Friday, December 05, 2008


yeah,the pics of my new house is finally up.
haha,FINALLY,i know that.
dont mind the TV there. I was watching tv luh okay.
and 1 more pic's not up.
nvm,it shall be up one day. (:

just realised my stomach flu aint recovering yt.
my stomach has been growling the whole day.
shit,damn uncomfortable can.


went out with sihui after choir to buy prom night stuff.
bought my jacket and heels
can you believe it? Ariel's wearing heels on prom night !
and hell ya,it's 3 inch high.
i wonder how i'm gonna walk man.
guess i have to practise it someday.
haha :D


asked sihui to go roller blading with me.
she dint want to.
so,too bad,joel's gonna be the guinea pig and go roller blading with me.
ya,wdv,im evil okay.
he dint accompany me anw,he just went cycling himself there at east coast.
cos he says that i roller blades too slowly -.-"
damn sad can.
ppl run also faster thn me ):
i shall practise it joel.


decided not to go for piano lesn.
cos tcr says she cant make it in the morning and im kinda lazy to go out in the afternoon.
and you know what is the reason tht she cnt make it in the morning?
ans : she wants to go swimming.
eh,tht really pissed me off man.
so i went to tm to look for edwin and sihui to do prom stuff.

(man,i seem to be seeing sihui almost everyday)

went for lunch thn to tanah merah to meet dad,mum and joel.
bt met my bro and sis first.
thn,i was damn pissed after tht
when i reached tanah merah,they asked me to go to expo cos they were there queueing for the racepack for their marathon on sunday.
nvm,but it started to rain when i reached there -.-"
waited for them for lyk 1 hour.
thn went to queensway shopping centre to buy school shoes.
there's this youngster blocking the way there and mum said excuse me.
thn he said "be polite luh"
eh,hello,dint push you away very good alrdy okay.
seriously feel lyk slapping him cn
he was blocking the way first.
wdv,i was super unlucky tht day okay.
i met this bunch of girls thinking they're very big.okay.
i diao-ed them.
yeah,they were not happy
i dont give a damn luh.
i was super irritated at tht point of time and i diao-ed lyk almost everyone in the shopping centre.
wdv,i wasn't in a good mood.


went for choir and went for lunch with huiying and sihui after tht.
thn went for piano.
wl,i seriouly dont lyk to go for piano lesson luh.

kay,dont wanna blog alrdy.
till thn


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