Friday, January 08, 2010

OH NO! I haven't been blogging!

1st week of the 1st school term has passed. Although it's just the first week of school, for my whole entire day, I'm doing school stuff. Homework, that means. Okay, that explains why I haven't been blogging.

I feel like I have no life, at all. Everyday, wake up, go school, go home, bathe, do homework, dinner, do homework, sleep. GOODNESS! Kay, STOP WHINING ARIEL TAN, THIS IS SEC 4 LIFE. Well, up till now, I'm still responding to 3/9, have not really got used to the FOUR in front.

Next thing, MY CLASSROOM IS SO SMALL!!!! Got so used to the BIG 3/9 classroom, then now? Back to the normal one. Feel so cramped. SHIT.

This is like the COMPLAIN post. Haha, I don't care.

Glad that everyone likes my cookies! Happy Happy Happy! :D Won't bake it all the time. Cus later people get sick of it than like EEYER, COOKIE AGAIN! Haha, so, once in a while luh.

I feel so determined now lorh. Determined to study well and get good results for 'O' levels. I going to get my place in VJC. Not so easy as it sounds, I know that. Miracles do happen, y' know? Yeah, basically, I'm just studying every single day.

*Pats on my shoulder*

Taking height and weight today so demoralised me luh. I'm god damn sure that there's something wrong with that machine. -.-"

Alright, dinner time! I'm hungry!


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