Saturday, September 13, 2008

im blogging again.
i know everyone misses me cos i dint blog for one day ryte !!!!!!!
haha !!!!
no luhh,just joking (:

i realised many ppl stopped blogging due to EOYs.
oh,thats so not gonna happen to me yeah,so if you guys got nth to do,can come and read my blog (:
er,i know im weird luh.
maybe u'll be thinking ,"OI ! EXAM ALREADY STILL BLOGGING AR !"
but to me,how long can blogging take?
at the very most,1 hour.
so,what can 1 hr do ?
make you get A1 from F9 ?
i dont know luh,but this is in the 'Book Of Logics In Ariel' (:
so my kid in future would me lucky (:
im just crapping luh.
oh ya,no offence to ppl who stopped blogging due to EOYs :D
im just stating my comment,lyk how katherine does in '10 Things I Hate About You'

school ystd.
pretty short day.
cos school ends at 3.15 on wed and thurs,and ystd,it ended at 12.35.
so yeah,seemed fast.

1st period ; art.
super slack luh,cos i did my work and we did filing.
so the whole class is lyk talking and crapping for the whole lesson.

2nd period ; pe.
played volleyball with wynn,avril,amanda,sihui,yuqian and eudora
fun luh !!!
my best volleyball companions (: love you all [less than three]


3rd period ; music.
i thought i was going to be called up for the test.
but i wasn't -.-"
nvm,i had fun for the whole lesson man.
with zihui,hei wo,wuan ling,weilin and kaster (:
i was super hyper during music luh,i dont know why

last period ; eng
ms tan made us write this 200 word essay on 'Once when you got into trouble at home'
i swear i dint write an essay as emotional as this luh.
my god,i felt so weird when i read my essay after i completed it.
lyk LOL.

than after school ;
changed into redshirt and went for filminhg.
it's to be given to pri schools to lyk 'advertise' redshirts.
found it weird but quite fun also luh (:

theres choir actualli,but we all dint go.
cos we were lyk chatting in the canteen.
than lyk more and more things to talk about so we decided not to go for choir but continue talking instead (:
heh heh =p
kp it a secret alryte !!!!!!
aiya,actualli no big deal luh.
haha ......

couldn't understand why some ppl lyks to leak ppl's secrets out.
and suck up to ppl for the benefits of yourself.
get a life luh.
it dosen't do you any a nice way,you are helping the ppl that you suck up to; but in the bad way,you're just a backstabber.

just came back from grandma's hse.
was lyk crapping with cousin.
fun luhh.

er,study hard ppl (:


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