Saturday, September 27, 2008

er,i find this kinda weird luh.
we're back (:

kay,just came home.
so im just blogging cos i got nothing to do and i dont feel lyk sleeping so early.
actually have luh - art,english and literature.
but,saturday's for resting,not studying.

school ystd ;

it's the first ever time in my life that i was late for school -.-"
reached school at 7.35.
nvm,lucky enough that i dont hv to go for DC,or it'll be the end of my life.

1st period ;

super super slack luh.
but theres homework :/
urgh,and it's to be passed up on mon.
the thing is,it's painting.
i hate painting luh.
no choice,im being forced to do it.

2nd period ;

pe was cancelled.
cos of wet weather.
and mr david came into my class.
i think he did that purposely,so he could question me.
evil luh,he told me 'the day you break up,will be the day i celebrate'
i was lyk wdv.


3rd period ;

mr lim was not here and so mdm huda relieved.
i was lyk sleeping and listening to music.
than for lyk the last 5 mins,we asked her chem questions.
lyk abit too late ryte,i know that.

4th period ;

i was lyk talking all the way :D

school's super duper slack and it ended very very quickly (:

after school ;

homed with florance.
than went to see doc.
urgh,i was referred to CGH on mon.
HELLO !!! tuesday's my birthday !!! dont ruin this for me !!!

went to meet boyf,florance,amos,angus,clement,moses,edward,janelle,jeremy and gabriel after that.
at downtown.
went for lyk 1 hr than went home..
ps ps.need to be home =p

i guess i should start tag replies (:

Esther, ♥ - haha,thanks (: love you too laopo.mug hard

Yvonne - LESBO :D love you.

hei wo - yes yes,good girl. u FINALLY updated your blog as
i requested (:

Florance - you can !!! my dad says that he'll subsidise $100
for my friend if i go with my friend.think about it (:


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