Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Ariel's posting cos she got nothing to do and hates staying at home :/

ystd's chalet ;

seriously very noisy.

as in,the boys.

there are 14 ppl and theres only four girls -.-"

me,sihui,huiying and yuqian.

and the others - clive,jonathan,shanqian,maoxun,weijie,keith,zhong ming,jarvis,...

cant rmb the others.

and seriously,as compared to them,sihui and huiying and VERY quiet.

ha !!

i dont know why they booked the chalet.

it's lyk they dint make use of it luh.

we played psp,watched tv,eat pizza.

thts all.

bt thn,quite fun luh.

cos they're crapping all the time.

pre camp ;

casuarina's today.

handling pri school kids are more difficult thn i thought.

i wonder how are the others going to handle the 50 frm junyuan tmr.

which is double of today's.

and im nt going.

the thing is,my team is from junyuan !!

hope niki can manage them.

good luck niki !!

see you guys at the camp !!

yay,im shifting house next week.

which is,a week from nw.

next tues (:

excited bt sad.

cos i hv to wake up very early everyday just to reach school on time.

i dont lyk tht.


back to the primary school.

the kids there claimed tht im a caucasian.

?? huh ??

and some of them claimed tht im a teacher

?? huh ??

bt luckily,some of them says tht im too young to be one.

im glad tht they're nt blind till tht extend.

and they kept questioning me.

"are you born in singapore?"

"are you sure you're a singaporean?"

"are you a caucasian?"

"are you a ang moh?"

eh,wdv luh.

what kind of weird questions are these?

fancy them shooting all these at me.


bt they dint ask the right question.

so,they dont know the truth !!

haha !!

too bad lorh.

right question as in the question with the answer inside.


im not into the holiday mood yt.

cos i still have to go to school almost everyday. :/

erm,hope i could gt it soon.

and im bored staying at home.



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