Tuesday, November 25, 2008

hello (:

mr leong called me just now and asked me whether i want to go for OBS.
cos there's an extra 16 slots for our school.
but after much consideration,i decided not to go because the camp's lyk next week and we have to go for medical check up and other stuffs by this week.
ya,so,i dont wanna go.

went for choir this morning.
ya,wdv,im late okay.
bt nvm,it's lyk damn slack luh.

went for lunch with huiying and brenda after that.
we were lyk crapping and thn we saw edward and dylan working at kfc -.-"
feel so weird luh.

went back to school to meet sihui and others for the prom night thing.
but sihui claimed that she's hungry,so i accompanied her to white sands to have her lunch.
kay,went back to school again.
thought we were doing the prom night stuff in school,but we ended up with kenneth leh teaching us some lame stuff.
thn went to white sands library with edwin,sihui,rubez and kenneth leh.
we were lyk crapping about other stuff in the end. =p

gonig shopping with them tmr for my clothing for prom night.
my god,cant imagine how i'll look lyk luh.


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