Friday, October 31, 2008


Ariel is finally blogging after this freaking busy week (:

and im freaking tired.

getting busy with the primary school camp,open house plus choir camp.

urgh,i hate that.

casuarina primary and junyuan primary's pre-camps are next week.


pasir ris priamry's pre-camp is on 11 nov -.-"

hello,think i very free isit.


cant it be one of the days next week?

last to reply and last to have pre-camp sommore.


went to junyuan pri tdy morning.

so,i have to wake up at 5.30 thanks to mr fabian lim.

he asked us all to reach junyuan by 7 and him? he reached at 7.41.


and i love junyuan pri's security guard man.

he rocks hardcore luh.

we were walking into the school and there he was scolding us for nothing.

and there's the national anthem.

he blew the whistle so hard just to ask us to stand up.

shout at us summore !!

so angry luh !!

what kind of luck is this to be one of the shepron for junyuan pri.

i swear if he was the security guard in our school,he'd alrdy been bashed up.

seriously qian da you know.

weird uncle.

streaming ;

urgh,im kinda irritated when everyone starts asking me what course i chose for sec 3.

fyi,it's 3/8,3/9,3/10

one thing,

why must triple science be with literature??

my literature sucks kay.

but nvm,i still chose 3/8 (:

thn dad says if i get into 3/10 or any combined science class,which i dont wish to gt into,he'd let me take private 'A' maths.

yes,i know that,he rocks the world. :D

im freaking freaking freaking freaking freaking tired luh ..........

oh yes,my sis actually has a blog. OMFG !!!!!!

and shes only P2.

kids nowadays....

no no no,im not that old can.


11 more days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


im blogging just before i go to school,Haha.

erm,the boring life of school holidays finally started.

and i cant believe i was actually counting down to these days when school was still opened :/

though it's boring,but at least i got something to do.

oh gosh,counting down to the boring life.

not exactly,novmeber's gonna be a really busy month for me.

especially this week,i've got to go to school everyday.

thr's redshirt meeting tmr.

planning of the open houses for junyuan pri and coral sec.

and the open house for junyuan pri is on friday.

actually,it aint planning.

everything's gonna be ready by thursday and have to show it to mr lim

urgh !! stressed.


training's great.

hadn't gone for training for 1 month.

sad eh.i wonder how i survived without it.

but i lost to ching thong 1-7.


what kind of score is that.

nvm,i shall get it back within 2 weeks.


many people are writting dedications to their class people.


Alethea ;

erm,we dint talk much throughout this year and of course,you are one of the people who pull our class' results up. (: so yeah,all the best in your triple science class.

Angela ;

idk what to say..LOL.but yeah,good luck !!

Joelle ;

thanks a ton for entertaining me during the morning assemblys everyday and prevent me from rotting.Haha.

Wei Lin ;

ya,some unhappy stuff happened but we're still friends right.LOL.dont be too moody over your results.i dint get good results too.cheer up.

Lok Huan ;

HAHAHAHA,your waffle factory.strawberry !! kay,anw,stay clever.

Zhi Yu ;

home econs partner !! rmb all the 'great' food we made during home econs lessons.ya luh,some are pretty disgusting.even me myself dint dare to eat it.ha,all the best (:

Ayuni ;

erm,got to know that your results aren't good.but nvm,just do well in sec 3 alright :D

Wai Yee ;

MUMMY !!!!!!!!! great person to be hyper with. thanks for entertaining me !!

Wuan Ling ;

HAHAHA,2 years of friendship and 2 years being in the same class. sitting beside me in class is your previlege okay !!!!!!!!! LOL,i know u'll miss me disturbing you =p

Hwee Sze ;

monster !! dont sleep in a tent without stick anymore kay.haha.good luck in your triple science class !!

Hei wo ;

good friend :D as well as my DnT partner !! all the best kay,hope we're in the same class next year.

Zi Hui ;

2 years !! study harder kay.aiyo.. anw,will miss you entertaining me during maths,english,history and geography lesson !! actually,not entertain luh,it's disturb =p

Adlina ;

brave brave brave.good luck !!

Shu Qi ;

all the best (:

Crystal ;

i know dewey's been disturbing you throughout this year,but thn,joking only ma..haha,good luck !!

Ashley ;

ha,i dont know what to say.erm.dont sleep so much in class anymore (:

Gary ;

2 years,all the best.

Daniel ;

yeah.dont sleep so much.

Dewey ;

you're the main entertainment in class for me.haha.yeah,dont talk so much.

Shu Ying ;

er,good luck ??

Nichol ;

study harder.

Reynard ;

dont be so playful kay.haha.

Kenneth Tan ;

i dint know you were so clever can.

Kenneth Lim ;

tsk,must communicate with your classmates more.

Niki ;

dont always pon school can.

Roy ;

hahaha,someone from 2/9 is admiring you !!!!!!!!!!!!

Zhong Ming ;

dont sleep in the playground ever again.

Jonathan ;

TWIST !! pt purifier.haha,no luh.see you next week !!

Clive ;

dont be so sacarstic.haha.

for the others who was not mentioned.thank you !!

got to go to school


Sunday, October 26, 2008

hello (:

erm,it all ended.sorry.


my hair's totally lyk brown and golden.

haha,cool luh.

i wonder how am i going to go back to school during the holidays in this hair and most importantly,my primary school camp.


shall decide when the time comes.= =p


after 1 month of 'no training',i seriously miss trg lyk hell.

erm,dad asked me not to go actually.

but thn i insisted. (:

heh heh =p

please lorh,sunday's so boring without it luh.

school holiday's started.

kinda boring can.

at least theres school during the holidays which prevent me from rotting at home.

ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,primary school camp.

excited?i dont know.maybe?


bad bad results.



the Cs sucks.

i reckon i'll be in a combined science class :(

goodbye to my pure science class.


nvm,i dont wanna take A maths anw.

it'll kill me.


16 more days ...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

currently - and downs.


interclass games today.

and,2/1 was the overall champion !!

3 cheers for 2/1 !!


you know why,cos IT'S ARIEL'S CLASS :D


but there's 3 games.

captain's ball,handball and soccer.

2/1 got 1st in captain's ball and handball.

soccer ....... hmm ........ idk..

sad sad sad,a freaking big piece of skin peeled off from my leg D:

thanks to huiying,i got this plaster cum tissue bandage on it.

and yet shes so proud of it.

telling everyone that she did it.


anw,ty (:

thn theres this sexuality talk thingy.

i gt the privilege to sit on the chair.

thank you thank you !!!!!!!

but i rather sit on the floor i tell you.

cos it's freaking cold at where im sitting luh.


and,i cant believe the person who saved me.

helen tan -.-"

she switched off the fan that in right on top of me.

*claps with sacartism*

went to tm after school again.

i realised i kept going to tm.


kay,went with darence,sihui,marco,huiying,wuan ling and thurga.

have to do the open house for coral sec as well as junyuan pri.

i thought we had to do more stuffs for the open house in coral sec.

but,it's the opposite.

and the open house for junyuan pri is lyk next fri luh !!!!!!!!!!

and i have to gt all the house t-shirts,all cca shirts,house flags,pictures,slideshows etc.everything to be done by next thurs.

including the coral sec open house stuffs.


nvr been so stressed in my life before luh.

nvm.cos not everyone's invloved.

theres 20 at first.

but we decided not to use so many redshirts cos there isn't a need to.

12 is enough.

oh ya,dad bought the table.


and i feel so proud ystd you know.

cos i helped esther settle this mystery call from some china woman.

and esther even told that china woman her name luh !!

tsk tsk tsk.

she was so lucky that i was beside her man.

and i just said bye to that china woman.


going out with boyf on sat :D

20 more days ..

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

currently - pissed.

urgh,i dont know how to start the post. -.-"

dint feel lyk blogging actually.

but since im on the com,why not?


science centre excursion today !!!!!!

kinda disappointed though.

cos all the other classes left by 8.45 except for mine :(

my class left the school only by 9.30.

eh,not my fault hor.

i was freaking restless when i was waiting at the foyer and dint felt lyk going anymore.

anw,we went there for this grand canyon lecture and movie.

the lecture's boring lorh.

and the lecturer look lyk this mouse in the tom and jerry movie.

so funny lorh.


no offence though.


and the movie's super cool luh.

it's at omni theatre and the seats are lyk bed.

luckily i got my prawn crackers,or not i'll fall asleep for sure.


but i was a lil' giddy when i got up.

cos it's a screen of a ceiling and you have to look up all the time.

and you have to turn your heads to see the whole picture of it.

so yeah,kinda tough watching the movie in there.


i was sleeping during the 1 hour journey back to school.

got a terrible headache and felt super giddy.

cos fyi,i couldn't spend more than 45 mins in a bus or train.

i'll vomit right in front of your face i tell you.

i was just lucky this time round.

thats quite the reason why i seldom go overseas.

sad huh :/


got cca.

dint feel lyk going cos i was super tired.

but i went in the end.

heh heh...


nothing else.

bye (:

I MISS BOYF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Esther - good to hear that !! love you
21 more days ...

Monday, October 20, 2008

hey all.

havent been blogging for quite long though.

cos my bro's on the com for the whole day and i dint have the chance to use it.

had the chance now cos my sis psyco-ed him to play basketball at 230.

LOL -.-"


my happiest news on that day - i actually got B3 for my art luh !!


someone with no artistic talent at all actually got B3 for an art exam.

miracle man.

congratulate me (:


woke up at 7 to go to school for some redshirt stuff at 8.

i dint manage to be ready on time so yeah,dad sent me there.

my dad rawks hardcore ryte !!

it ended at 12 and went to macs at ws for lunch with jek ee,sihui,wuan ling,huiying and marco.

super fun luh.

homed at 3 plus.

bathed and got changed.

thn went to dad's friend's bbq.

boring can.

and that friend of his kept trying to introduce 'boyfriends' to me.


i was kinda irritated.

so i went home first.

trying to stay away from the matchmaking and i was tired,partly.


woke up at 7 plus and went to our new house again.

cos we had to decide anymore things to be added on to the renovation before it starts.

everyone was there.

as in,all the relatives.


and everyone was asking about my EOY results and i was kinda annoyed.

cos i keep answering the same question again and again.

we all went to IMM at 12 plus to buy the lights for the new house.

dad spent lyk $1000 +

and he says , "财去人安乐"

what kind of thinking is that luh ??

maybe he's afraid to be robbed or something ??

LOL,i dont know.

well,he says that when he spent a big amount of money.

then we went on to buy beds.

YES,i finally got my bed (:

he spent $5000 on that.

and again,he said that sentence -.-"



post exam activities.

kay luh.

1st half was the presentation from the ppl who went to taiwan.

i was lyk poking wuan ling all the way though.

SORRY !! =p


i was so jealous when they were presenting.

till now im still very pissed that only 1 person in my class got to go.

unfair luh.

just because li lao shi organised this thing,dosent mean more ppl in her class gets to go.

and the MORE PPL means around 20 ppl in her class gets to go luh !!




second half was inspirational movie.

as i expected,it was "The Pursuit of Happiness"

watched it before in the cinema with dad and mum.

if i weren't sitting on the dard hall floor,

i would be crying lyk i dont know what.

i was lucky anw.

cos i dont wanna cry in school again.

heh heh =p

kay,nothing else.


heiwo - i tagged your blog
too !! LOVES

wuanling - you better tag more kay.or not i shall poke you

huiying - heh heh =p ps lorh.IM SO HONOURED !! (:

DAWN - haha,kay (: at least you tagged.but still must post alryte

Eudora - LOL !! thn before next year's listening,i shall
dig my
ear first. LOVES

WilsonWong - HELLO !!!! (:

22 more days...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

HELLO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i've not been blogging since tuesday.

errrrrrrrrr,only 1 day never blog only what..



went for lunch with eudora,wuan ling,kaster and eileen after school at TM


i was lyk super hyper there luh.

i was the emperor (huang shang), kaster was the empress dowager (tai hou) , eudora was the princess (jun zhu) , eileen was the crown prince (tai zi) and lastly,wuan ling was the eunuch (tai jian) !!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAHA !!!!!!!!!

i dont know why i called wuan ling that.

oh yes,cos she kp opposing in wdv i say.


we were bored anw..

went to ehub to look for esther.

we played bowling (:

brenda was also there.

my score for the first game !!!!!!!!!


i got 122.

haha !!!!!!

but then in the second game,i only got 69 :(

nvm,it's just a game (:


school was kinda boring and i so dont feel lyk going to school luh.

but too bad,i need to know my results.

urgh,results aint good.

i REALLY failed my listening for the first time in my life D:


super saddening luh.




today's fun :D

1st lesson's pe.

played captain's ball with lots of ppl.

including mr leong,miss goh and mr david.

super funny luh..

i kept laughing and laughing and laughing.


2nd lesson's mt.

got 56/70 for paper 2.

okay luh,not that bad.



got 59/100



miss chan aint here.

so cant know my bio results.

im scared anw.

scared that i'll fail D:


free period.

mr cheang came in and nagged.

WTH LUH !!!!!!

but lao niang's sleeping (:

before that,

me and weilin were abusing marco.

super fun luh !!!!!!!

funny ryte !!

i know that


kay,but he's got bruises all over.

sorry anw. =p

after school ;

went to TM for lunch with hei wo,kaster and wei lin.

errrr,nothing much luh..

then went to meet boyf.

LMAO luh.

suspension still can come out.


yay !! dad's gonna change car !! cant wait for that man.

and of course,my new house !!!!!!!

Singalella why become rich?


1. Read the passage carefully

2. Grade yourself with the grading system at the end of the passage after reading.

3. Not that difficult, chin chai do lah !

Section A: Orrler Exeminetion (60 marks)

Question: Singalella why become rich ?

Koo zhar wu chee ay char bor kia, Singalella. She got two sisters, but the stepmarder and the sisters all damn kuai-lan, so she quite zhia-lat oso. Last time Singalella got own maid, but now she become the amah. Everyday must cook lah, clean lah, simi sai mah bao-kah-liao. If her sister say liak kar zhuak, she liak. Tak jit zho kah tau-hin. EPF poon boh.

But then, kay piak eh ah-pek got one son call Ah Ming got party. So he say, 'oeh, long chong lai ah.' Singalella very happy because she never go party before but then her step-marder say, 'Lee Mana eh-sai kee, this one bahru lu eh sisters wu standard.' Then Singalella must zho sui-sui for her sisters and step-marder. Tap pai how, buay zhia, buay koon and buay pang-sai. That night she only can wave bye bye and then she go back to the kitchen and cook Maggi mee. Her neighbour came over and ask, 'Eh, an-zhua lu boh kee party?' So Singaalella kong, 'I-wan, lau-bu kong buay-sai, so boh pian.' She never expect but the neighbour say, 'Aiyah, kee lah, I give you money.'

So Singalella brush teef and zhang-zhui, chen-kor, after that look very different. She quickly run to opposite of the beh-chia-lor, already 11 o'clock. At the party, Ah Ming also quite sian because the char bor all boh sui one. Dance floor even got one ah pek dancing. Just as Ah Ming told himself, 'Aiyah see-pay zhia-lat', Singalella came in. Ah Ming straight away lau nuar. 'Wah-lau eh, see-pay heng ah, chee kor buay pai.' Ah Ming say to Singalella, 'eh, sui eh, wah ai kah lee zho flen!' Singalella say ok but Ah Ming like octopus, touch here touch there.

But then just it was 12 o'clock, one ah pek die on the dance floor. He become ghost and tell Singalella all the good 4D number. So after that Singalella quickly go and buy 4D, and then tiok tau-pio, zhit-pak ban. So she pay back the kay-piak eh lau-kay-poh and then kah kee cho sen-lee. Simi kuan eh sen-lee wah mana eh zhai.

Section B: Grades - Gauge Your command of Hokkien....

A1. Can understand the story and pronounce Hokkien correctly. Hokkien eh sai, bo beh zao.

A2. Can understand half story and/or cannot pronounce Hokkien properly. Zhia lat.

E8. Don't understand story and/or catch no ball. leow leow, mai ka lang kong you is Hokkien Singabolean

F9. Don't understand rating. kee see lah, wah mana eh zhai lee kong simi

found this on genevieve's blog.

kinda interesting.


see if you can pass (:


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

HELLO HELLO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i guess it's the first time blogging in school bah..

no no no,it's the first time i could blog openly in school without being afraid that the teachers would know :D

COOL RYTE !!!!!!!!!!

kay,it's STARS now and theres nothing to do what ..

heh heh =p

got back my maths,literature section A and chemistry result.

urgh,quite disappointed luh.

MATHS - 56 /100 aww...


CHEMISTRY - 29/40 could have got higher.cos i gt lots of careless mistakes.tsk.

dad sent me to school ystd for redshirt's stuff.

kay luh,we tested out the games.

we have 30 games.

but sad,due to the rain,we only cleared 7 games ystd :(

nvm,games day is this sat.

could clear all.

dad came to fetch me after that than we went to collect the keys to our new house.

super nice luh !!!!!!!!!!!!



boyf sent me to school today :)

but he's got suspension.


oh yes,he havent given me my present yet lorh !!!!!!!!!!!!!


was tagged by huiying to do this quiz.

instructions :

1.Think of 20 people
2.Do not read the questions until you have named the 20.
3.At the end of this,choose 5 people to do this.

The 20 people -

2.Wuan Ling
4.Hei Wo
5.Wei Lin
6.Zi Hui
9.Esther Yap
13.Si Hui
15.Jek Ee
17.Esther Poh
19.Rong Fu
20.Hwee Sze

1.How did you meet 14? (Dream)


2.What will you do if you never met 1? (Huiying)

my life would be kinda lifeless.

3.What if 9 and 20 dated? (Esther Yap and Hwee Sze)

im quite sure they're straight (:

4.Describe 3. (Kaster)


5.Describe 7. (Dawn)

strict but nice. I LOVE HER !!

6.What would you do if 18 confessed to you? (Crystal)

i would say,'sorry,im straight'

7.Do you know 12's family members? (Florance)


8.Who is 9 going out with? (Esther Yap)

I KNOW !!! cos shes in school currently -.-"

9.When is the last time 13 spoke to you? (Si Hui)

recess,just now.

10.Would you ever date 4? (Hei Wo)


11.Would you date 1? (Hui Ying)


12.Is 19 single? (Rong Fu)

i guess so.

13.Would you ever be in a relationship with 11? (Dewey)

NO !!

14.School of 3? (Kaster)

Coral sec luh,dur

15.Where does 6 live? (Zi Hui)


16.What is your favourite thing of 5? (Wei Lin)


17.Have you ever seen 2 naked? (Wuan Ling)

NO !! i dont do obscene stuff.

tag 5 people -

1.Wuan Ling
2.Hei Wo
4.Zi Hui

LOL !!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

super happy luh.OMG.

work hard,play hard.

and finally,the play hard time had come (:

but,the thing is,RESULTS.

super worried can.

urgh,wdv,i shall play hardcore before the results are here.


had maths paper 2 and listening.

hmm,maths... kinda difficult... got chance,got chance.

got chance to FAIL.


very very tricky.

i guess i gonna fail listening for the first time in my life and it's gonna be SO embarrasing luh.

after school ;

went out with eudora,esther,dawn,wuan ling,huiying,brenda and rong fu.

treated rong fu to sakura.

cos he treated us lyk quite a lot of times =p

than we went to arcade and thn bowling.

esther is lyk obsessed with the dancing thing luh.she couldn't stop !!!

kay,than went for bowling.

argh,i only got 74 !!!!!!

LOL,than homed at 7.30


accompanied mum to millenium walk to collect grandma and her racepack for the great eastern run.

well,i guess thats what i did for ystd bah .....


i woke up at 7.30 -.-"

went for breakfast at 8 plus,sent grandma to the market than went to cousin's house

watched GONG there.

my 3rd time watching.


but it's still nice luh.

how i wish i could have a life lyk that.

LOL,it's still a show anw.

homed at 11 plus.

bathed and went out again.

with mum,dad,sis.

bro and grandma dint wanna go.

oh yes,dad dint drive.

cos he says he dint feel lyk driving and it's kinda fun taking public transport.

i was lyk HUH ?

shall let him try taking public transport everyday and i guess he'll prefer driving (:

kay,we went to raffles hotel.

er,i mean the LV botique at raffles hotel.

cos it's less crowded there.

no,it's lyk a deserted LV.


dad went to buy his 5th LV of his life.

cos we're collecting the keys to our new house tmr and he says that there's to be a key pouch to suit the key.



than i dont know what happened but i was quite unhappy about some things.

so i rejected wdv he suggested.

INCLUDING MY IPOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh my freaking god.

nvm,we went to ws and there's this challenger's roadshow on samsung tv.

dad went to take a look and guess what,he bought 2 TVs for our new house !!!!

super duper nice tv kay.

and it only cost $4298 for 2 !!!!

hello,it's supposed to be a roadshow -.-"

than there's this $300 voucher.

and dad says maybe i can buy my IPOD with it.

i dint show any expression but i was lyk YES ! in my heart.

the promoter guy heard and he suggested IPOD TOUCH 32GB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and dad says 'oh,thats a good you want that one?'

i just smiled at him.

it's quite obvious about the answer.

and he says maybe he shall get another one for himself too cos he says that he can just pluck it into his car and listen to music.

i suddenly felt that the decision that i rejected the IPOD in a moment of fury was so right luh.

tsk tsk tsk,IPOD TOUCH,YOU ARE MEANT TO BE MINE !!!!!!!!!


i sound so evil.=p

marking day's tmr and have to go back to school for redshirt's meeting.
nvm,dad's sending me there anw.
heh heh =p


huiying : er,yeah,so HONOURED (:

Esther,♥ : YUP !!!!!!!!! soon alryte !!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

hello (:
im blogging once again.

those are just random pictures taken these few days.

kay,i know that it's SUPER random.

i was bored .. so,yeah.

erm,im left with last 2 papers tmr and im darn happy !!

hardworking days are going to end in a day !!

planned to go out and play after the papers tmr and we're going to eat and play hardcore (:

im waiting for tmr to arrive and it seems very long :/

nvm,i shall not be too excited first.

cos i need to plan what to say later to get $ from dad. :E

kay,i feel so bad.

OHHHHHHHHH ..............

the 400 kg guy died of heart disease ...........


LOL,it's got nothing to do with me luh.

i just happen to hear this news after i blogged "kay,i feel so bad" and the tv happen to be in front of me.

heh heh =p

urgh,huiying !! you spreaded your RANDOM-NESS TO ME !!!!!!!!

tsk tsk tsk,i seriously got nothing to blog about.

im just blogging cos i got nothing to do now :/

studying ?


yes,i decided to take pure science and 'A' maths only if i can make it.if not,combined science lorh.whats the problem ?

i got a feeling that many of us will be in combined science class anw.

ARGH,i got nothing to blog about alrdy.


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

O-H M-Y G-O-D !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can believe that the science paper is actually OVER !!!!!!!!!!!
but,i dont really have the confidence that i will pass it.cos i've got the BAD BAD feeling.

hmm,dad first.
dad reached home at about 8.30 ystd night.
although i was studying my science,i still rushed out to the living room to see what i've got for my present.
HA !!!!!
guess what's my present ???

it turned out to be,

NOTHING !!!!!!

laugh-out-loud luh.

i feel so DIAO after that.

all he bought was FOOD.

and what food ?

one of the things that i hated ,


seriously,everything coconut kay.

coconut sweets , coconut chocolate , coconot cookie , coconut biscuit ,coconut ice cream , coconut lollipops and coconut crackers .

hey,he's so gonna clear everything himself.

i was lyk THANKS HOR. H-A-H-A

and,the conversation.found it quite interesting :/

me (A) , dad (D)

A : so the people there only eat coconut?

D : erm,i dont know ? maybe ?

A : maybe ? you mean you go there for 6 days and in all the 6 days,you eat coconut?wow, you're gonna be coconut-ed

D : no luh ! i eat rice there okay.

A : so the people there DONT only eat coconut luh.

D : of course ! they only DRINK coconut.

A : -.-"

D : what ?

A : nothing,nothing.i need to study. enjoy your coconut meal.

okay,1 very thing that is different ,

dried papaya -.-"

at least i'll dare to try that (:

i give alot of face alrdy hor !!!!!!!!

after school today ,

escorted zihui to meet her friends.
see,im so good ryte (:

than lunched at superdog with esther,brenda and huiying.
huiying's super random luh !!!!!!

went to the park and play as we need to de-stress.
guess what ? we played catching -.- "

went to meet boyf,florance and amos at 3.30
than went of at 4 plus.
i was arguing with boyf all the way when i went home..
heh heh =p

kay,shall stop.
lit and art 's tmr.
have to mug for lit and plan for art !!!!!!
urgh,i still havent decided what to draw for art yet :/


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

245th post.

2nd day of EOYs and tmr's science and DnT paper.
im finally done with physics and taking a break now,haha.
i guess chemistry and physics wont be too much of a problem and biology is the one im worried about.
it'll be okay i guess.
cos i've been studying biology more than the other 2 sciences (:
whatever it is,good luck to all in your EOYs.
and yes,im certainly aiming for 'A' maths and pure science.

dad's coming back later and im freaking excited and happy !! :D
cos im waiting for the present that he bought for me.
[i hope he bought one]
haha,but,i miss him hell lots !!!!!!!!!

eudora's leg's injured D:
take good care alright ? get well soon (L)

i realised im kinda fierce (?)
cos i was scolding my brother for 15 mins just now.
other than dad,he's afraid of me.
quite surprised that he aint afraid of mum.
cos i am.
the reason is,her eyes would open real big when she gets angry.
so,i would avoid looking at her eyes when shes scolding me or anyone else.
but usually,i would,too,be too angry to look.
oh,yes,my brother.
i screamed and shouted at him luh.
he's freaking noisy and is arguing with my grandmother cos she confiscated his magetic ball which is smaller than a ping pong ball -.-"
hello,sec 1 alrdy still play with this.
kay,i shouted this at him and i asked him to shut up as i was trying to study and he is shouting at the top of his voice behind me.
PISSED LUH !!!!!!!!!
and,he has no manners,obviously.
i hate that okay.
but,you can be a person with no manners at appropriate times (:
er,actually,im angry that he shouted at my grandmother.
dont shout at her okay.i dont lyk to see her being shouted at.

next ;

i realised im getting more and more bad tempered and more impatient.
i would be very angry and annoyed if people are slow.
no,MOVING slow.
wdv,dont lyk it,stay away from me.
LOL,no luh.i'll change :D

kay,shall stop.
carry on mugging (:
exams are ending on FRIDAY and 3 more day to go only !!!!!!
all the best and good luck to all beloved !!!!!!!

tag replies :

Esther,♥ - haha !! kay,CREDITS ESTHER YAP
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (L)

KASTER - wont luh,still very chio luh god mama (: love
you !!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

just some random pics taken on friday in class when there wasn't any teacher during geography lesson (:
oh yes,check out the last 3.
my CIP certificate :D
from year 2004 to 2008
basically,they are my CIP hours accumulated in my life so far
mind you,it's 246.3 hours !!
if you got more than me,tell me !! im gonna challenge you.
haha,no luh.

guess blogging is my only form of entertainment now and i guess limited ppl are lyk me,having the mood to blog just 2 days before exams instead of studying.
eh,NO. i got study kay.
just now,3 hours,on geography.
dont really lyk geography.
dont worry,i wont take core geography next year (:

i miss dad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
miss the noise he makes,
the nonsense he says,
boasting about everything =p ,
talking to me,
being lame,
EVERYTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nvm,he's coming back next tues (:

i was mugging lyk hell just nw
suck luh.
wdv,i promised dad to do well.
and he's gonna get me a IPOD and laptop.
for the sake of it,i shall study hard.

i dont know what to blog about alrdy -.-"

random stuffs,

i asked mum just nw why chinese dont wear the traditional costumes when it's chinese new year while the malays and indians does.

Me(A) ; mum(M)

M : ya hor,why ar ?
A : im asking you,you know ?
M : er,actually,i dont know the reason. Maybe we shall wear Qi Pao during next year's new year?
A : No No No !!!!!! im not gona wear it,maybe you shall wear it yourself. (:

hahahahahaha,im so super random luh.

maybe i'll wear tht thingy luhh... provided im super duper hyper on that day.
erm,small possibility luh.


went to grandma's house in the morning.
cousin happened to be there and we were looking through the photos taken when we're lyk 2,3,4,5 years old.
very very tooty luh.
i shall reveal it sometime.
maybe ? maybe not.
heh heh =p


sometimes i see some parents who are being very strict with their kids.
scolding them in whatever thing they do.
every movement.
forcing them to study,going for tuition and taking up courses that the PARENTS choose.
please luh,spare a thought for your kid.
they dont even have a childhood like that luh.pity the children who have this kind of parents.
as long as my parents aint like that,im gonna survive in this world (:
seriously,i dont lyk tuitions.
so boring.
5 hours of lessons in school,and yet,you still have to go for lessons after school.
wth,spend your life studying.
might as well go and die.
haha,no offence,but life is meaningless and lifeless like that.
no no no,i'll nvr have this kinda life.

kay,im out of topics.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

check this out man.
haha !!
the blue-jeaned weirdo is me -.-"
oh,so i began the trend with the okay sign at the eyes.
seriously,i look to funny luh.
i cant believe that i was bare in the inside.
anw,this was me when i was 3 and i got this from cousin's blog.
so,*credits to cousin !!*

kay,no more sad stuff.
decided to stay happy and move on with life.
it aint the end of the world (:

er,just an update of my life.
and most importantly,my birthday.
i cant believe i actually posted such an emo post on my birthday.
no no no,next year's gonna be a hyper one,i promise.

sihui ; zihui ;esther yap ; eudora ; brenda and wuan ling sabo-ed me on my birthday luh.
when we had lunch at burger king at TM.
er,sihui pulled me to the toilet with her and the rest made use of this period of time to add in pepper,salt and sugar in my drink.
lyk wth luh.
haha,'s fun anw.
oh yes,i got video of it.
check it out.

funny funny funny.
i feel so retarded after i watched it.
urgh,cant believe that i fell into their trick.
eudora,zihui and esther yap,better watch out on your birthday.
kidding luh.

ystd ;

went out mugging with eudora and others.

so,me and eudora had no mood to study anymore,and this is the result of out BOLIAO-ness

than with boyf,florance and amos
homed at 7 plus.

school today ;

nothing much happened luh.
just that alot of 'last lessons'
nvm,i shall mug hard (:
im alrdy mugging hard luh.

went for piano lesson after school luh.
pissed with my piano teacher man.
kp scolding and scolding and scolding.
i almost scolded FUCK at her luh.
but,auntie's there.
so cannot.
wth,if you bloody scold me again,im gonna scold kick your ass man.
i swear im not going for piano lesson for a month.
see what you can do with me.

heh heh heh..
i know im bad.
im just venting my anger.aint really meaning what i say.

the worse thing i did today ;

dad actually went to china today.
and i thought it's tmr !!!!!!!!
omg !!!!!!!!
i dint even say bye to him can.
tsk tsk tsk..........
bon voyage,dad.

boyf says that he,florance and amos met my dad that day and my dad DIAO-ed them.
and i was lyk 'eh,my father is a nice man okay.and he dont diao ppl'
LOL,i was just standing up for my dad kay.

pe lesson was fun today.
it's raining so pe lesson was cancelled.
sad case.
but it makes no difference to me anw.
cos i cant have pe.
so me,zihui,kaster and weilin were lyk crapping in class.
talking about everything.

wuan ling's sick today.
get well soon kay !!

bye (: