Saturday, October 04, 2008

just some random pics taken on friday in class when there wasn't any teacher during geography lesson (:
oh yes,check out the last 3.
my CIP certificate :D
from year 2004 to 2008
basically,they are my CIP hours accumulated in my life so far
mind you,it's 246.3 hours !!
if you got more than me,tell me !! im gonna challenge you.
haha,no luh.

guess blogging is my only form of entertainment now and i guess limited ppl are lyk me,having the mood to blog just 2 days before exams instead of studying.
eh,NO. i got study kay.
just now,3 hours,on geography.
dont really lyk geography.
dont worry,i wont take core geography next year (:

i miss dad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
miss the noise he makes,
the nonsense he says,
boasting about everything =p ,
talking to me,
being lame,
EVERYTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nvm,he's coming back next tues (:

i was mugging lyk hell just nw
suck luh.
wdv,i promised dad to do well.
and he's gonna get me a IPOD and laptop.
for the sake of it,i shall study hard.

i dont know what to blog about alrdy -.-"

random stuffs,

i asked mum just nw why chinese dont wear the traditional costumes when it's chinese new year while the malays and indians does.

Me(A) ; mum(M)

M : ya hor,why ar ?
A : im asking you,you know ?
M : er,actually,i dont know the reason. Maybe we shall wear Qi Pao during next year's new year?
A : No No No !!!!!! im not gona wear it,maybe you shall wear it yourself. (:

hahahahahaha,im so super random luh.

maybe i'll wear tht thingy luhh... provided im super duper hyper on that day.
erm,small possibility luh.


went to grandma's house in the morning.
cousin happened to be there and we were looking through the photos taken when we're lyk 2,3,4,5 years old.
very very tooty luh.
i shall reveal it sometime.
maybe ? maybe not.
heh heh =p


sometimes i see some parents who are being very strict with their kids.
scolding them in whatever thing they do.
every movement.
forcing them to study,going for tuition and taking up courses that the PARENTS choose.
please luh,spare a thought for your kid.
they dont even have a childhood like that luh.pity the children who have this kind of parents.
as long as my parents aint like that,im gonna survive in this world (:
seriously,i dont lyk tuitions.
so boring.
5 hours of lessons in school,and yet,you still have to go for lessons after school.
wth,spend your life studying.
might as well go and die.
haha,no offence,but life is meaningless and lifeless like that.
no no no,i'll nvr have this kinda life.

kay,im out of topics.


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