Sunday, January 31, 2010


This weekend was such a nice one. Know why know why? Cus I went out with my favourite someone and I have a MacBook! Yeap yeap, this is my first post, blogging with my new com. And, I'm so happy!!!!!!

Feels quite funny actually. Because it's something totally new and something I didn't use in my life before. Hmm..actually I did. There was some course in Sec 1 to teach us how to use iMac, which I thought was useless cus I won't ever use it. But but, I am now! The thing is, I don't remember a single thing about the course. Just that, I remember us having fun with the webcam. Hahaha..

Okay, nvm, this post is here to basically show off my MacBook. Haha, no luh. It's just that I need somewhere to express my feelings. (:

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Blogging Blogging Blogging!!

Decided to blog today and now's time to blog! Yeap, after such a long long time.

Sad stuff, happy stuff. Many tears in school these few days. Hmm, I hope this doesn't change anything about us. It's really saddening to see everyone like that. Happy stuff, everyone should know and of course, after what happened last night, it's like, a load off my mind. Means that we dont have to be secretive.

Physics spa today. It was really scary before it started, my heart's like pumping at its max speed. But after it, I was like PHEW. Not saying that it was easy or something, but we actually finished another spa. Next one's Chemistry, 27 FEB.

Getting really sleepy. Shall blog some other time. (:

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Today's flag day and I was seriously dreading to go. Cus it's so early in the morning of such a perfect SATURDAY. But, it's okay, I had lots of fun anyway. (: Walking around the streets of Orchard and Bugis, asking around for donations, made me feel so happy whenever I manage to convince someone to donate. So, you know, having a bright smile on your face really really helps.

Orchard road was tiring!!!! It has like never ending streets. It was hot, stuffy, my legs were tired and everything!!! Bugis was so much nicer. Don't really have to walk around, but people would donate. (: Not trying to say that people at Orchard ain't nice, but, they're like all 'rushing'. Hahahaha..


See, see, see, that fencing champion, is my friend!! Haha. Omg, Clive, made all of us feel so happy for you and so proud of you luh. Next time, walking down the streets, see Clive's picture, I can say, "Hey, he's my friend!" Hahahaha.. Anw, congrats congrats!!!!!

I'm not done with my testimonial yet!! Gawd, I have to finish it by tomorrow! Nvm, Ariel, you can do it. (: Homework's also piling up. Oh yes, speaking of my name, my tuition teacher doesn't know how to pronounce my name! HAIYOOOOOO, can you believe it? Is my name that hard to pronounce??? He was like "A, A, A, A..." So I was like, "It's ARIEL." Then he laughed. WOW.

Then, from Mr Tan:

"Define Happiness"

"Happiness is like wetting your pants, everyone else around you can see it, but only you can feel it."

"Define Sadness"

"Sadness is like farting, you think everyone doesn't know it, but actually, everyone around you knows it."

"Define Anger"

"Anger is like Santa Claus, everyone around you gets it."

"What about Jealousy?"

"Jealousy is not good and bad, cus it has lousy inside it.(Jealousy)"

-.-" Is he my form teacher? Yes, he is, he rocks. Hahaha. Never fails to make the starting of school fun.

Kay, off to spend my time with homework!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

So, basically, I'm quite obssessed about after Coral became famous about this:

Hmm, quite wuliao. But thinking about it, is our canteen that small? It isn't right? Maybe that's he's preferred way of eating: kneeling down. Or maybe he eats like that at home? Who knows? Haha..

As a result, I decided to browse through all the pages of STOMP and came across this:

It is titled "Unshapely model becomes centre of attention". In short, this 'unshapely model' joined the tattoo contest(check out her sexy tattoos on her back man). Kay, my point is, although this is a tattoo contest, but, knowing that she would have to dress so 'cooling-ly', at least try to slim down or something luh. Not saying that she have to have abs or some perfect body, at the very least, don't show your flabby tummy, meaning don't even attempt joining this contest.

So, no matter how BEAUTIFUL your tattoo is, seeing your body shape, from 100% will drop to 20%. Hahahahaha.. I feel like I'm being evil or something. But as a matter of fact, this is true!!

I finally finished my homework!! I'm like having this sense of satisfactory now. Hehehe.. Kay, training's later!!

Aww, dreading weekends....................

Saturday, January 16, 2010

It's finally the weekends. Maybe finally aint the right word, cus this week passed by really fast. Have been pretty much caught up by lots of homework and everything. Homework's a killer.

I have spent the past 3 hours studying and doing homework. (Can you believe that?) But, I haven't finished my homework yet! It's like, I've only completed History, Social Studies and Maths. Still left with English and Chinese, the 2 compos. Shall leave them for tomorrow, I've just killed too many brain cells.

Choir yesterday was a blast. Blast, as in, me and Si Hui spent some time arguing with MR FABIAN LIM about the matter of the juniors wanting to join LBC and if they get chosen, they'll become redshirts eventually. The point is, he doesn't allow. Hello, it's Leadership By Choice. Goodness, he's like stopping them from earning more CCA points and he claims that CCA is the top priority after academics. Kudos to Nicole, she found the page in the student handbook and in black and white, it was written Prefects and Redshirts are of the same rank, then coming down, the CCA leaders. Urgh, I seriously don't know what the hell he's thinking. So, this is why Choir aint popular at all.

Kay, Fridays are so not going to be the best day of the week anymore, cus there's an extra hour of Chinese! OMG. But zhangyan was nice yesterday, released us like within 5-10 mins. Woah, suddenly like her so much. Actually she isn't as bad as I thought she was going to be.

Random, I have this sudden motivation to do well for the big Os. Hahaha..

Thursday, January 14, 2010

So, I really do enjoy blogging at night cus no one's here to disturb me. Haha.

Homework piling up, tests coming one after another. STRESSED UP!!!

'O' level results are out. Guess I've mentioned this during the previous post. But I just got to know that the average point for the pure science classes is 16. It's like, what? Can't even get to a good poly course?! Pure science people are supposed to get in JC, or at least a GOOD poly course. It seriously demoralised me A LOT. And made me study like really really hard and listen really really carefully in class these few days. So you see, I don't really talk during lesson time right now. *Pats on my shoulder* :D

Went for my very first physics tuition today. The class was pretty much dead, lifeless, not fun. Hahaha.. But time passes quite fast, cus the teacher was pretty much humourous and fun.

Kay, Friday tmr!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Surprise, Surprise. Apparently, I'm still feeling so awake and not sleepy, well, not as sleepy as yesterday.

School's not as boring as last year. Maybe it's the O level year and I'm trying to study really hard. Hahahahaha. Yeah, I know, it But, accept the fact, I am okay. Or, maybe lesson time have been cut down. But But, sometimes I feel that the lesson time of 45 mins is a bit too short. It's like, if you have some lesson out of classroom, then, come back, 10 mins gone, left with 35 mins. Hmm, I don't know.

And, I'm pretty stressed up now, looking at how my seniors have done in their O levels last year. The best result, 9 points? Gawd, that's quite bad luh. Get at least an 8 or 7 or something better? Not saying that 9 points is bad luh, it's quite good actually, just that, it's currently THE BEST RESULT OF CORAL. At least, 1 or 2 person get 6 distinctions or something? And as far as I know, distinction rate for all sciences is way below national average. Well, that explains the Principal's unhappiness. Nvm, hope all of us can do better this year. STUDY HARD PEEPS!

So, I had this interesting experience on the Mrt yesterday, with Si Hui and Clive. It's like, I really really, seriously seriously cannot stop laughing luh. I think I was laughing for a good 10 mins, NON-STOP. There's this 50 plus year old woman standing opposite me(there was no seat apparently), and she had thick make up. Plus, I can see that she had so much powder on her face that her oily face made it BLING BLING(imagine that). Red lipstick, smudged-by-her-face-oil-blusher.

Kay, I'm not trying to be evil here or something, just that, it's really like that luh!

Then, she was holding this huge soft toy, pink in colour. And she was dressed in spaghetti strips, hot short short, high heels. I don't know why, but she DID leave such a deep impression on me. Haha. THUS, I just burst out laughing. Kay, whatever, treat it like I'm crazy or something. LOL

Hmm, school again tomorrow. I'm like looking forward to school everyday. Hahaha..

Friday, January 08, 2010

OH NO! I haven't been blogging!

1st week of the 1st school term has passed. Although it's just the first week of school, for my whole entire day, I'm doing school stuff. Homework, that means. Okay, that explains why I haven't been blogging.

I feel like I have no life, at all. Everyday, wake up, go school, go home, bathe, do homework, dinner, do homework, sleep. GOODNESS! Kay, STOP WHINING ARIEL TAN, THIS IS SEC 4 LIFE. Well, up till now, I'm still responding to 3/9, have not really got used to the FOUR in front.

Next thing, MY CLASSROOM IS SO SMALL!!!! Got so used to the BIG 3/9 classroom, then now? Back to the normal one. Feel so cramped. SHIT.

This is like the COMPLAIN post. Haha, I don't care.

Glad that everyone likes my cookies! Happy Happy Happy! :D Won't bake it all the time. Cus later people get sick of it than like EEYER, COOKIE AGAIN! Haha, so, once in a while luh.

I feel so determined now lorh. Determined to study well and get good results for 'O' levels. I going to get my place in VJC. Not so easy as it sounds, I know that. Miracles do happen, y' know? Yeah, basically, I'm just studying every single day.

*Pats on my shoulder*

Taking height and weight today so demoralised me luh. I'm god damn sure that there's something wrong with that machine. -.-"

Alright, dinner time! I'm hungry!

Sunday, January 03, 2010


Last day of holidays, whoo! Time for the 'O' level stress and time to focus seriously on studies. Kinda looking forward to school :/ Excited to see all my friends again, missing them so much!

Finished packing my bag but I haven't finished my homework yet. Tsk Tsk Tsk. And And, what the freakin' hell is CLD? LOL. Plus, Wednesday and Thursday, what's STARS/read?? GAWD, wonder who came up with this 45 min lesson thingy. I don't think it's gonna work. Looking at the timetable makes my giddy, so messy luh! Some more, both odd and even week, has different timing -.-" WEIRD.

Tennis today was great. Was really really scorching hot at first, but, weather became better and much cooler. Realised many people hasn't finished their homework yet o.O

Kay, sleep early people! LUVS!

Friday, January 01, 2010


Just thought I should give a new year note.. Haha. (because...I think I should?)

To all my dearest clique: Esther Yap, Wuan Ling, Dawn, Eudora, Hui Ying

It's great to know all of you, my girlfriends. I remember, we knew each other since we were Sec 1 and also, through Sec 1 Orientation Camp. You were my first group of friends in Secondary School. Although we may only be in the same class in Sec 1, for Esther, Eudora and Dawn, but until now, we were still as close as we used to be. Talking about all our problems and even the boyfriend thing, we will always find out about it if one of us has a boy. I couldn't say that we went through thick and thin together, cus, we don't quarrel, right? As far as I can remember, we didn't have any unhappiness between us, at all. Isn't this fantastic? Now that it's Year 2010 and all of us are Sec 4s this year, the SENIOR YEAR. We may go on separate ways after this, but, I'm pretty much sure that the bond between us can never be broken. Oh yes, remember Hui Ying's booth. We were talking about it 3 years ago. And now? It's time!! Hahaha... So, just to tell you all that I love you all, girlfriends, BEST FRIENDS FOREVER.

To: Si Hui, Tana, Clive, Jeremy, Roy, Dewey, Yeuk Hang, Yong Hao, Jarvis, Florance etc etc etc. All the great friends that I always hang out with.

It's really really REALLY nice getting to know all of you. Hanging out, having lunch, chalets, parties, watching movies, or even WEDDINGS are always fun with all of your company. All the laughters and jokes are so unforgetable. Although there's a lot of suaning or even screaming, but, that's how it's supposed to be right? And that's how things get fun. 'O' levels this year, I hope all of you get your desired results and get to a great college or something. Remember that even until the end of 2010, it's not the end of our friendship! (:

To: All my other friends.

Sorry for not mentioning names. You know, all of us has many friends unless you're serioulsy anti or something. Well, I guess all of you are not. So, the beginning of a new year, a beginning of a new start. Hope all of you had a great start by doing some countdown or something else, whether with friends, family, yourself, or even when you're sleeping. (Sleeping is good, I do that sometimes. Haha) Hmm, my friends are not just of my age. Thus, I can only say, all the best in whatever you do! May the future years get better and better!

To: Family

Er, I know you all WILL NOT see this. But then, I LOVE YOU ALL!! if you dont know.

Kay, I spent a long time thinking of what to type.

Did countdown at Dad's office, cus we can see the fireworks at Marina Bay from there. Counting down with all the ang mohs is fun! Cus you know, they just scream whenever they like and get really really high and hyper. 8 mins of fireworks. Nice.

Went for Sushi buffet before that. I was like seriously, BLOATED LUH!

Back to the countdown thing. I was SUPER DRUNK. My face blushed like don't know what and my eyes are SOOOOOOOO RED. GAWD. But But, nice sleep after that.

So, to make up for what I ate, I went jogging in the morning yesterday before eating and went gym-ing today afternoon. Gosh, didn't gym for quite some time. MUSCLES! DON'T ACHE!! Hahahaha..