Saturday, February 13, 2010


Bet everyone's gonna be busy busy during CNY yeah, with all the visiting and stuff. Well, hope everything's going to be enjoyable and of course, I get to wear my new clothes. Haha. Yes, tonight's renuion dinner. Swear I'm going to get fat after CNY. Hmm, think I'm already getting fat. Cus I've been eating a lot recently and haven't been exercising. OMG, that means I'm going to get the New Year BLUES, going to exercise hardcore after CNY. Hahaha..

BBQ at Maoshin's yesterday was fun. Lots and lots of pictures. Basically, we were just spamming Amanda's camera with photos, guess she's going to have a bad and hard time trying to upload everything up onto facebook. But, the point is, everyone was having fun.

And of course, boyfriend went away for a while. Nevermind, feel super proud of you. (:

Piercy Jackson rocks!!!

Caught it just now at Marina Square with boyfriend. Mm Hmm, Mm Hmm, like it a lot. Nice nice movie. worth using your piece of red-coloured paper in exchange of watching it.

Oh yes, Shrek 4's coming out. Going to watch it, since I've watched all 3 parts. Like the animation anyway.

Okay! Time to eat, again!


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