Monday, November 24, 2008


kay,im feeling damn lazy and totally uncivilised today.
nvm,im just damn pissed with some fucking fucked up ppl.
shit luh dey.


finally went back for trg after 2 weeks of no trg.
ha,got new team mates though.
we played mixed doubles cos it was raining and coach says if we play doubles,we wont have to run so much so,when it's raining,play doubles.
okay,i dont know what kind of logic is that (?)
and im stuck with the same person when we draw lots 2 times.
i got winston -.-"
nvm,at least he covers up me.

joel's shifting in on thurs !!!!!!
yay,i can have some form of entertainment after that.
he's inviting friends over so i can have some free meals (:
no luh.jk.
was crapping with him ystd.
and he kept asking me for my psp when he has his own luh.
and i actually watched a soccer match with dad and him.
omg,i dint believe i could do that.
cos i dont really lyk watching ppl play.

sihui called me lyk 4 times ystd.
heh,sorry,dint answer your call.
but i called her back in the end okay.
yeah,she asked me to be the emcee for prom night which is on 17 dec.
see,im such a kind soul.

carol's got 247 for PSLE and chloe's got 261.
damn clever right.
wth,how i wish i could be that smart luh.
nvm,i shall do well in Os.

i dont know what else to crap about.


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