entertains me.
so not used to staying at home the whole day.
it bores me.
nvm,i shall find a way to go out later.

boyf's angry i guess,sorry ...

wdv,i dont know what to post alrdy.

Monday, September 01, 2008

okay,hi ppl.
i spent 1 hour doing the photos.
seriously a tough job kay.
my god,i swear i'll nvr do this again unless i seriously got nth to do.
er,the photos are from the redshirt's performance,cheryl's party and the formal dinner.
it aint in order luh.
lazy to arrange everything again.
urgh,kinda irritating when something just went wrong in the process of doing this.

the match at singapore swimming club last sat.
mum sent me there and it started to rain.
so we dint realli play luhh
so samantha,minyi,ching thong and me went up for the refreshments.
samantha and minyi just kept eating.
i was lyk,my GOD
they seriously got big appetite.
saturday morning.
went to school for social etiquette class.
i thought i was gonna be by mr leong and mr david.
but in the end it was by mr leong's wife.
nice lady.
super funny kay.
there were skids by mr leong,mr david,ms goh and some of the redshirts
they should be actors and actresses

shall talk about friday.
ran the cross country for my house.
i got 7th place,urgh,so angry
than went to prepare for the redshirt's performance.
prepared ourselves in the music room
the performance turned out well. :D

sunday was cool kay.
went for trg in the afternoon than went to school for the formal dinner
kinda funny kay.
cos there was music and azim was sitting beside me.
and he kept singing
me and florance were lyk laughing all the way
i dint realli eat lorh.
cos the food is lyk so weird

went for choir.
pathetic kay.
only 11 ppl turned up.
we learnt christmas corals.
quite cool cn.

er,i dont know what to post alrdy,bye :D