Thursday, September 04, 2008

hi ppl.
my 4th day of holidays.
sounds lyk it's the starting of the holidays huh.
but it's the 4th last day of the holidays D:
sad ehs.

ystd,wednesday,the 3rd day of holidays,the 5th last day of holidays.
im just being random luh.
went to bugis with grandma and sis.
on the train,some indian pregnant woman almost vomitted on me.
urgh,disgusting man.
thn in the afternoon,
went to ehub to meet boyf,jeremy and amos.
LOL,i done the craziest thing in my life ystd kay.
my god.

today,thursday,the 4th day of holidays,the 4th last day of holidays,and i havent done my homework yet -.-"
went for piano lesson in the morning.
teacher was late once again.
did theory,urgh,i hate it man.
than chatted with cousin and rachael.
funny kay.
haha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
than went to downtown to mt boyf,jeremy,amos,angus,bryan,gordon,aron and emmy.
LOL.i was bored.

kay,short post luh.
need to finish my hw.
havent even started yt.


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