Tuesday, January 06, 2009


wow,the camp was great man,so much more fun than primary school camp.
cos there're more ppl. (:
i was lyk shouting all the way throughout the camp,well,surprisingly,i dint lose my voise !!

i guess the night game went on quite okay and no one guessed that i was the murderer.
and everyone started to call me murderer after that -.-"
SHIT !!!!!!
and when the camp ended,mr quek says that im going to be known as the murderer to the sec 1s.
nvm,i made it very clear to them that my name's Ariel.
which was why i kept asking them what's my name during the camp.

my grand finale.
it went on quite well though i thought it aint going to turn out well.
i got seriously frustrated when i was doing the telematch stuff in the field today.
very very sorry to all whom i lose my temper at.

last night was cool.
debrief was at 12.15 and we played this game called 'sardines' cos mr david claims that we all look so bored.
we're not luh.
anw,kenneth is supposed to hide and all of us are supposed to find him.
and the last person who finds him lose.
luckily,i found him.
cos me,tana,wuan ling,sihui and esther poh followed the teachers.
thn it was marco's turn.
i was seriously tired by thn cos it was lyk 1 alrdy.
and of course,after all the hyperness tht we all have to put on the front and all the shouting.
but when marco went off to hide,mr david says it was just a trick and asked us all to bathe and sleep.
bt thn me,darence,jek ee,sihui,tana and esther poh went to look for marco.
see,what good friends we are.
thn we grabbed our stuff from the leader's room and went to the canteen.
cos we planned to sleep in the canteen.
we wanted to sleep in the parade square at first,bt thn decided not to cos there're lots of mosquitoes,according to esther.
yeah,so we talked in the canteen with mr david till lyk 1 plus thn we went to bathe.
slept around 2.30.

woke up at 5.
urgh,i was super tired luh.
cos a sec 1 girl woke up at 4 and waked everyone up.
i seriouly wanted to kill her at that point of time.
but decided not to.
than when i woke up,i saw girls eating biscuits.
which was supposed to be ours -.-"
than morning pt,breakfast,clean up,telematch thn BREAK CAMP !!

urgh,still have to go to school tmr..........


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