Tuesday, October 28, 2008


im blogging just before i go to school,Haha.

erm,the boring life of school holidays finally started.

and i cant believe i was actually counting down to these days when school was still opened :/

though it's boring,but at least i got something to do.

oh gosh,counting down to the boring life.

not exactly,novmeber's gonna be a really busy month for me.

especially this week,i've got to go to school everyday.

thr's redshirt meeting tmr.

planning of the open houses for junyuan pri and coral sec.

and the open house for junyuan pri is on friday.

actually,it aint planning.

everything's gonna be ready by thursday and have to show it to mr lim

urgh !! stressed.


training's great.

hadn't gone for training for 1 month.

sad eh.i wonder how i survived without it.

but i lost to ching thong 1-7.


what kind of score is that.

nvm,i shall get it back within 2 weeks.


many people are writting dedications to their class people.


Alethea ;

erm,we dint talk much throughout this year and of course,you are one of the people who pull our class' results up. (: so yeah,all the best in your triple science class.

Angela ;

idk what to say..LOL.but yeah,good luck !!

Joelle ;

thanks a ton for entertaining me during the morning assemblys everyday and prevent me from rotting.Haha.

Wei Lin ;

ya,some unhappy stuff happened but we're still friends right.LOL.dont be too moody over your results.i dint get good results too.cheer up.

Lok Huan ;

HAHAHAHA,your waffle factory.strawberry !! kay,anw,stay clever.

Zhi Yu ;

home econs partner !! rmb all the 'great' food we made during home econs lessons.ya luh,some are pretty disgusting.even me myself dint dare to eat it.ha,all the best (:

Ayuni ;

erm,got to know that your results aren't good.but nvm,just do well in sec 3 alright :D

Wai Yee ;

MUMMY !!!!!!!!! great person to be hyper with. thanks for entertaining me !!

Wuan Ling ;

HAHAHA,2 years of friendship and 2 years being in the same class. sitting beside me in class is your previlege okay !!!!!!!!! LOL,i know u'll miss me disturbing you =p

Hwee Sze ;

monster !! dont sleep in a tent without stick anymore kay.haha.good luck in your triple science class !!

Hei wo ;

good friend :D as well as my DnT partner !! all the best kay,hope we're in the same class next year.

Zi Hui ;

2 years !! study harder kay.aiyo.. anw,will miss you entertaining me during maths,english,history and geography lesson !! actually,not entertain luh,it's disturb =p

Adlina ;

brave brave brave.good luck !!

Shu Qi ;

all the best (:

Crystal ;

i know dewey's been disturbing you throughout this year,but thn,joking only ma..haha,good luck !!

Ashley ;

ha,i dont know what to say.erm.dont sleep so much in class anymore (:

Gary ;

2 years,all the best.

Daniel ;

yeah.dont sleep so much.

Dewey ;

you're the main entertainment in class for me.haha.yeah,dont talk so much.

Shu Ying ;

er,good luck ??

Nichol ;

study harder.

Reynard ;

dont be so playful kay.haha.

Kenneth Tan ;

i dint know you were so clever can.

Kenneth Lim ;

tsk,must communicate with your classmates more.

Niki ;

dont always pon school can.

Roy ;

hahaha,someone from 2/9 is admiring you !!!!!!!!!!!!

Zhong Ming ;

dont sleep in the playground ever again.

Jonathan ;

TWIST !! pt purifier.haha,no luh.see you next week !!

Clive ;

dont be so sacarstic.haha.

for the others who was not mentioned.thank you !!

got to go to school



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