Wednesday, January 21, 2009

hey,im BLOGGING !!!
it's like the only day of the 5 school days that i can come home before 4 luh.
hahahaha,super contented.

my left eye is freaking swollen and i look damn funny luh.
SHIT !!!!
im going to kill that freaking mosquito which bit my eye last night.
or it might already be dead by now.
cos mum sprayed baygon into my room alrdy.
and everyone look at me with this weird look wherever i go luh.
wth,stupid mosquito,go die.

i dont really understand why everyone hated ms chung that much.
yeah,i totally agree that her lesson is very very boring.
to the extend that you just feel like asking her to get out of the class and study on your own.
bt other than that,shes okay what.
first time im speaking up for a teacher.
see,what a kind soul (:
&& i finally understood surds.
she made something as simple as 1+1 like 36 x 9985746723.

mdm norul spoiled my day -.-"
she scolded in the first period of the day can !!!!!!!!!
F !!!!!!!!!
just because i dint bring my chem file and for goodness sake,i only got 1 sec 3 ws in the whole of that file luh.
the rest are all sec 2 stuff can.
i hate her hardcore.
yeah,i hate every teacher who scolds me.

poor sihui !!!!!!!
she dint bring home her chem file to study for the test tmr !!!!!!!!

kay,off to do work !!!


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