Thursday, August 28, 2008

hi guys.
im blogging again :D

kay,im super pissed now.for some reason.
urgh,brainless ppl.
freaking angry.

LOL,wdv,let it be.
i shall start.
ystd's school was super slack kay.
1st period's dnt.
mr ng was talking about the portfolio.
er,i got no idea how me and heiwo's gonna complete it.
i have no creativity AT ALL.
than it's english.
triple h asked us to do this compo thingy and expect us to finish before recess.
i mean,not that we cannot finish kay.but the thing is that everytime we try to do our work,she would lyk kp talking to us.
wdv,i ignored her anw.
than it's mt.
continued with the japanese animation.
actually,it's quite nice luhh.
just that i could not find this particular movie in youtube.
so i watched super closely in class.
music,mr lim's lyk mute.
he talked to us using typing.
and he was lyk playing with my name.
than the whole's class' laughing.
lyk wth.
last period's cme.
miss siti wasn't in school.
and no teacher came in can.
so it's lyk free period.
this free period is super boring.
me and weiling were lyk walking around the coridoor.
going to the toilet.
super funny luhh.
after school.
there's rehearsal.
kay,dont talk about that.

today's kinda fast.
1st period's pe.
but it's raining lyk hell.
so,we had to stay in class and do nothing.
but me,wuan ling and hei wo used this one hour to put up the aces day schedule and the pe assignment thing in every single classroom.
it's a tough job kay.
than it's mt.
finished watching the japanese animation.
the ending's abit confusing.
but i figured it out in the end and explained to wuan ling what it means.
basically,it meant that miao zi dint change her old self cos he dislike ppl who are dirty and filthy.
and the uncle that went to into the train with her was dirty.
and he sat in front of her.
in the end,she changed her seat cos of that.
i know it's abit confusing.
it was a busy busy recess.
haha ..
had geog test.
dewey claims that it's easy.
but it's difficult to me.
cos i dint study for it =p
miss chan dint come.
and this look lyk ms yeh tcr came in.
super qian bian can.
i dont lyk her.
last period's maths.
had a hard time surviving.

after school.
went to downtown east for lunch with wuan ling and hei wo.
went to aranda's toilet first.
when hei wo and wuan ling had an interesting encounter with the cockroach.
haha !!!
very funny kay.
than went to macs for lunch
we were lyk talking about the funny things we did when we were in pri school and in kindergarden.
wuan ling and hei wo laughed lyk hell when i told them what i did when i was in childcare.
super stupid can,as in,what i did.

kay,shall end my post.
and i cant wait for aces day okay.
and our dance .
LOL !!

Monday, August 25, 2008

big big hello to the ppl who can read my blog !!!!!

ystd was lyk okay .
hello,i woke up at 4.30am ystd.
my run thingy starts at 7.30.
cos mum and dad is the running the 21 km thing so i had to wake up at the same time i wake up.
nvm,i dint go for tennis ystd anw.
oh yea,just received a msg from coach saying that there would be a match against i dont know whr this saturday.
but the thing is,i wanna go for my bbq !!
it's okay,the bbq ends at midnight (:
well,only me,huiling,minyi and ching thong is going for the match.
good luck to all !!!
kay,basically,i was lyk sleeping the whole day after i got back from my run.
freaking tired kay.
than he says im pig.
LOL,he than pig,i dont care =p
olympics are over,lyk super fast can.
grandma's is so going to have after olympic blues.
cos shes lyk watching every single sport of olympics during the olympic days.
that includes soccer,handball,water polo,taekwando,tennis,fencing,swimming,table tennis and etc.
haha ..
it's lyk everything luhh.
such an olympic fan *applaudes*

school's super slack today can.
dad sent me to school.
it's lyk i dont wanna go to school kay.
but i still went.
lyk some parkinson disease.
i finally finished my chinese compo before assembly. YAY !!
kay,it was supposed to be passed up last week.
nvm,i dont care anw.
it's lyk my chinese results dropped lyk hell this year okay.
i would so prefer li lao shi.
she rawks man.
ms ng wasnt in school tdy.i dont know why.
1st period's mt.
i thought yao lao shi gonna be mad today.but she wasnt.
cos many ppl dint pass up the compo.
than she showed us this japan animation.
i dont really understand luhh.
planned to watch it on youtube anw.
than it's lit
continued watching "10 things i hate about you"
patrick is SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR sweet to kat okay.
MY GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha ..
next's maths.
me and zihui were lyk crapping.
in case she claims that i dont =p
last period's art
but mdm lina's not here.
i noticed something.
everytime i do her work,she would not be in school.
but when i dont do her work,she would always be in school.
i shall always do her work then,in that case :/
so me,zihui and weiling crapped for the whole lesson. :D

some redshirt dance thingy after school.
not many ppl turned up.
so we practised for a while,than me,heiwo and wuan ling went home.
wuan ling went to take train.
so me and heiwo walked home.
we took the 'leg bus' or 'bus 11'
nice joke,heiwo.
met ey at the interchange.
so i made her walk back with us by helping her carry her books.
haha !!
super heavy can.
nvm,im a nice person =p
so we chatted along the way that we missed lots of traffic light.

so,nth else.
BYE (:

Saturday, August 23, 2008

the second saturday without ndp.
gosh,i seriously found out that i SERIOUSLY got nothing to do when theres no more NDP.
lyk LMAO.
kay,i gonna find some programmes for the saturdays of my life from nw on.
well,i found my programmes for next saturday.
i gt social etiquette class by mr leong in the morning and bbq with my friend from the afternoon to midnight.
cool huh.the whole saturday's gonna be so fun man.

the redshirt's are finally done with our teacher's day performance.
it's so going to rock the whole school okay.
with the ppl that others dint expect to dance.
lyk MARCO.
he dance in a really weird way.
with to sense of rhythm at all -.-"
lyk i said,im the guy.
it's lyk so cool.
i tried the costume that im gonna wear for the performance.
i look so lyk a man okay.
so i told the rest of the redshirts that i should be a man instead of a girl.
haha !!
seriously,i look VERY VERY man.
watch out for me :D

i got my congruence and similarity test back.
i gt 27/36
pls luh,if i wrote the reasons,i could have got full marks.
im lyk so angry luh

im lyk super grumpy today.
i was scolding ppl for the whole day.
i dont know,everything just went wrong today.
especially that it is raining for the whole day today.
my god,i hate rainy days.can i just have that lil' bit of sunlight ??
haha .
if i can control the weather,it would either be sunny of snowy (:
rofl,it could never happen.

kay,i dont know what to write alrdy.
i dont know how some ppl post super duper long posts.
maybe i could do that last time.
but not now.
im lazy =p

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

hiie people.
cos i dont want some ppl to read it.
so irritating.

im performing for teacher's day man.
my partner is genevieve :D
well,it's a secret as to what we're performing.
actually it's quite obvious right.
lyk DUR.

the good news today is that miss kang did not come today !!
so for tdy's chemistry lesson,we just did her kinetic particle theory test.
was quite tough.
i gonna fail it man.
i so dont know what to write at all kay.

stars lesson is lyk super slack tdy.
we went to com lab 2 and me and wuan ling were lyk chatting and chatting and chatting.
than rong fu and his friends came -.-"
he just happened to be there.
than his friend started singing some sick songs outside the com lab.
and i was laughing lyk some madwoman.
i heard him cos i was sitting by the window.

kay.i seriously dont know what to post tdy
so yeah,bye (:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

trisha ;; me  BestOfFriends

yeahh,thats my super bestfriend (:
taken when we organised brownies and scouts camp this year.
tiring process.
but fun :D back blogging after choir.
dad asked me about the bus fare nowadays.
i was lyk 45 cents.
so he said,"so $9 for 10 days huh ? "
i was lyk YEAH.
the most irritating thing is that,he told me that if he were me,he would to school and from school everyday -.-"
urgh !!
thought he was increasing my allowance.
but NO.

know what ??
i running for my house for aces day.
haha !!

choir was super super slacky tdy.
miss chan was helping everyone with their support and gags.
and me,dawn,huiying,brenda and esther happen to be the first few :D
so we just talked and talked and talked about many many things for 1hr plus.
the funny thing is that we were talking about things that we were never expecting oursleves to be talking about.
haha ..
lots of emotional changes.
from very funny to freaking pissed.
kay,the FREAKING PISSED is only for me and huiying.
ARGH !!!
nvm.forget about that.i dont wanna make anyone hate me which dosent do me any good.
well,i shall say it in future :/

DNT tdy was the bestest of the bestest lesn today :D
had 1hr of theory than 1hr of practical.
weilin had this artifact that she painted which mr ng described as BLOODY.
haha !!
cos it's lyk RED and it's super wet.

mr ho scolded zhong ming tdy and the class was lyk unhappy ????
i dont really know what happened but i heard that he even scolded zhong ming's parents
unsolved mystery.
learnt it from 10 THING I HATE ABOUT HIM.

something really interesting happened last week.
zhong ming was late for school and was sent home.
guess what ?
he actually slept at the playground opp. school.
and theres this public who called the school and said that one of the coral students is sleeping at the playground.
and ms ng says that this is the biggest joke of the day.
the thing is that he went home after that and watched movie.
i can never react this way.

im having the 10km race this sunday.
must support me yeah !!!
super nervous :S
but dad and mum is running the half marathon.
so,all the best.

tmr's a long day.
hate that day.
er,day 3 and day 4,to be specific.
nvm.everyone's undergoing that.
haha .

Monday, August 18, 2008


hiiii !!!!!!!!!!!
im back blogging.
after i dont know how long ????

guess everyone watched the olympic's table tennis finals ystd huh.
er,not everyone luhh.
only ppl lyk ME hu is so supportive
haha ..
no luhh.
i was super engrossed watching that match okay.
well,singapore was thrashed by china,in a way.
but at least they got silver.
better than nothing.
haha ..
the thing is, HELLO,THEY GET 750K FOR THIS OKAY !!
it's money man.
i can do so much shopping with that okay ..
heh heh =p

i was super duper pissed during ystd's trg man.
it was raining lyk mad and we had to play on.
i was totally wet.
the worse thing is,the grip of my racket couldn't get dry and the racket flew off my hand lyk dont know how many times okay.
make me lose lyk hell ystd
i've been really vulgar lately.
haha ..
just treat it as i say hello to you if i say that to you.
it just comes out of my mouth lyk so naturally.
will stop that,i promise.

lesns today are okay ..
first lesson was maths.
mr cheang went for some meeting.
so,there was lyk no teacher in our class :D
the thing is,he gave us work that we had to complete by recess D:
i dint finish.
well,there are 13 questions.
i finished 12.
everyone was lyk chiong-ing their work.
haha !!!!!!


than it was chinese.
it was in com lab 4.
aint that bad after all. (:

than it's lit.
i failed my lit test.
i got 9/25.
u will see a different result in the EOYs :D

last period's geography.
i dont know what happened to me but i actually listened to mr tan's lesn.
it's a good thing ryte ??
haha ...

there is subject selling day thingy after lesns end.
super boring kay.
i was rotting in the auditorium.
urgh !!!

than went home with florance and hei wo.
we were talking about some NC16 stuff.
not that one okay !!!
some other things.
super fuuny !!!
haha !!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

hiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!
im blogging because of ZIHUI
zihui,be real honoured :D

school was lyk normal.
except for some funny funny things that happened.
ouh ya,pictures.
next week kay.
i havent finish uploading the photos yet.
i've gt 114 of them
i gonna spend the whole day uploading them man.

ystd's school was super duper great kay.
1st period's dnt.
yeah,i aint that good at dnt yet.
but,it's fun having all those weird things that happen to me than happen to others.
2nd period's eng.
helen tan's super pissed.
but i dont care.
TOO BAD !!!!!
eudora and esther's not in school.
feel so weird without them kay !!!!!!
love them man.
er,than it's mt.
yao lao shi's mood super great.
joked and joked and joked.
thanks to me can !!!!
haha !!
no luhh.
than it's music.
mr lim went for reservice.
so hes not gonna be in school for the whole week i guess.
so basically,it's a free period :D
than it's cme.
did some survey thingy.
we paid for that okay.
well,im slacking for the whole day can.
hohoho !!
miss kang made me stay back cos i dint do 1 bloody graph !!
but at least i managed to finish her work in time (:

next was the run for aces day.
the distance aint 5km anymore.
it's more of 4km.
specifically,it's 4.081 km.

helen tan seriously spoilt my day man.
early in the morning during assembly,she spoke to me.
i looked at her face and i kept laughing.
than she asked me why i am laughing.
i was lyk NOTHING !!!
okay,she beat around the bush just to tell me not to talk to much to dewey -.-"
1st period's pe,
played with sihui,wynn,avril,amanda and yuqian.
next was mt.
kay luhh.
not too bad (:
recess is weird without dawn and eudora !!
and dawn,GET WELL SOON !!
than it was geog.
mr tan wasnt here.
so i was listening to music and talking the whole lesn (:
next was bio.
time was seriously fast man.
i dont know why
last lesn was maths.
had maths test.
wasnt that bad.
hope i get high marks (:

than i had piano lesn.
cousin wanted me to go to phillipines with her during the december holidays
i dont know ??

lastly,i just found out something seriously SHOCKING !!
im mixed.
can you believe it ??
im chinese-indonesian-caucasian.
LOL !!!
well,it makes no difference in my life.

BYE !!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

hello (:

happy ndp.
i was trying to blog before 12 but was busy doing the pics..
so too bad.
haha ..
ermm,sth happened while i was doing the pics.
so next week yeahh.
cos i gt hundreds of photos..

er,ndp was super fun.
i was on tv if you managed to spot me.
LOL !!
we went to the holding at the singapore flyers,the greek theatre.
than the hosts and the chairman EXCO came and spoke to us.
well,it's just the chairman EXCO luhh.
the hosts just came here to take pics with us.
than me,joee and amanda saw adrian pang and we were lyk ,"tou ke duan,tou fa bu ke luan !! "
than he's lyk ,"bu yao gen ni men jiang hua"
than he diao us.
playing only luhh.
than we joked around with him lorh.
haha ..

than we went on stage.
went to the carpark for our dinner.
which is,KFC.
which is so much better than our lunch okay.
the lunch is just some crap.
anw,i dint eat lunch luhh.
i was busy taking photos with everyone !!

went back on stage for grand finale.
fun man !!
i was crying lyk mad.
dont care bout that.
the tears just came down lyk some uncontrollable tap.
than we played water .
and i was drenched.
everyone was luhh.
especially jin hau and ron.
ron was lyk running around with an umbrella.
haha !!
funny can..
than jin hau was trying to attack the ones who attacked him.
which is why im wet.

than the audiences started to came up on stage and joined in the fun.
but the choir are lyk the only ones playing with water.
as long as it's fun.

everything's over.
have to concentrate back on studies.
sad man.
er,the photos are kept with me.
that's why 'ystd's a history,tmr's a mystery and tdy's a gift.thats why it's present."
no link ??
find the link yourself.
haha ..
it has a link okay.
im lyk answering my own ques -.-"


Monday, August 04, 2008

i left my phone on my dad's car and he dint wanna give it back to me.
argh !!!!
im craving for my phone.
and he's not back home yet !!!!
to those who msg or called me,please understand.
i seriously dont know how i survived without my phone tdy...

last sat's ndp.
cool man.
everything went on seriously well.
and super fun man !!!!
shall upload the photos another time since my phone aint here with me.
it's with my dad -.-"
dont worry,chill,he'll not look at my messages.
im lyk talking to myself.
i dont want ndp'08 to come.....
all the fun's gonna end.
nvm.there is an end to everything.

im super duper tired
so i just dragged myself to training.
takes lots of will power huh.
haha ..
i got 3rd.
not bad ehs.
1st is minyi.
2nd is ching thong
3rd is me.
4th is hui ling
5th is douglas.
6th is yiming.
7th is chloe.
8th is bryan.
theres lyk 8 ppl in my team nw.
super crowded at the court.
well,actually theres ten.
plus kimberly,cos she went for her "O" levels.
and minyi's sis,i dont know where she went.
just super tired.

tdy's kinda boring.
i was lyk half asleep in class.
1st period's maths.
i dint do mr cheang's hw.
i dint dare to look at him =p
than mt.
mt's lyk the best lesn tdy.
cos we were lyk playing games.
than lit.
lit's is lyk okay luhh.
cos im lyk writting all the time.
than geog.
it's the worst lesn in the world man.
it's super super super super super super super super super super super boring !!!!
almost died from it.
or worse still,i dint have my phone with me !!!!!
than had level wide lit test.
guess i gonna fail it.
i seriously dont know what to write.
emo-ed for 1st half.
i cried if anyone noticed.
haha ..
hope no one notice luhh.
anw,thanks ya.
my,tingyin,amanda and joee had a new cheer.
not gonna tell you !!
nation's top secret.
haha !!