Tuesday, October 07, 2008

245th post.

2nd day of EOYs and tmr's science and DnT paper.
im finally done with physics and taking a break now,haha.
i guess chemistry and physics wont be too much of a problem and biology is the one im worried about.
it'll be okay i guess.
cos i've been studying biology more than the other 2 sciences (:
whatever it is,good luck to all in your EOYs.
and yes,im certainly aiming for 'A' maths and pure science.

dad's coming back later and im freaking excited and happy !! :D
cos im waiting for the present that he bought for me.
[i hope he bought one]
haha,but,i miss him hell lots !!!!!!!!!

eudora's leg's injured D:
take good care alright ? get well soon (L)

i realised im kinda fierce (?)
cos i was scolding my brother for 15 mins just now.
other than dad,he's afraid of me.
quite surprised that he aint afraid of mum.
cos i am.
the reason is,her eyes would open real big when she gets angry.
so,i would avoid looking at her eyes when shes scolding me or anyone else.
but usually,i would,too,be too angry to look.
oh,yes,my brother.
i screamed and shouted at him luh.
he's freaking noisy and is arguing with my grandmother cos she confiscated his magetic ball which is smaller than a ping pong ball -.-"
hello,sec 1 alrdy still play with this.
kay,i shouted this at him and i asked him to shut up as i was trying to study and he is shouting at the top of his voice behind me.
PISSED LUH !!!!!!!!!
and,he has no manners,obviously.
i hate that okay.
but,you can be a person with no manners at appropriate times (:
er,actually,im angry that he shouted at my grandmother.
dont shout at her okay.i dont lyk to see her being shouted at.

next ;

i realised im getting more and more bad tempered and more impatient.
i would be very angry and annoyed if people are slow.
no,MOVING slow.
wdv,dont lyk it,stay away from me.
LOL,no luh.i'll change :D

kay,shall stop.
carry on mugging (:
exams are ending on FRIDAY and 3 more day to go only !!!!!!
all the best and good luck to all beloved !!!!!!!

tag replies :

Esther,♥ - haha !! kay,CREDITS ESTHER YAP
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (L)

KASTER - wont luh,still very chio luh god mama (: love
you !!


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