Tuesday, March 09, 2010



Blogging later than usual today, was hooked up with SS just now. I don't know what I'm writing actually. Ms Shariffa gave us this template to follow, but, I don't really understand it. Hmm, maybe slow brains work this way. Haha. Hey, at least I attempted it okay.

Time in Choir passes by quite quickly nowadays, cus it's so much more interesting as compared to Ms Chan. Woah, no offence, but it's the truth. Well, don't mean to be bad or evil or something. Okay, so, Choir ended at around 6 today and daddy came to fetch me. I didn't ask him to fetch me hor, he was the one who offered me the ride home. Yes, he's still so excited about his new car, driving it around, fetching people, and cleaning it everyday. You know, new stuffs. Haha.

Had a nice talk with Si Hui before Choir. (Went up late as a result) Thanks for listening babe! Felt much better after pouring out everything, although your analyzing doesn't really agree with mine. (:

Seriously, have been feeling so blank and still not used to seeing my phone without any '1 new message'. ARGH, want you back want you back want you back want you back want you back! Oh yes, don't feel too disappointed about the results and everything okay? Know you've did your best. Like my daddy always says, your best is good enough. (He learnt this from an old man during the marathon last year. Inspiring, right?)

Anyways, sport's day is 2 days away. Mummy and Daddy WAS supposed to come! But, couldn't cus daddy has to go to Malaysia. Hmm, told Mummy not to come already as it wouldn't be convenient for her without a car. There is luh, actually, cus daddy's not driving his car there. However, she doesn't dare to drive it, YET. Oh well, despite the disappointment, sport's day is still coming. I don't know, I want them to see me winning something. It shows that their daughter isn't just a dummy brain. Hey, showing them that I can actually excel in something hor. Haha.

9.16pm. Guess I'm sleeping soon.

Goodnight and sweet dreams boyfriend! Waiting to see you on Monday! Loves!


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