Monday, August 31, 2009


Went to school at 6.30 today. Mum drove me. Had to report for cross-country. Kay, lots and lots of confusions during the attendance taking. Cos I dint expect Luqman and Korrine to find SO many lower sec people. Anyway, got some people out and some to go to 'B' div. SO SORRY TO THE PEOPLE WHOM I SAY YOU CANT RUN!! SORRY!!

Came in 3rd place. Gawd, I was super dissapointed. I was just behind Hwee sze and Thurga!! But both of them are really fast.

Rope-skipping. I had to do that too cos ther aint enough people in my house. LOL. But many runners came to help too. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH (:

Assembly and stuff was really fun. Especially the 1 hour recess. Which I was really really high. Haha..

Had to rush off to dad's office to shower, cos I have doc's appointment at 2.30. Sorry my girls, can't join all of you for lunch D: I wanted to go too, really.

Foot's recovering. Yay. Haha. And the doctor was this cute old man, who speaks mandarin. LOL. He's a senior specialist can.

No school tmr!!! :D But exams are coming. So I'll spend my day studying I guess. See, I'm hard-working. Haha..

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Really really busy nowadays. Hooked up with homework and trainings from dad. Had a really loooooooooooooooooong day on Thursday. Double maths, double science. Thats why everyone hates thursdays D:

Friday was slacky. Except for Chemistry. Had trial SPA and I was like super stressed up. Cos Mdm Norul kept looking at me. And in the end, I got marked down for skill 1. I ACTUALLY PIPETTED THE WRONG WAY!!! Took me sometime to realise that I didn't release air from the round thing. No wonder it took me so long to try to pipette the solution. Hell.

Did gymnastics for PE despite my leg. LOL. Feel so stubborn luh. But than I stopped half way cos of the dumbest thing in life. I hit the injured part on the springy thing.

P/S i forgot what the springy thing is called. Haha..

Went for choir. Wow, I feel so praised by miss chan. LOL

Dad and Mum came after that. Yeah, cos of ACES day. Dad was unhappy with my timing. D: So yeah, I got 'reprimanded' at the carpark opposite school. Which some saw. WTH. Felt so embarrassed. Kay, so he was saying I was running at a too relaxed pace and should do 20mins for 4km easily. Btw, that was because I ran a 24.03. SHIT. Dad was like seriously angry luh. Urgh. No one talked during the journey home...

Dad went out early this morning. 6 plus. Grandma went out, Mum went out. Left with the 3 of us at home. I have to study!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Losing my temper easily nowadays..

Hey, sorry guys, for losing my temper at all of you today. Didn't mean it. So sorry.......

Happy Birthday MUM!!

Love you loads, though u always nag at us for not washing our waterbottles or dishes ourselves and also not putting our things back to its original place all the time and in the end losing it. But u always find it for us. Haha..

Cross countrys' okay. I wanna get the torch. You know, it'll be such a proud moment where we'll run it with the torch. And only the 1st runner gets to do it. I WANNA DO IT!!!!!!!!!

So dad's preparing me for that. Going for training with him on Friday after CCA to go for the route. Whoo hoo. That's why he's my dad, always so supportive. Be jealous of me (:

Kay, had a little arguement with him on Sunday morning. As usual, I lost my temper. Urgh, sorry, but I really can't control it. It's been getting worse. Goodness, I'll try to.

Exams are coming and I'm like being really slacky. Lol, I shall start studying..

Friday, August 21, 2009


although all of us always tease you in class, but you know, you're still with us!! haha...

Hello Ree, I'm blogging.

My toes have already recovered. Yay!! And I'm running this Sunday and Aces Day. You know, Inno's fate depends on me. Hahaha... *Taps on shoulder* But seriously, glad that there isn't any fracture or anything. Else, I'll become some pig. Lol.

I have 3 coms at home now. -.-" Just happen to have 3 when everyone's obssessed with facebook......'s games. Haha. Including dad and mum. That's why. So you see, I'm using one and the other 2 is being used for facebook. Haha...

Goodness!! Exams are coming!!

School holidays are drawing near and that ain't any holiday. LOL. My Sept holidays are filled with lessons and most importantly, Chemistry SPA. Shit, have been having lots and lots of practices but I don't seem to be performing well for any of them. Urgh.. My chemistry's getting worse.

Know what? I feel so proud of myself. Esther Y know's why. Right Esther? Anyway, it wasn't in the case where I did it deliberately you know, just so that it happens that she's talking about you all. Haha.. Feel so smart. Lol..

I'm going out tomorrow!! It's Gary's birthday!! Happy birthday to you in advance!! Tomorrow shall be another long day for me. LMAO. I've got DAD'S TRAINING in the morning, going to queensway to get my shoes and than off to Vivo to meet the rest. Whoo, sounds busy.

Ha, kay, have to finish my work before I have fun.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

My leg hurt, hurt, hurts!!!!!!!

I was woken up 6 in the morning, though we reached home late and slept late last night. Cos bro has a run today and I have to see the doctor. Urgh. Fetched bro to City Hall to meet his friends and teacher. Went to KK after that. Goodness, I've been visiting KK many times this year -.-"

Took X-Ray. Doctor says it's either a fracture or a very bad loosening of joints. Once again, thanks Fadil. Lol. Yeah, Si Hui, we're twins and Yi Wei, no more body builder already. D: The worse thing is, the doctor says if there's a fracture, said from the radiologist, he'll call me back for cast. Wth. Fingers crossed, no cast. For goodness sake.

Went to do some class stuff yesterday. Met up with Ree, Hao, Jun Xian, Wei Lin, Hui Ying and Jarvis. Was like super uncomfortable having to speak so softly cos we were doing it in the library. And the librarian kept keeping an eye on us. Haha. That's not honouring. Lol.

Dinner at LJS. We were crapping about everything and Wei Lin kept leaning on me. Stop before you turn Les, Wei Lin. Lmao.

Went to dad's office after that. Dad asked me there. Can't believe I actually went there just to watch soccer. Everyone else was there. Mum was having fun teasing Hui Ying. Looking at all the fuuny reactions Hui Ying gave. Haha..

Today's really really boring luh. Can't go for training or whatever....

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hello Hello!!

Okay, I left out another line..BASED ON HER STUPID NONSENSE. Or isit? Nvm, I forgot. =p Hey Ree!! I know you're reading (:


Awwwww... It hurts really really badly... PE was gymnastics today. So I was supposed to support the mattress as instructed. Yeah, than I used my legs. In the end, when Fadil did his summersault, he fell directly on my toes!! Kay, thanks to Fadil. Thanks Fadil -.-" It's swollen now!!!!!!! Hope it recovers soon enough...

I'm not a PhD anymore, call me Professor (: You know, acronyms can have lots of different meanings. Heh Heh. And I know one negative one. Haha... It's just some crap that I came up with.

I did morning sharing on Wednesday. And my nerves are like bursting out of me. Goodness, I can't believe I can actually did it. Whoo, a tap on my shoulder.

Finally, it's Friday. TGIF. And dad has planned a training schedule for me. Marathon trainings. Urgh.. Well, that's one thing I don't really like. Haha.. You know, he still treats this kind of things in some kind of army style. Like how he trains his cadets last time. So yeah, he wouldn't like it when we fool around or joke during these trainings. Trackmills, Weights, Routes..............

Kay, from ree, BYE BEY!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Okay, I missed out a line. TO BUILD A SI HUI EMPIRE. Haha...

Happy National Day Eve.

Yay, Innovaters won, for the first time. (: Sorry Rahman, didn't know the plan. I was damn embarrased too. Don't worry guys, the vouchers shall be a treat for all of us. I'll top up the excess. Okay? Lol, I seem so da fang suddenly.

Si Hui found her string!! It was in Esther's pocket, right? Haha.. Aiyo, my blur blur Esther.... Haha...

Dad's back!! Omg!! Missed him so much.

Lol, nothing's happening lately. hahahaha...