Sunday, September 07, 2008

YAY !!!!!!!!!!
but this resulted in me having super lots of blisters in my left hand,excuse me,it's my master hand kay.
i dont know why but my racket grip is full of water and i cant get rid of it cos it's sponge -.-"
so i had no choice but to play on with it.
and,it resulted in blisters.
urgh !!!!!!!!
i hate blisters -.-"
nvm,at least everyone saw my shoe today !!!
hahahahahahahahaha !!!!!!!!!
so proud of you,my beloved shoe (:

kay,i've been tagged by girlf to do this quiz on her blog :

1)When was the last time you cried?
-er,NDP.thats the saddest time in the world.cos 3 months of hardwork just ended like that :(

2)What thing do you wanna do now?
-hmm,travel time till exams are over.

3)What's your life about?

4)Talk about what you need.
-LOL,i told you,1000 wishes from genie !!!!

5)What do you regret in life?
-i dont regret.once you've done it,you've done it.theres no turning back (: face the reality.

6)Do you enjoy your life now?
-DUR.u get to choose whether you enjoy yourself or choose to enjoy life.dont live with such sad optimistic ppl (:

7)If you had one wish,what would you wish for?
-hello,the answer is of course,1000 wishes from genie !!!

8)Which country do you want to migrate to if you have to?
-er,NAOBU !!!!!!!!!!! i dont know luh,s'pore has been the most peaceful country so far :/ [Naobu is a country btw.]

9)Who was the last person who sms you?
-boyf (:

10)How do you think you fared in the quiz?
-huh??i dont understand.chimology

11)Choose three person to do this quiz and tag them on their tagboard.
-huiying,dawn,wuan ling's reopening tmr.
thats the saddest thing ever.

i've created the MULTIPLY thingy alrdy.
mr david asked all the redshirts to make one.
has everyone done it??
er,i got a problem here.
i gt an account but aint sure how to use it.
nvm,i shall figure it out myself.

i've nt done chinese yt.
urgh,shall chiong it sometime.
i seriously dont feel lyk doing anything that has to do with school at this very point of time. :/

shall talk about trg today.
yeah,i wore my chioest shoe in the world for trg tdy,as i said.
i got second.
minyi was first. [i won everyone except for her. 6-5. that why i gt second.she won ryte !!]
nvm,shall win her sometime.
tdy was super duper hot kay.
well,at least it's so much better than raining.
and i want to tan myself more.
got fairer after the rain.cos theres no sun lyk AT ALL.

BYE (:
see you guys in school tmr !!!!!!
all the best in your exams alryte.


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