Sunday, January 11, 2009


im totally stuck up with homework -.-"
the thing is,i dont understand a single thing the teacher is talking luh.
why do 3/9 get all those weird teachers?
LOL,not all luh.

urgh,i seriously got some problem with ms chung.
we see her everyday except for day 3 and 90% of the classes are 2 hours,1 at the start and the end or before and after recess.
i was almost bored to death on thurs.
cos she's talking about the same thing for half an hour.
she sure knows how to nag man.
she kept scolding and complaining about how noisy my class is and ask us to keep quiet.
please lorh,we're noisy cos we're bored okay.
yeah,jeremy is very noisy all the time.
and i keep shouting at him.
eh,his voice is very irritating can.

plus chemistry,i dont know what mdm norul is talking about.
nvm,i shall ask uncle declan. (:

miss shariffa rocks hardcore man !!!!!!
we spent lyk half the lesson laughing and talking crap.
HAHAHA !!!!!
well,at least i dint gt ms helen tan lyk ZIHUI DID !!!
lol zihui -.-"
how lucky you are.

i kinda regretted being the murderer for the murder trial.
cos during lower sec recess,the sec 1s would walk pass my class and start shouting murderer.
thn i will be lyk HA,HA,HA.

i kept saying i've grown these few days to esther,zihui,dawn and all,
when i HAVENT.
i was just trying to convince myself that im still growing tall.

training's later,
when the sun is super hot and im going to melt.

kenneth says he's going to treat me and sihui.
it was supposed to be today.
but i wasn't free cos he told me 1pm,and the thing is,i've got training at 3.
so too bad.
some other time kenneth (:

went to cousin's house ystd.
accompanied her to her haircut.
she got the same hairstyle as me !!
and we're going to have the same hairstyle for CNY !!


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