Thursday, October 02, 2008

check this out man.
haha !!
the blue-jeaned weirdo is me -.-"
oh,so i began the trend with the okay sign at the eyes.
seriously,i look to funny luh.
i cant believe that i was bare in the inside.
anw,this was me when i was 3 and i got this from cousin's blog.
so,*credits to cousin !!*

kay,no more sad stuff.
decided to stay happy and move on with life.
it aint the end of the world (:

er,just an update of my life.
and most importantly,my birthday.
i cant believe i actually posted such an emo post on my birthday.
no no no,next year's gonna be a hyper one,i promise.

sihui ; zihui ;esther yap ; eudora ; brenda and wuan ling sabo-ed me on my birthday luh.
when we had lunch at burger king at TM.
er,sihui pulled me to the toilet with her and the rest made use of this period of time to add in pepper,salt and sugar in my drink.
lyk wth luh.
haha,'s fun anw.
oh yes,i got video of it.
check it out.

funny funny funny.
i feel so retarded after i watched it.
urgh,cant believe that i fell into their trick.
eudora,zihui and esther yap,better watch out on your birthday.
kidding luh.

ystd ;

went out mugging with eudora and others.

so,me and eudora had no mood to study anymore,and this is the result of out BOLIAO-ness

than with boyf,florance and amos
homed at 7 plus.

school today ;

nothing much happened luh.
just that alot of 'last lessons'
nvm,i shall mug hard (:
im alrdy mugging hard luh.

went for piano lesson after school luh.
pissed with my piano teacher man.
kp scolding and scolding and scolding.
i almost scolded FUCK at her luh.
but,auntie's there.
so cannot.
wth,if you bloody scold me again,im gonna scold kick your ass man.
i swear im not going for piano lesson for a month.
see what you can do with me.

heh heh heh..
i know im bad.
im just venting my anger.aint really meaning what i say.

the worse thing i did today ;

dad actually went to china today.
and i thought it's tmr !!!!!!!!
omg !!!!!!!!
i dint even say bye to him can.
tsk tsk tsk..........
bon voyage,dad.

boyf says that he,florance and amos met my dad that day and my dad DIAO-ed them.
and i was lyk 'eh,my father is a nice man okay.and he dont diao ppl'
LOL,i was just standing up for my dad kay.

pe lesson was fun today.
it's raining so pe lesson was cancelled.
sad case.
but it makes no difference to me anw.
cos i cant have pe.
so me,zihui,kaster and weilin were lyk crapping in class.
talking about everything.

wuan ling's sick today.
get well soon kay !!

bye (:


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