Friday, April 24, 2009



all of you done great yesterday. Dont be too disappointed alright? It's just something that the judges dint know how to appreciate. Like what I said, maybe the judges dint like our way or our style of singing. Dont let them determine of what we are supposed to get. A Bronze? Nah. We're Gold with Honours. As long as we dont think we deserve just a bronze, to me, thats alright. Cos all of us know that we definitely deserve more than what we got now. Look, many schools dropped from a Silver to Bronze or even a Gold to Bronze. See, we aint that bad either right? Just that the panel of judges are more strict that those of past years. So, wipe of those tears of yours on your faces and always remember, we're not a Bronze.

Everyone cried hardcore when the results were announced yesterday. Erm, not me. Ya luh, somehow. First time I saw those people that I thought were very strong cry. This morning, Huiying, Esther, Dawn, Brenda etc. cried. Like dur, I'm not gonna cry cos that would make them cry even more. Than mr david asked me to ring the victory bell cos I looked the most normal and most tearless. Haha. I know that wasn't a very good time to laugh but yeah, sorry. The saddest day of all. Even mrs chee cried. Ya,than i told afiqah that I'm not gonna cry in front of everyone.

Speech day tmr. Have to report in school by 7. Urgh, gonna sleep early today.

P/S : Cheer up people (:


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