Thursday, September 18, 2008


im blogging cos i got nothing else to do,other than studying and doing hw.
LOL,lyk wdv,i dont give a damn.

im still very pissed today.
the thing is,he dont give a damn,lyk at all.
wdv,i dont give a damn too.
but im still very pissed
who the hell is she luh.
it's her own problem ryte.thn now?it became yours.
if you touch amanda,im gonna kill that bitch before i kill you.
its lyk yes,amanda is wrong,but must you do this?
if you care so much about her,let her be your girlfriend luh !
lyk i said,i dont give a damn.
you know what,
all because of you,i dint know what to say when mr david asked me about the hell can i answer him?i couldn't say a single word you know.
and now,all you care is about that bitch and u dont even tell me anything.thats the thing im pissed about.
go away,you liar

LOL.wdv luh.

i dont wanna care alrdy.

zihui and kaster's not in school today.
nvm,i wasnt in a good mood anw.
fucking pissed for the whole day.
sorry to sihui,yuqian,eudora,wynn and amanda.
i lost my temper during pe today...
cos of him.
i seriously hope i can kill the bitch.
or just disfigure her.
URGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if i was not a rs,i would not put my blog private and SERIOUSLY hope that bitch would see this.

kay,im trying to keep myself from a distance from this pissing mood.
school today ;
special thanks to florance,wuan ling,hei wo and eudora.
from cheering me up.
thanks a dozen.
i love you all.
kay,i guess i should give super special thanks to wuan ling cos shes sitting beside me during class and i vented all my anger on her by hitting her.
very very sorry.
though the hitting dint help,but,still very sorry ehs.
i wasnt paying attention in class today.
i dint learn a thing today. -.-"
cos i shouted at whoever i saw.
oh ya,during mt,i shouted so loud that yao lao shi looked at me lyk o.O
okay,i shouted kaopeh at dewey.
sorry dewey.

LOL,dont wanna blog alrdy luh.
i wanna kill that bitch.
bitch,get out of my sight whenever u see me.


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