Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Was supposed to go to school today. But than, yesterday wasn't really pleasant in school with the open house. It was like DROP DEAD boring. Tana and me were roaming around the school, with NOTHING to do AT ALL. So, I decided not to go today, since there was a over-powering of people. Haha..

Training on Sunday was bad. Couldn't play at all -.-" Mum and Dad were arguing in the car whether the MRT goes 'BOM'.

Dad: See, it's so convenient nowadays, just have to take MRT and BOM, you can go anywhere.

Mum: No, the MRT doesn't go BOM, it's di di di di di, DOORS CLOSING.

Dad: Ya, it doesn't, but than the MRT gate does.

Mum: No, it doesn't.

Dad: There, that one, the one you tap your ez-link card. The gate close so loud.

Yeah, whatever. HAHA.. Doesn't really make sense to me. Don't know why the both of them are arguing over such things. LOL!

Oh yes, Monday was Primary School Camp. No offence, but, I was kinda bored too. Haha. Nothing seems to quite entertain me. =p

Going to Airport later!


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