Wednesday, April 30, 2008

im lyk postin once a week.
haha XD
try to post more luhh.

i finally cn go to school late for this once....
monday was kinda borin luhh..
so only rmb tt i went hme right after school
super guaii huhs.

tues are always super slack.
last lesns of hme econs.
bt this was super fun
the hme econs rm kinda became the playground for us.
we watched cats and dog for that pathetic 35 mins....
dint finish the movie.
luckily i finished art using 5 hours.
my longest record..
mt was last.
went through the ws that i dint do =p
yao lao shi dint scold
went hme after that with esther yap,brenda,rong fu nn zheng zong.
zheng zong;;my new friend.
i was lyk some madwoman laughin lyk hell at the bus interchange.
guess many ppl were looking at me. =p
so ps...
went hme,changed,than went to meet eudora nn wuan ling to 'study'
rong fu nn zheng zong went along so,yea,we dint study at all
we crapped lyk hell.
than zheng zong asked me why im always left behind by eudora nn wuan ling
thats the way ppl.
i dno wth im talkin about.
we play play play play play play play lyk some kids.
yeah,we've gt deprived childhood.
went for lunch at macs.
i dint eat luhh.
cos i was too full.
rong fu kp making me laugh.
than we jus play play play play play play play again.
than dinner at food court.
i was lyk the only person who ate.
eudora nn wuan ling ate FRUITS.
so ps ehs.
went hme after that.
rong fu took same bus as me.
i suddenly know so many things.
yea,reached hme at 8 plus.

1st period was physics.
k luhh.
played truth or dare with marco,nichol,dewey nn roy.
suddenly know so many things.
2nd period was eng.
helen tan scolded us lyk some stupid hell...
me nn kaster were lyk super duper happy cn..
miss ho took us.
and shes 19 okay.
ouh my gosh.
watched coach carter at ava.
dint finish it.
bt we watched the endin
it was super nice.
i wanna watch it again!!
after school went ehub with esther,brenda,huiying,zihui nn rong fu.
ate superdog.
than esther nn brenda went hme.
than zihui went off.
left me,huiying nn rong fu.
we went to downtown east.walked up nn down for i dno hw long.
than went to the townpark
we played playground!!!
i dint play it for lyk decades.
played swing,nn see-sae with huiying nn rong fu.
we made rong fu sing.
and he sang (:
played till 5.40 than we went hme.
ya.lidat lorh.
goin to uncle john's hse ltr..
for the charity golf performance tingy -.-"
i dun wanna go.i wanna slp.
super duper tired.......

Thursday, April 24, 2008

YOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! super hyper today.
i dno why.
haha XD
see the pic???
i noe this is kinda late bt yea..better late than never yeahhs??
kk.tts my performance at huh.

as per normal wednesday.
dewey still irritating me.
wth -.-"
after skul there's some briefin for sec 2 camp.
im goin fer ubin challenge!!!
went hme than went out again to meet darlings fer lunch
ate bk
crapped with eudora,wuan ling,esther,brenda nn zihui.
than i told them about rong fu's request fer hs b'dae present.
so went to lyk search fer hs present.
dint noe what to buy fer him so called hm and asked hm what he wanted.
he dint understand us.
bt the thing is,he heard what we said as "ariel yi kuai" [ariel one dollar]
than esther told hm that im nt onli one dollar.
im priceless!!!
heh heh :D
love you laogong!!!
reached hme at bout 5.
rong fu called me again.
kinda 'argued' with hm for half an hr.
he gna hv hs blood vessels bursted one day.
haha XD

today was lyk okay luhh...
first period was eng.
super duper borin
2nd was chem
i dno why bt i love chem.
than cme.
zihui found out sth.
heh heh :D
crapped with kaster,wuan ling,zihui nn crystal.
so super fun.
same same
jus that marco was super noisy.
last period was maths.
was half at least i gt listen okay.

went fer piano after skul.
tcr was late as per normal.
talk to cousin.
she lost her calculator.
find it bck soon yeahh!!!! super suay.everytime i go fer piano lesn,it will surely rain......

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

hiie hiie hiie(:
been tagged to do this quiz by dawn.
oh well,since i've gt nth to do.i shall do it
erm,actualli i hv cheang's hw.jus dun feel lyk doin it currently.
haha XD

name 13 friends you can think of right now :

3.wuan ling
5.esther yap
10.rong fu (?)
12.jek ee
13.min yi

How did you meet 10??? ('s rong fu)
-erm.through gary.he comes to 1/5 almost everyday last yr.don't wanna know also will know -.-"

What would you do if you had never met 1??? (my beloved auntie yeow huiying!!)
-i will go crazy.there will be a total silence and no laughter.there will be no1 for me to ask her to be more gentle.

What would you do if 6 & 2 dated??? (brenda and dawn)
-are you sure!!!!!!????? i can use my life to tell you that they are nt LESBO!!!

Do you think 10 is cute??? (rong fu)
-urgh!!totalli not.more of irritating.i have to correct his english all the time when he tells me how gd is hs eng. -.-"

How did you get to know 8??? (kaster!!!)
-through band last we din realli tok.until we are in the same class this yr (:
and started calling helen tan bulldog together!! aha ;D

Would you ever go on a date with number 12??? (jek ee)
-errrrrrr....nt a date.friends low possibility.with more ppl i guess.

What colour is seven to you??? (eudora ;D)
-pink.bcos shes CUTE!!!!

What would you do if 6 confessed that he/she loves you??? (brenda ;D)
-she would not do that last nw,YES.she loves me.haha XD and i love her too!!

Facts about 9 : (weilin)
-shes my laopo (:
-shes crazy
-shes xiao zha bor
-shes noisy
-she loves to sing and dance
-she sometimes emo =p

Who is 4 going out with??? (zihui)
-i don't know??jessie or some upp sec ppl i think. =p

Who is 5 to you??? (esther yap ;D)
-shes my laogong!!!and i love her super duper loads!!<3

Would you ever live with 13??? (min yi ;D)
-YES!!!and we would play tennis everyday!!!

What's the best thing about 13??? (min yi ;D)
-she would always let me serve first =p

What's the best thing about 8??? (kaster ;D)
-she talks alot and makes me laugh lyk hahahahahahahahaha.

What do you like about 11??? (trisha ;D)
-shes my no 1 best friend and shes super super super kind!!!

Memory with 7??? (eudora ;D)
-shes my first friend in secondary school. (:

kay.shall post.

i cn swear that nth happened on this day.
i basically stayed at hme fer the whole day watchin tv...... -.-"

did nt go fer warm up cos im kinda lazy. =p
so went fer trg earlier.
played with winston nn jenson
lost to jenson. urgh
lost to winston.
bt in the end i won winston 3-1
hahahahahahaha XD
than ended trg at bout 5.
met nicklaus.
sry.dint tok to u cos i went to look fer my dad.
my mum's dehydrated.
the drinks are all with my dad so i gna be the maid.
heh heh :D

exam time.
papers are all quite okay.
bt kinda scared fer chi.
i went blank nn din noe what to write.
after school's there's oral.
my tester's watermelon.
the oral is super badly organised okay.
than went hme.
dad told me that i hv to perform at nsrcc fer charity golf.nn he promised the person in charge alrdy.
i had to perform my PIANO.
IN THE DECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stupid stupid stupid.
dun go to nsrcc durin charity golf...........

lesn's totalli borin.
well,at least i listened right....
in class :
dewey kept stretchin nn he's always lyk 'goin to touch me'
haha XD
last period was history.
went to com lab 4.
cos projector wasn workin out fer helen tan in class.
than in the lab,kaster started tellin me that helen tan looks lyk bull dog.
than me,weilin,wuan ling nn kaster laughed lyk hell.
expected.that helen tan kp diao us.
after skul.
met rong fu. -.-"
he said he dint want the lunch anymore.
he wanted a b'dae present in exchange.
nw i owe hm a present.
he treated me,dawn,huiying to bubble tea.
i wont thank you.
cos i still hv to gv you ure present.
he took the same freakin bus as me nn he make me laugh lyk some mad woman in the bus.

Friday, April 18, 2008

back-here-once-again totalli obsessed with dancing nw.
nn i guess i speak with some kinda english slang
thanks to eden
well,at least it improves my english.
haha XD

last day of dance lesson ends.
which is totalli saded.
i was the 16 out of 44 to be in the dancing dvd!!!
yishun sec was so sour nn smells like vinegar ystd
i was lyk whoo!!! shiok!!
than when me,eunice nn julie went to toilet to prepare our hair for the video,tt fucking ghost;xiao bai lian walked past me lyk the road is her ah gong wan.
not happy than say luhh.
who scared of you.
i know ure jealous for not being choosen.
so sad.
no1's gonna pity you,flirto.....
u totalli suck.
u think ure pretty when ure not.
pls luhh.
wake up from ure dreams.
lyk what joee said,i suddenly feel that my grandmother is so beautiful cn.
cau ah lian.

back to school after 4 days.
feel kinda weird
bt i was super happy when i see my darlings once again.
nn sori ppl,i wasn in good mood today,i dno yea,im realli realli sory.....
tell ya some good news.
im in red shirts!!!
super duper happy.
heard that rong fu misses me
haha XD
mayb no1 makes hm laugh.
bt too bad.
i don't realli miss you.
i noe im evil.rawr!!!
1st period was pe.
helped out in the 2.4
super cool.
me nn wuan ling sat at the bus stop nn encouraged 2/1 nn some 2/10 ppl.
well,mr leong says that there is nth wrong with sitting
2nd period was physics.
very slack.
cos miss hew said that we finished the syllabus for MYEs.
so good lorh.
than recess than eng.
very slack oso
i dno why.
bt super borin
roger lost his wallet.
than mr ng came in to do spotcheck on every1
wth -.-"
ouh ya.
after recess when we were walkin back to class.
zhong ming told me this in mandarin.
where did you go this four days??im very worried you noe.
i was lyk LOL
than zihui told me this.
zihui(Z),zhong ming(ZM)
this happened durin the four days
my books dropped on the floor nn zhong ming picked them up

Z:why you pick up??later the boys will also make drop wan right
ZM:aiyo,very bad leh.she never come alrdy still make her books drop....

i was lyk stunned when zihui told me this.
than zihui asked me,if it's kenneth lim nn zhong ming,hu would i choose.
i told her that i rather die.
no offence though =p
than it was assembly
it was supposed to be maths but it's prefect's investiture today.
so upp sec nn lower sec has combined assembly.
rubez stepped down nn shuting is the new head prefect
all the sec 3s dun lyk her nn joee nn tingyin told me why.
i was lyk OKAY......

after school went fer oral.
it was quite okay.
lucky my slang dint come out.
or i'll die
haha XD
than went fer dance
super fun
many ppl joined us.
&& dawn,i hope u got the S-I-N-G-A-P-O-R-E part
than went home with tingyin.
she finally won the 'gang fight' with me once.
bt i won her again when we got off the bus.
haha XD

i guess tts fer all(:
bye ppl

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

hiie peepos.
bloggin once again after one week and three days
just finding some new way of starting my post.

kk.bloggin bcos of esther.
shes pesterin me.
well,i guess esther misses me too much.
plus eudora

this week is super fun man.
joee,amanda,huiying nn ting yin rawks man.
tell ya guys some secret.
we quarelled with yishun sec ppl
stupid fuckin bitch ghostly ice qi en.
frm yishun sec
shall visit her in her skul when im free.
bitch sia.

than lunch in super duper great.
monday is kfc
tuesday is pizzahut
today is kfc again
cos it's sponsored.
so yea.lidat lorh.

learned braek dance frm edan
this year's national day we gna hv break dance.
look out ppl!!!!

okay.kinda lazy
so shall stop here.
bye (:

miss all my darlings!!

Monday, April 07, 2008

super duper active in bloggin.

skul lyk super slack 2dae.
bt totalli spoilt my monday cos we hv to go to skul early even though there wasn ant red shirt tingy today. -.-"
fer some international friendship wk ting.
some performance.
kinda lame bt well,at least we laughed(?)
i was lyk sleepin in the hall.
half asleep,to be exact.

1st period was art.
mdm lina din come
so miss lee took over.
bt i spent my time doin the chemistry tingy luhh.
sry zihui,dint mean to lose my temper at you.
plus zhiyu nn all tt i lost my temper very very very sry.

we had to asemble at the parade square after recess.
dhen i was beside zhong ming.
he suddenly said HEY THERE
i was lyk huh??????????
dhen he asked me 'why today u so shang xin??'
okay.thanks zhong ming fer nxt time use another method okay.

dhen mt.
my turn to present my oral speech.
k luhh.
wasn scary.
bt i admit my content was kinda funny.
aft tt there's this tu ji ce yan.
it's lyk weird.
ask us bout our fren tingy??????

ouh.stars lesn was great.
me,wuan ling,nina nn kaster was lyk usin the internet.
sry mr osman,we abbused ure trust =p

we walked the 'long' way up to class.
bt no use.
we onli took 10 mins -.-"
in the end,we had this stupid compre test.

tmr's chinese gna be fun.
we gna hv some TEA lesn at the auditorium (:

Sunday, April 06, 2008

jus to sisters.
never never never never never never never never never never fall apart.

okay.long long time since i last post.
firstly,cos im freakin busy.
secondly,we're preparin fer performance nxt sat at causeway point there.
thirdly,i gt some fookin virus in my com.urgh.hate the hell invented virus???stupid hell.

erm.dun wanna be so long winded so,yea,shall post since thurs okay.

lol.skul was the eng was very funny.
it was zhong ming's turn to present.haha XD
listenin to the name will make me laugh lyk hell lots.
he says tt his favourite activity is to play online games.
the moment he step into the hse he will turn on the com nn start to play.
we were nt laughin bcos of hs content.
bt bcos of the way he speaks
especially the first part whr he introduces himself.

dhen went fer piano lesn.
piano tcr was late as per normal.crapped wif carol.
we were tokin bout roy.
sory roy!!!
scales,sight readin then pieces.
found out tt my fingers weren't long enough to play the last notes of the last beat in the last bar in the piece.
urgh!!!so gona change another piece.
cnt jus gv water meh?????!!!! -.-"
k.went hme at 6 plus.
bt bcos of the freakin rain,i was stuck fer lyk half an hr.
nn i missed 4 buses!!!
fook fook fook fook fook!!!
in the end,i rched hme at 8.
urgh.suayest day of my life......

whole skul's gt spotcheck.
lucky my class dint kenna anyting.
so it went into our pe lesn once again.
freak man.
pe's was okay.
sec 2 red shirt's got to take 2.4 napfa test.cos nxt wk we gna hlp.
cool huh.
timin was horrible.
dhen it was physics.
ms hew asked us to do this ws on energy.
bt we dint finish cos we were tokin lyk i dno wad.
dhen eng.
stupid helen tan.any hw scold ppl
dhen maths.
k luhh,
isn tt borin.
bt zhong ming went to spray deodorant in hs own mouth.
stupid sia,
he went to take some paper in the middle of the newspapers which is very dirty to wipe hs tongue.
hw stupid cn he gt????
haha XD
dhen newspaper collection.
amanda went to kick the box of newpapers down the stairs cos it was super duper heavy.
guess wad.the whole staircase was filled wif newspapers -.-"
so me,dawn nn her had to pick it all up.
went hme at 5.

went out at 11 plus to meet dawn fer lunch dhen went to skul.
we actualli wanted to ask mrs chee to gt umbrella to ws nn walk us bck to skul.
bt hu noes tt the rain stopped the moment we fnish eatin nn the rain came again when we rched skul.
super lucky ehs.
dhen mrs chee treated the whole choir for macdonalds!!!!
thanks mrs chee!!!!!
dhen went hme,dhen went to ws again fer dinner -.-"
diao huh.

trg's ltr.
freakin tired.................