Thursday, August 28, 2008

hi guys.
im blogging again :D

kay,im super pissed now.for some reason.
urgh,brainless ppl.
freaking angry.

LOL,wdv,let it be.
i shall start.
ystd's school was super slack kay.
1st period's dnt.
mr ng was talking about the portfolio.
er,i got no idea how me and heiwo's gonna complete it.
i have no creativity AT ALL.
than it's english.
triple h asked us to do this compo thingy and expect us to finish before recess.
i mean,not that we cannot finish kay.but the thing is that everytime we try to do our work,she would lyk kp talking to us.
wdv,i ignored her anw.
than it's mt.
continued with the japanese animation.
actually,it's quite nice luhh.
just that i could not find this particular movie in youtube.
so i watched super closely in class.
music,mr lim's lyk mute.
he talked to us using typing.
and he was lyk playing with my name.
than the whole's class' laughing.
lyk wth.
last period's cme.
miss siti wasn't in school.
and no teacher came in can.
so it's lyk free period.
this free period is super boring.
me and weiling were lyk walking around the coridoor.
going to the toilet.
super funny luhh.
after school.
there's rehearsal.
kay,dont talk about that.

today's kinda fast.
1st period's pe.
but it's raining lyk hell.
so,we had to stay in class and do nothing.
but me,wuan ling and hei wo used this one hour to put up the aces day schedule and the pe assignment thing in every single classroom.
it's a tough job kay.
than it's mt.
finished watching the japanese animation.
the ending's abit confusing.
but i figured it out in the end and explained to wuan ling what it means.
basically,it meant that miao zi dint change her old self cos he dislike ppl who are dirty and filthy.
and the uncle that went to into the train with her was dirty.
and he sat in front of her.
in the end,she changed her seat cos of that.
i know it's abit confusing.
it was a busy busy recess.
haha ..
had geog test.
dewey claims that it's easy.
but it's difficult to me.
cos i dint study for it =p
miss chan dint come.
and this look lyk ms yeh tcr came in.
super qian bian can.
i dont lyk her.
last period's maths.
had a hard time surviving.

after school.
went to downtown east for lunch with wuan ling and hei wo.
went to aranda's toilet first.
when hei wo and wuan ling had an interesting encounter with the cockroach.
haha !!!
very funny kay.
than went to macs for lunch
we were lyk talking about the funny things we did when we were in pri school and in kindergarden.
wuan ling and hei wo laughed lyk hell when i told them what i did when i was in childcare.
super stupid can,as in,what i did.

kay,shall end my post.
and i cant wait for aces day okay.
and our dance .
LOL !!


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