Saturday, March 07, 2009

im blogging,again..

It's saturday and Ariel's super bored -.-"
Not that i've got nothing to do but i dont feel like doing any homework right now.
Aint in the mood to do it.
Piano theory exam is next week and i havent been studying much.
Not going to fail,cos i wanna take my practical this year. Than I'll be a grade 7 (:
Still got tons of ms chung's homework to finish.
hmm :/
Havent been so bored for a very long time.
All the saturdays have been occupied by sports day programmes.
But now,i've got nothing to do on sat.
That's exactly why i hate sats.

my house is currently filled with mosquitos and heat !!!!!!
im gonna spray baygon all around my house later,to kill all of them.
yea,im evil. :D

Cousin flung 4 subjs.
Cheer up yeah (:


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