Wednesday, March 10, 2010


HEYYY, it's been a week without boyfriend. Woah, can't believe I actually survived it. It isn't really 'without' him, just not seeing him. But hey, it's bad enough hor. Haha.

Today's practically the last day of studying for term 1. Week 10 of 2010. Hmm, but March holidays aint like March holidays. School almost everyday and my table's going to be piled up with lots of homework. Nvm, going to start doing it anyway, hope I can finish it asap, to prevent any procrastinating. Hahaha.

Sport's day tomorrow. Mummy decided to go! OMG, I'M SO TOUCHED. Suddenly feel like my mummy loves me a lot, yeap yeap. Hahaha. Nervous feelings are building up. AHHHH, I was so nervous when I was standing there on the track last year, preparing to start, thinking to myself, "why am I even here?" But but, when the gun sounded, all 8 of us started to run and when I got the top 3 for all the event, such indescribable feeling. I don't know, felt like, "hey, guess what, I can actually win something." Hahahaha. Weird thoughts to myself. There'll be more tomorrow.

Yes, I'm going to sleep EARLIER today. Cus I'm going to reach the stadium at 6.30 tomorrow. So yeah, si hui, Innovator's going to be the one. Hahahaha.

Okok, goodnight! Sweet dreams! Loves. And and, I'M MISSING YOU, LIKE, A LOT.


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