Saturday, January 23, 2010


Today's flag day and I was seriously dreading to go. Cus it's so early in the morning of such a perfect SATURDAY. But, it's okay, I had lots of fun anyway. (: Walking around the streets of Orchard and Bugis, asking around for donations, made me feel so happy whenever I manage to convince someone to donate. So, you know, having a bright smile on your face really really helps.

Orchard road was tiring!!!! It has like never ending streets. It was hot, stuffy, my legs were tired and everything!!! Bugis was so much nicer. Don't really have to walk around, but people would donate. (: Not trying to say that people at Orchard ain't nice, but, they're like all 'rushing'. Hahahaha..


See, see, see, that fencing champion, is my friend!! Haha. Omg, Clive, made all of us feel so happy for you and so proud of you luh. Next time, walking down the streets, see Clive's picture, I can say, "Hey, he's my friend!" Hahahaha.. Anw, congrats congrats!!!!!

I'm not done with my testimonial yet!! Gawd, I have to finish it by tomorrow! Nvm, Ariel, you can do it. (: Homework's also piling up. Oh yes, speaking of my name, my tuition teacher doesn't know how to pronounce my name! HAIYOOOOOO, can you believe it? Is my name that hard to pronounce??? He was like "A, A, A, A..." So I was like, "It's ARIEL." Then he laughed. WOW.

Then, from Mr Tan:

"Define Happiness"

"Happiness is like wetting your pants, everyone else around you can see it, but only you can feel it."

"Define Sadness"

"Sadness is like farting, you think everyone doesn't know it, but actually, everyone around you knows it."

"Define Anger"

"Anger is like Santa Claus, everyone around you gets it."

"What about Jealousy?"

"Jealousy is not good and bad, cus it has lousy inside it.(Jealousy)"

-.-" Is he my form teacher? Yes, he is, he rocks. Hahaha. Never fails to make the starting of school fun.

Kay, off to spend my time with homework!


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