Wednesday, October 08, 2008

O-H M-Y G-O-D !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can believe that the science paper is actually OVER !!!!!!!!!!!
but,i dont really have the confidence that i will pass it.cos i've got the BAD BAD feeling.

hmm,dad first.
dad reached home at about 8.30 ystd night.
although i was studying my science,i still rushed out to the living room to see what i've got for my present.
HA !!!!!
guess what's my present ???

it turned out to be,

NOTHING !!!!!!

laugh-out-loud luh.

i feel so DIAO after that.

all he bought was FOOD.

and what food ?

one of the things that i hated ,


seriously,everything coconut kay.

coconut sweets , coconut chocolate , coconot cookie , coconut biscuit ,coconut ice cream , coconut lollipops and coconut crackers .

hey,he's so gonna clear everything himself.

i was lyk THANKS HOR. H-A-H-A

and,the conversation.found it quite interesting :/

me (A) , dad (D)

A : so the people there only eat coconut?

D : erm,i dont know ? maybe ?

A : maybe ? you mean you go there for 6 days and in all the 6 days,you eat coconut?wow, you're gonna be coconut-ed

D : no luh ! i eat rice there okay.

A : so the people there DONT only eat coconut luh.

D : of course ! they only DRINK coconut.

A : -.-"

D : what ?

A : nothing,nothing.i need to study. enjoy your coconut meal.

okay,1 very thing that is different ,

dried papaya -.-"

at least i'll dare to try that (:

i give alot of face alrdy hor !!!!!!!!

after school today ,

escorted zihui to meet her friends.
see,im so good ryte (:

than lunched at superdog with esther,brenda and huiying.
huiying's super random luh !!!!!!

went to the park and play as we need to de-stress.
guess what ? we played catching -.- "

went to meet boyf,florance and amos at 3.30
than went of at 4 plus.
i was arguing with boyf all the way when i went home..
heh heh =p

kay,shall stop.
lit and art 's tmr.
have to mug for lit and plan for art !!!!!!
urgh,i still havent decided what to draw for art yet :/



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