Sunday, June 28, 2009

I realised my blog's super suckish right now, shall polish up everything someday. :D

SLTC '09

The 4th batch of redshirts in CSS! Woah, can you believe it? I actually had my SLTC a year ago! Yeah, although we're prejudiced against the sec 2 peeps at times, but you know, we want ourselves to be taken over by an elite team of people.

Redshirt life was a total blast for me. Teacher's day dance, Primary school camp, Sec 1 orientation camp, LBC night walk, Inter-house games, Aces Day, Track and Field meet etc and finally, SLTC. Have passed on the baton, all the best guys (:

Got lots and lots of sandfly bites and mosquitoes bites. Especially Darence. Haha. Shit, my legs are itching! Curse and swear. Trying my best not to scratch them cos I would leave a scar, as according to Mr David.


School's freaking opening tmr and I haven't finished my homework yet. Most of it, left with chinese and maths. Nevermind, don't feel like doing already. Haha. Woo, H1N1. There wouldn't be any assemblys or CCAs when school reopens. YAY!

All of us were hoping for school to close for another week. Seriously don't wanna go to school in this super I'm-so-tired-after-camp mood. Wouldn't be able to concentrate tomorrow. Oh yes, new timetable on MLG, download!

Happy Belated Birthday Esther!!!!!!!

I'M SO SORRY ESTHER!!!!!!! Was super busy with SLTC. Sorry sorry sorry!!!!!! Don't angry uh.....

Michael Jackson passed away

Like so effin' sudden. Was with the redshirts on Friday night. Than they were like, 'eh, Michael Jackson die already eh.' Omg. Rausyan was funny. Esther was saying that the inventor of the moonwalk is dead. Than Rausyan was like, ' At least he's got a descendant.' Which he was practically referring to himself -.-"

kay, be prepared for school tmr and seeya guys!


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