Monday, March 08, 2010



Think I'm getting over the days-without-Clive blues, somehow. Not really actually, I don't know. Sometimes I feel okay, but sometimes, just feel so lost and just don't know what to do suddenly. Like, something's missing and something's not right.

Day 5's so dreadful. Don't feel like doing anything. Don't feel like going to school, don't feel like getting up from my bed, don't feel like doing work (I finished it anyway), just feel like lying down there, and do nothing. Haha. But life still have to go on, right? Yeap, so tried my best to enjoy everything today. (:

ANYWAYS, had a really long night. Waking up every now and then, explaining why I was so sleepy this morning. Hmm, just couldn't get into my deep sleep. When I was about to get into my nice sleep, it was already time to get up from bed. Headache wasn't much better than last night this morning. Carried that heavy head and light legs to school. Luckily daddy sent me to school, or else, I think I'd just faint halfway. Haha. But, nvm, I'm still alright now, sitting on my bed, blogging. Feeling much better now though, just that my tummy's upsetting me now. D: Oh well, still, feeling much better already. Haha.

Totally screwed up my common test. Everyone's like getting super high marks for english cus it's easy and what, I merely passed. OMG. D:

Boyfriend's running a fever. AHHHH, super worried about you now. Must remember to take extra extra extra care of yourself now okay? Competition's tmr! It's not just about the competition actually, but, still have to take care of yourself. Don't want a sickly Clive back alright?

Okok, early night today, again.

Goodnight boyfriend, sweet dreams, rest REALLY REALLY well and take SUPER ULTRA good care of yourself. Miss and love you!


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