Saturday, January 31, 2009



Wednesday, January 21, 2009

hey,im BLOGGING !!!
it's like the only day of the 5 school days that i can come home before 4 luh.
hahahaha,super contented.

my left eye is freaking swollen and i look damn funny luh.
SHIT !!!!
im going to kill that freaking mosquito which bit my eye last night.
or it might already be dead by now.
cos mum sprayed baygon into my room alrdy.
and everyone look at me with this weird look wherever i go luh.
wth,stupid mosquito,go die.

i dont really understand why everyone hated ms chung that much.
yeah,i totally agree that her lesson is very very boring.
to the extend that you just feel like asking her to get out of the class and study on your own.
bt other than that,shes okay what.
first time im speaking up for a teacher.
see,what a kind soul (:
&& i finally understood surds.
she made something as simple as 1+1 like 36 x 9985746723.

mdm norul spoiled my day -.-"
she scolded in the first period of the day can !!!!!!!!!
F !!!!!!!!!
just because i dint bring my chem file and for goodness sake,i only got 1 sec 3 ws in the whole of that file luh.
the rest are all sec 2 stuff can.
i hate her hardcore.
yeah,i hate every teacher who scolds me.

poor sihui !!!!!!!
she dint bring home her chem file to study for the test tmr !!!!!!!!

kay,off to do work !!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

sorry for not blogging eh. =p

was very busy these few days trying to keep up with my studies cos of the sichuan delegates. So, i was like studying the whole afternoon ystd. WOW, this aint seem to be me (:

hmm, told dad that i can go to japan,sichuan and australia this yr.
i was like ALL.
guess what? He said okay !!
super excited for my trips luh.
but first,i shall improve on all my languages first.
cos,although i THOUGHT my chinese results are QUITE good,bt when the sichuan delegates came,i got SOME problem communicating and understanding what they're actually trying to say.
so,yes,i shall do that :D

ha,dawn,i wont be pestering you anymore !!!!!!

shit,why must there always be a change in timetable?
so troublesome luh.
nvm,at least there aint any maths tmr !!!
im dying of maths anw.
BUT, there's physics tmr.
urgh,why must there be physics tmr when i forgot to bring my physics homework home !!!!!!!!
sihui !!!!!!! can you pleaseeeeeeee call me !!!!!!!

i'm going to school early tmr (:
cos i'm off to see who're the new batch of redshirts.
hope mr david dint choose some useless people -.-"

kay,BYE !!
im going for training !! :D
see you guys tmr.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


sorry for posting lyk once a week cos i'm super busy with schoolwork.
sec 3 life sucks hardcore luh.



we had to present our inferential questions.
since sihui's not here,i cant possibly let shuen jin and xu dong present.
So,i presented.
i was damn pissed when i was presenting cos the guys aint listening except for some and thn,i was lyk " Hello, I'm talking!"
and i gave them this damn look.
wdv,i know i'm known to be the fiercest girl in class cos i scold the guys behind lyk
everyday cos they're seriously irritating. -.-"

'A' maths;

ms chung's explanation kinda suck.
i dont really understand what she's talking about.
nvm,at least she teaches super slowly and super behind time-ly.
'A' maths aint that difficult after all. (:


played volleyball.
it's lyk a game of seeing the ball bounce cos everyone dodges the ball.


zihui was crapping me again !!!!!!


history rocks man.
at least it's interesting.

physics and cme;

FUN !!!!!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


im totally stuck up with homework -.-"
the thing is,i dont understand a single thing the teacher is talking luh.
why do 3/9 get all those weird teachers?
LOL,not all luh.

urgh,i seriously got some problem with ms chung.
we see her everyday except for day 3 and 90% of the classes are 2 hours,1 at the start and the end or before and after recess.
i was almost bored to death on thurs.
cos she's talking about the same thing for half an hour.
she sure knows how to nag man.
she kept scolding and complaining about how noisy my class is and ask us to keep quiet.
please lorh,we're noisy cos we're bored okay.
yeah,jeremy is very noisy all the time.
and i keep shouting at him.
eh,his voice is very irritating can.

plus chemistry,i dont know what mdm norul is talking about.
nvm,i shall ask uncle declan. (:

miss shariffa rocks hardcore man !!!!!!
we spent lyk half the lesson laughing and talking crap.
HAHAHA !!!!!
well,at least i dint gt ms helen tan lyk ZIHUI DID !!!
lol zihui -.-"
how lucky you are.

i kinda regretted being the murderer for the murder trial.
cos during lower sec recess,the sec 1s would walk pass my class and start shouting murderer.
thn i will be lyk HA,HA,HA.

i kept saying i've grown these few days to esther,zihui,dawn and all,
when i HAVENT.
i was just trying to convince myself that im still growing tall.

training's later,
when the sun is super hot and im going to melt.

kenneth says he's going to treat me and sihui.
it was supposed to be today.
but i wasn't free cos he told me 1pm,and the thing is,i've got training at 3.
so too bad.
some other time kenneth (:

went to cousin's house ystd.
accompanied her to her haircut.
she got the same hairstyle as me !!
and we're going to have the same hairstyle for CNY !!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


wow,the camp was great man,so much more fun than primary school camp.
cos there're more ppl. (:
i was lyk shouting all the way throughout the camp,well,surprisingly,i dint lose my voise !!

i guess the night game went on quite okay and no one guessed that i was the murderer.
and everyone started to call me murderer after that -.-"
SHIT !!!!!!
and when the camp ended,mr quek says that im going to be known as the murderer to the sec 1s.
nvm,i made it very clear to them that my name's Ariel.
which was why i kept asking them what's my name during the camp.

my grand finale.
it went on quite well though i thought it aint going to turn out well.
i got seriously frustrated when i was doing the telematch stuff in the field today.
very very sorry to all whom i lose my temper at.

last night was cool.
debrief was at 12.15 and we played this game called 'sardines' cos mr david claims that we all look so bored.
we're not luh.
anw,kenneth is supposed to hide and all of us are supposed to find him.
and the last person who finds him lose.
luckily,i found him.
cos me,tana,wuan ling,sihui and esther poh followed the teachers.
thn it was marco's turn.
i was seriously tired by thn cos it was lyk 1 alrdy.
and of course,after all the hyperness tht we all have to put on the front and all the shouting.
but when marco went off to hide,mr david says it was just a trick and asked us all to bathe and sleep.
bt thn me,darence,jek ee,sihui,tana and esther poh went to look for marco.
see,what good friends we are.
thn we grabbed our stuff from the leader's room and went to the canteen.
cos we planned to sleep in the canteen.
we wanted to sleep in the parade square at first,bt thn decided not to cos there're lots of mosquitoes,according to esther.
yeah,so we talked in the canteen with mr david till lyk 1 plus thn we went to bathe.
slept around 2.30.

woke up at 5.
urgh,i was super tired luh.
cos a sec 1 girl woke up at 4 and waked everyone up.
i seriouly wanted to kill her at that point of time.
but decided not to.
than when i woke up,i saw girls eating biscuits.
which was supposed to be ours -.-"
than morning pt,breakfast,clean up,telematch thn BREAK CAMP !!

urgh,still have to go to school tmr..........

Sunday, January 04, 2009


damn,friendster's like having some freaking virus and almost everyone blames me for sending them some stupid stuff.
for goodness sake,it's not me -.-"
one more complain and im going to delete my friendster account.
i seldom use com nowadays though.

school finally reopened which was not what i really wanted =p
aint as bad as i thought,cos 3/9 rocks.
haha. but,it's kinda noisy.
mr tan was like introducing himself thn i sabo-ed sihui to introduce herself.
bt thn she sabo-ed me after tht. so,i had to introduce myself.
LOL,i dont know what to say. i said crap.
thn it's recess.
went to the hall after tht.
mdm ng was lyk talking and talking when i was half asleep.
seriously damn boring.
thn it's house meeting.
HAHA !! im the vice captain.

after school,
met the 10 actors plus joshua and kenneth lei for filming.
everything ended at around 7 thn i reached home ard 8.30

went for trg just now.
and winston was crapping -.-"

hahaha,going for sec 1 orientation camp tmr.
and im going to miss lessons for 2 days.
dont miss me !!

Thursday, January 01, 2009


haha,im just blogging on the first day of 2009.
well,get prepared for school tmr (:
see ya guys.