Sunday, November 15, 2009


BBQ and everything else were really really fun. Kudos to Hui Ying, Esther and Eudora for your efforts for organising it (: It was really really nice to see many people attending it.

Anw, the chalet was like some gambling den. Dai di and poker. LOL. Thank you Xin Liang for letting me win $$ with my 40 cents in my pocket. Haha..

Friday was quite monotonous actually. Went to school for some 'meeting' for Primary school camp and it lasted not more than 5 mins -.-" Travelled down to dad's office to help uncle Declan with his some church stuff: sending some sofas to the poor. Wow, what good deed. But it's like really ridiculous luh. They are young an strong, why depend on charity to give them free stuff so they don't have to work? One word, they are purely LAZY. Plus, one of the families can even afford to have a pet dog -.-"

Went jogging yesterday morning, than went to Tampines 1 for lunch with Mum and sis. Nice and full (: Mum and sis went to buy some ingredient for dinner and I went to century square to buy some stuff. Don't really like to go to super markets anw. =p

Headed down to dad's office after that. Waited for dad and bro to come cus they were playing golf. Had steamboat for dinner. I was seriously bloated luh. Watched Your, Mine & Ours. Efforts to me, I bought it. Hahahaha..

Guess what, I had tummy upset after that. Goodness, swear I wouldn't want it in my life ever again man. Such terrible feeling. Not because of the steamboat, but because of the energy bar I ate before I went jogging. It was stated "Best Before 1/11/09". Than? I still ate it. STUPID. REMEMBER TO NOT EAT FOOD THAT HAS EXPIRED, UNLESS YOU HAVE CONSTIPATION. It's quite a good way to detox. LOL.

Yeap yeap, training's later. COUNTING DOWN!! (:


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