Monday, October 20, 2008

hey all.

havent been blogging for quite long though.

cos my bro's on the com for the whole day and i dint have the chance to use it.

had the chance now cos my sis psyco-ed him to play basketball at 230.

LOL -.-"


my happiest news on that day - i actually got B3 for my art luh !!


someone with no artistic talent at all actually got B3 for an art exam.

miracle man.

congratulate me (:


woke up at 7 to go to school for some redshirt stuff at 8.

i dint manage to be ready on time so yeah,dad sent me there.

my dad rawks hardcore ryte !!

it ended at 12 and went to macs at ws for lunch with jek ee,sihui,wuan ling,huiying and marco.

super fun luh.

homed at 3 plus.

bathed and got changed.

thn went to dad's friend's bbq.

boring can.

and that friend of his kept trying to introduce 'boyfriends' to me.


i was kinda irritated.

so i went home first.

trying to stay away from the matchmaking and i was tired,partly.


woke up at 7 plus and went to our new house again.

cos we had to decide anymore things to be added on to the renovation before it starts.

everyone was there.

as in,all the relatives.


and everyone was asking about my EOY results and i was kinda annoyed.

cos i keep answering the same question again and again.

we all went to IMM at 12 plus to buy the lights for the new house.

dad spent lyk $1000 +

and he says , "财去人安乐"

what kind of thinking is that luh ??

maybe he's afraid to be robbed or something ??

LOL,i dont know.

well,he says that when he spent a big amount of money.

then we went on to buy beds.

YES,i finally got my bed (:

he spent $5000 on that.

and again,he said that sentence -.-"



post exam activities.

kay luh.

1st half was the presentation from the ppl who went to taiwan.

i was lyk poking wuan ling all the way though.

SORRY !! =p


i was so jealous when they were presenting.

till now im still very pissed that only 1 person in my class got to go.

unfair luh.

just because li lao shi organised this thing,dosent mean more ppl in her class gets to go.

and the MORE PPL means around 20 ppl in her class gets to go luh !!




second half was inspirational movie.

as i expected,it was "The Pursuit of Happiness"

watched it before in the cinema with dad and mum.

if i weren't sitting on the dard hall floor,

i would be crying lyk i dont know what.

i was lucky anw.

cos i dont wanna cry in school again.

heh heh =p

kay,nothing else.


heiwo - i tagged your blog
too !! LOVES

wuanling - you better tag more kay.or not i shall poke you

huiying - heh heh =p ps lorh.IM SO HONOURED !! (:

DAWN - haha,kay (: at least you tagged.but still must post alryte

Eudora - LOL !! thn before next year's listening,i shall
dig my
ear first. LOVES

WilsonWong - HELLO !!!! (:

22 more days...


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