Saturday, February 28, 2009

hello (:
hasn't been blogging for days.

urgh,i was freaking pissed ystd.
as well as dad. Cos something went wrong in school.
ARGH! Nvm,dad'll settle it on monday :D

i think i prefer ms chung's lesson rather than fire drill.
the bell rang during ms chung's lesson. And it started like for only 10 mins -.-"
Than we had to go to the field to assemble.
guess what, it was freaking hot luh.
the worse thing is, there's still worms around.
i was freaking out can. No,i shall be brave (:

the worse thing in the world has happened !!!!!!
common test is on monday and i forgot to bring my chinese textbook home !!!!
SHIT !!!!!!!!
had to study the textbook cos there's tian xie han zi in the common test this year.
hasn't been doing that for years..........

Huiying lost her voice ystd.
WOW,it's very very very quiet....
haha,sorry huiying !!
the thing is,ms chung said that she was very quiet ystd. and praised her.
HAHAHA !!!!!!
but she found her voice back after that,thanks to jia hin, and she took revenge..

got training last sunday.
know what, met darren there.
LOL, and he was playing bowling.

training's tmr again.
hope it dosen't rain !!!!!


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