Monday, March 30, 2009

hey guys (:
sorry for not posting for so long. haha.

went for a match at NTU instead of choir last friday =p
urgh,i was trashed,hardcore.
But aint worse than the one against SGCC. Crying for the whole day till coach came to council me the next day when there was training cos dad told him and partly, my eyes looked like goldfish.
LOL. Dont know why, just felt like hugging someone, so hugged sis. Feel so stupid.
Got a match yesterday again against NTUC. Weird. But they got all the japanese people. So when the reported the score, i dont know what they're talking about. Got the score myself anyway.

Have to do the charity thingy this year again. 16 and 17 May,right after MYEs. Urgh, playing the piano for 8 hours, for 2 days -.-" Reluctant. But it's Uncle John you know !!

I am so hating physics. Dont know why i took pure physics in the first place. Maybe i do luh. Because the course with pure biology doesn't offer A maths. But seriously, i am hating physics hardcore !!!! Dont understand a single thing about it. Flung my physics test like shit. MY GOD.

Dad bought a office at 'The Sail', at Raffles Place. And so, he wants me and my brother to go to his office right after school EVERYDAY for homework and stuff. Well, it'll begin in May or June. But, he says that there'll be TV and computers there for us. So, I dont mind (:

Many people around have been feeling really down. Hmm, cheer up and dont think about sad stuffs anymore k. BE HAPPY :D Erm, hope this helps (:

Saturday, March 07, 2009

im blogging,again..

It's saturday and Ariel's super bored -.-"
Not that i've got nothing to do but i dont feel like doing any homework right now.
Aint in the mood to do it.
Piano theory exam is next week and i havent been studying much.
Not going to fail,cos i wanna take my practical this year. Than I'll be a grade 7 (:
Still got tons of ms chung's homework to finish.
hmm :/
Havent been so bored for a very long time.
All the saturdays have been occupied by sports day programmes.
But now,i've got nothing to do on sat.
That's exactly why i hate sats.

my house is currently filled with mosquitos and heat !!!!!!
im gonna spray baygon all around my house later,to kill all of them.
yea,im evil. :D

Cousin flung 4 subjs.
Cheer up yeah (:

Friday, March 06, 2009

hey (:
an update of my life.

ystd's sports day was great.
wanted to do redshirt duties but couldn't cos i've got my races. hmm :/
but nvm,i got 3 MEDALS !!!!!! :D
oh yea,dad came too. He was like sitting in front of the vp and p.
so he approached vp and p to scold them,or rather,confront them,in front of the GOH.

got into nsrcc tennis team,VICE CAPTAIN !!!!!!
match against another club in a week's time.
wish me luck eh (:

today is like the worse day in my freaking life.
SHIT !!!!!!!!
the first time i fail english in my life.
But currently,im going to get more marks for the paper cos the answers to the question or vice versa is super ridiculous.
The answer actually has answers that isn't asked in the question luh.

assembly's super boring today.
yeah,i was like sleeping throughout.
and the people from the lower sec are like damn noisy luh.
was scolding them.
super irritating.

mum and dad went on cruise today,without bringing me along -.-"
nvm,have got tests next week.
got to study hard for it (: