Friday, May 22, 2009

hey guys, sorry for not blogging for so long due to exams and my super terrible results. Cos it's like nothing proud of to blog about, so I decided not to blog. Heh.

Went for charity golf last week. Met some people I seriously haven't met for like at least a few months or a year. Like Marc, Ronald, Uncle Dave, Uncle Jimmy, Li ling, Joshua etc. And Ronald was like saying that I keep slacking around not doing anything. When he's like worse than me, looking for people for him to talk to -.-"

This week is the worse week of my life. Bad results, boring times. I was seriously disappointed with my chemistry. It dropped from 87 to 56. Shit. Yeah, I was like crying in class for that whole freaking period. My god.

Monday was tiring. 1 day out in Ubin and I got myself drenched. But it's really fun. Riding in those stony tracks and seeing wild boars here and there. AND, my butt really hurts after that =p

Speech day rehearsals today. I need not sing. Cos I'm doing backstage !! Heh. Spoke to esther. Hey esther, this is for you.

Cheer up kay. Everything's gonna be alright. There is sure to be conflicts, but the most important thing is about how you solve it and dont get too upset about it. The relationship between both of you would surely grow stronger after all this. :D SMILES :D

Going for kayaking 1 Star course tmr. Excited !! It's from 10 to 5 plus. As according to Mr David, who is currently bored at his reservice. HAHA!!

I've got 2 work attachments. Cos there isn't enough people, the success resources. Have to attend this seminar as ticketers etc. It's about How the Rich get Richer. WOW. Hui Ying and Miss Ida is trying to get some rich boyfriend from there cos everyone attending this seminar is super rich. LOL. Since they're rich, why must they get richer?

kay, got to go. Gonna buy some stuff at parkway for tmr. haha.


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