Saturday, January 16, 2010

It's finally the weekends. Maybe finally aint the right word, cus this week passed by really fast. Have been pretty much caught up by lots of homework and everything. Homework's a killer.

I have spent the past 3 hours studying and doing homework. (Can you believe that?) But, I haven't finished my homework yet! It's like, I've only completed History, Social Studies and Maths. Still left with English and Chinese, the 2 compos. Shall leave them for tomorrow, I've just killed too many brain cells.

Choir yesterday was a blast. Blast, as in, me and Si Hui spent some time arguing with MR FABIAN LIM about the matter of the juniors wanting to join LBC and if they get chosen, they'll become redshirts eventually. The point is, he doesn't allow. Hello, it's Leadership By Choice. Goodness, he's like stopping them from earning more CCA points and he claims that CCA is the top priority after academics. Kudos to Nicole, she found the page in the student handbook and in black and white, it was written Prefects and Redshirts are of the same rank, then coming down, the CCA leaders. Urgh, I seriously don't know what the hell he's thinking. So, this is why Choir aint popular at all.

Kay, Fridays are so not going to be the best day of the week anymore, cus there's an extra hour of Chinese! OMG. But zhangyan was nice yesterday, released us like within 5-10 mins. Woah, suddenly like her so much. Actually she isn't as bad as I thought she was going to be.

Random, I have this sudden motivation to do well for the big Os. Hahaha..


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